
Dead-ammonite bounce死鹦鹉螺化石反弹

Dead-ammonite bounce

Life recovered from its worst extinction much faster than previously realized

Jul 5th 2010

THE dinosaurs went out with a bang. Most paleontologists agree that those creatures and much of the rest of Mesozoic life ended when the Earth collided with an asteroid or a comet 65m years ago. But the Mesozoic, too, began with a mass extinction. Some 251m years ago, the effluvia of Siberian volcanoes wiped out 95% of life in the seas, and almost as much on the land, in an episode known as the Great Dying. This was the end of the Permian period, and of the era of life called the Paleozoic. The survivors regrouped, re-evolved and turned into the Mesozoic species that led eventually to the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ammonites and belemnites that generations of fossil hunters are familiar with.

随着一声巨响恐龙灭绝了。大多数古生物学家同意那些生物和剩下大部分的中生代生物都是在六千五百万年前地球和一颗小行星或者彗星相撞时灭绝。但是,中生代也是以一次大规模的物种灭绝开始的。大约两亿五千一百万年前,在大灭绝时期,西伯利亚火山的废渣歼灭了95%的海洋生物,陆地上也是差不多情形。这就是二叠纪以及整个古生代的终结。幸存者重新组合,重新进化,变成了中生代物种,并且最终变成了几代寻觅化石者熟悉的恐龙,翼龙,鹦鹉螺化石 和箭石 。

How that regrouping happened will be the topic of a presentation by Hugo Bucher, the director of the Palaeontological Institute at the University of Zurich, at the Third International Paleontological Congress in London on July 3rd. According to Dr Bucher, it occurred faster than anyone had previously thought, but also stuttered on the way as the volcanic activity waxed and waned.


Until now, paleontologists have thought the recovery took tens of millions of years―a reflection either of the profundity of the Great Dying or of the toxic desert planet that the eruptions created. But that opinion was based on shaky data. Most rock sequences that straddle the end of the Permian are either incomplete or hard to date. Dr Bucher, however, has had the benefit of looking at a set of strata in southern China that were, until recently, off limits to foreign scientists.


These rocks consist of fossil-rich layers containing rapidly evolving marine organisms such as ammonites, interleaved with layers of volcanic ash. The ash contains minerals such as zircon that can be dated precisely from the radioactive decay of some of their components.


The result is 50 reliable time-points in a section that spans 10m years. Previously, the only dateable layers were from the moment the Permian ended and from a subsequent volcanic event some 14m years later. The ages of rocks between these two were little more than guesswork.


Dr Bucher's studies of the Chinese sections indicate two things. First, that there was not one mass extinction at the end of the Permian, but several. Second, the time the recovery took has been greatly overestimated. He says that species such as ammonites and conodonts (primitive eel-like creatures with teeth) had recovered within 1m years of the initial extinction. Another, smaller episode of volcanism 2m years later, which once again heated the planet and turned the seas acid, hammered life again―and again it recovered quickly.


Only two of 15 ammonite families survived this second extinction, says Dr Bucher, but within a million years those two had speciated into 15, and ammonites had regained their former diversity. There also seems to have been a third episode of environmental disruption before conditions stabilised, around 6m years after the initial extinction, and life was left in peace to reconstruct complex ecosystems of the sort that had existed before. Over the next 4m years, habitats that the extinction had eradicated―reefs in the sea and forests on land―re-established themselves, albeit with entirely novel species. To quote Voltaire, then, "Le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres."


