
[2010.07.01]A management cult in Japan 日本的管理学热 - 商业 Business - 经济学人中文网 经济学人|经济学家 - Powered by Discuz!

[2010.07.01]A management cult in Japan 日本的管理学热

A management cult in Japan

Drucker in the dug-out

A Japanese book about Peter Drucker and baseball is an unlikely hit

Jul 1st 2010 | TOKYO

An unexpected management blockbuster

ZOFF, a maker of cheap, chic glasses in Tokyo's trendy Harajuku district, is hardly a place you would expect to find dedicated followers of management theory. But one day its boss, 38-year-old Takeshi Ueno, came into a staff meeting waving a book about baseball with the picture of a gamine schoolgirl on the cover. It had the clunky title: "What if the Female Manager of a High-School Baseball Team read Drucker's 'Management'". Mr Ueno told his staff to read it. Satoko Osanai, his sales manager, did.

佐芙(ZOFF),一家平价的时尚眼镜连锁店,座落于东京的原宿区(Harajuku),这个你几乎想象不到会有管理学爱好者出没的地方。有一天它的老板,38岁的上野武(Takeshi Ueno),举着一本关于棒球的书来参加员工会议,书的封面上还画着大眼睛的高中女生。它还有一个冗长的标题:"如果高中棒球队的女助理读了德鲁克的《管理》"。上野先生推荐他的员工要阅读此书。而他的销售经理小佐智子(Satoko Osanai),已经读过了。

Like many young businesswomen across Japan this year, Ms Osanai became an instant fan—not of baseball, but of the late management guru, Peter Drucker. After reading the book, she says, she started treating colleagues and customers differently. As news of the novel travelled from office to café to home, its sales topped 1m. According to the publisher, the cutesy manga cover was aimed more at attracting salarymen than women. Yet almost half of the buyers have been female. What's more, sales for Drucker's original works, such as "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices", published in 1973, have soared. Some 300,000 copies of the book have sold in the past six months, compared with 100,000 copies in the previous 26 years.


The unlikely catalyst for this cultish enthusiasm is a fictional teenager called Minami. Like many high-school girls in Japan, she becomes the gofer for the baseball team's male coach. Unlike many of her compatriots, she is the kind of girl, as the book says, who leaps before she looks. Horrified by the team's lack of ambition, she sets it the goal of reaching the high-school championships. She stumbles upon Drucker's 1973 book, and it helps her turn the rabble into a team.


Drucker's advice to focus on clear and measurable goals has resonated deeply in a country where the most common management injunction is gambare, which loosely (and unhelpfully) means "push yourself". Drucker, who loved Japan as much as he was confounded by it, would have been thrilled. A year before his death in 2005, he gave prophetic warning that Japanese firms might soon be overtaken by rivals from South Korea, China and India. He urged them to brace for competition by working out what they were good at, what they should not do and what their values were.


Not much of his advice has been heeded. Though some young outfits such as Zoff are razor-sharp, others remain corporate octopuses squeezing the life out of Japanese business. Women remain an underused asset: only 61% of them work, their average income is less than half that of men and they occupy barely 1% of boardroom seats. If Drucker, with the help of a headstrong teenager, can posthumously change that, it would be his greatest gift to Japan.


本帖最后由 突破渴望 于 2010-7-2 22:55 编辑

回复 1# tom

    那我来个沙发 小评一下
1. ZOFF, a maker of cheap, chic glasses in Tokyo's trendy Harajuku district, is hardly a place you would expect to find dedicated followers of management theory.中 trendy 未译,  译文不通顺,把"这个"改成"是个"

2.Mr Ueno told his staff to read it. Satoko Osanai, his sales manager, did.
你的译文中何以见得 是"推荐" 另外 "已经 读过了" 也不对 前文都是过去式 这地方 没有已经的意思

3.Like many young businesswomen across Japan this year, Ms Osanai became an instant fan—not of baseball, but of the late management guru, Peter Drucker.
instant 没有译出 这句是不好翻 我想想啊  该怎么好一点

4.After reading the book, she says, she started treating colleagues and customers differently.
试译:读完这本书 她说 她对同事和顾客的态度都有所改变  改顺序?
为什么要改变原文的顺序呢?  改了之后意思是有差别的

5.As news of the novel travelled from office to café to home
大街小巷 翻的好!

6.Some 300,000 copies of the book have sold in the past six months, compared with 100,000 copies in the previous 26 years.
此句译文 "在过去6个月售出约30万册,而之前的26年总共卖出了10万册。"
如果你这样译 那最好把前面的句号改成逗号 另外后半句 加个"才"字
即 ".....销量也飙升在过去6个月售出约30万册,而之前的26年总共才卖出了10万册。"

7.Horrified by the team's lack of ambition, she sets it the goal of reaching the high-school championships.
horrified 译为 震惊 不妥啊。 另外 it 指ambition  没有译出

8.He urged them to brace for competition by working out what they were good at, what they should not do and what their values were.
them 不是日本人 是日本公司
by 表方式 手段   working out what they were good at....so as to embrace for copetition

9.an underused asset  
一个未被充分利用的资产  用"一笔"好点

10.其他的是一些零星的小错误 可能是时间紧 你没怎么注意

11.last yet the biggest problem
Drucker's advice to focus on clear and measurable goals has resonated deeply in a country where the most common management injunction is gambare, which loosely (and unhelpfully) means "push yourself". Drucker, who loved Japan as much as he was confounded by it, would have been thrilled.
你的理解有误 翻译也不当
日本本来的管理管理模式 是 gambare 但是 德鲁克的advice 在日本产生了共鸣 逐渐为人们所接受
。后一句 would have been 是指 如果德鲁克还活着 看到了这一现象,就会thrilled(即excited)

不知道我的表述清晰不 意思是这样 这个具体翻译文字 你就研究研究吧

另外 后面一句 A year before his death in 2005
有歧义  或者不清楚

额~~~~ 说了那么多  都是个人看法 不一定都对  有什么问题 多交流

P.S. 头像很好看 呵呵

