
Waltzing with death

The XVIII International AIDS Society meeting

Waltzing with death

AIDS still kills 2m people a year. But the rate of new infections is falling and it is possible to imagine bringing the disease under control

Jul 22nd 2010 | vienna
2010年7月22日| 维也纳

TEN years ago, when the International AIDS Society (IAS) met in Durban, there was a lot of fractious debate between those who wanted to spend money on treating the sick and those who thought that stopping the epidemic was more important. It took another six years to realise that you might be able to do both. Suppressing the virus in someone’s body clearly saves his life, but it ought also to make him less likely to pass on infection. The latest evidence that this might be true was released at this year’s IAS meeting, held in Vienna on July 18th-23rd.


The meeting brought news of another long-sought breakthrough: a vaginal microbicide that will allow women to protect themselves from men who do not wear condoms. There was also much hand-wringing about money, as governments and taxpayers in rich countries feel the pinch. But even here there was a refreshing honesty, as the international agencies charged with combating the disease queued up to suggest ways of doing more with less. That businesslike approach was apparent, too, in discussions over focusing treatment on those who are most at risk.


As the meeting opened, it was announced that a study by Julio Montaner, a researcher at the University of British Columbia, had shown that ramping up treatment in that Canadian province halved the rate of new infections. Dr Montaner’s study, published in the Lancet, was the strongest confirmation yet that treatment and prevention are two sides of the same coin. The study showed that the annual rate of infection in 1996—the year when the modern regime of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced—had, by 2009, fallen by 52%. During that period the number of people on treatment rose by 547%.

会议开幕后宣读的第一份研究报告是由加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的研究人员胡里奥•蒙泰纳(Julio Montaner)撰写的,该报告指出,不列颠哥伦比亚省加大了对艾滋病的防治力度,使新感染者的人数下降了一半。蒙泰纳博士的研究报告发表在《柳叶刀》杂志上,该报告肯定了治疗与预防是一枚硬币的两面,因而不可分割的观点,是对这一观点迄今为止最有力的支持。这项研究表明,自从1996年推出了高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(highly active antiretroviral therapy,HAART)这一最新治疗方法后,截至到2009年, 艾滋病的年感染率下降了52%。在此期间,进行治疗的人数上升了547%。

Taking heart

Of course correlation is not causation. But the rates of other sexually transmitted diseases did not fall, suggesting that British Columbians are just as promiscuous now as they were then. Nor did the rate of hepatitis C alter, suggesting that people there are injecting just as many drugs with just as many dirty needles. And a detailed look at the numbers shows that the biggest falls in infection rates were during periods when the rise in HAART was fastest. The study, together with previous work showing that HAART reduces the rate of transmission between discordant couples (in which only one partner is infected) by more than 90%, points to the conclusion that widespread use of antiretroviral drugs helps to explain the 17% fall in the rate of new HIV infections seen around the world between 2001 and 2008.


The new microbicide, too, depends on an antiretroviral drug—tenofovir. Previous attempts to make vaginal microbicide gels that block the passage of HIV have involved long-chain molecules called carrageenans, thickening agents found in seaweed. It was hoped these would tangle the virus particles up.


That strategy failed. Instead, Quarraisha Abdool Karim and her colleagues at the Durban-based Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa tested a gel that contains tenofovir. Their study, published in Science on the second day of the meeting, looked at rates of infection with HIV over three years in two groups of women. Those in one group were given the microbicidal gel. Those in the other were given a placebo. The rate of infection in the first group was almost 40% less than in the second; the gel’s most diligent users saw a reduction of over 50%. And no adverse side-effects were observed.

这种做法失败了。作为替代方案,卡拉伊莎•阿卜杜勒•卡里姆(Quarraisha Abdool Karim)和她的同事在南非德班的艾滋病研究中心测试了一种含有泰诺福韦的凝胶。他们对两组妇女的艾滋病感染情况进行了三年多的观察,根据观察得出的研究报告在会议的第二天就刊登在《科学》杂志上了。他们给一组妇女使用的是杀菌凝胶。给另一组妇女使用的则是安慰剂。头一组妇女的艾滋病感染率比第二组几乎低40%,经常使用凝胶的妇女的感染率降低了50%以上。而且没有观察到不良的副作用。

Nor was another fear realised. Tenofovir is widely used, and people are understandably concerned about the emergence of resistant strains of HIV. Some opposed tenofovir’s use in a microbicide because they worried that it would encourage the emergence of such resistance. Dr Karim and her colleagues have, so far, seen no sign of this in women who were infected.


On the question of who pays for all these drugs, the feeling at the meeting was glum but not despondent. Global health budgets have done well in the past decade, in particular those dedicated to AIDS. Such rapidly rising expenditure would surely have come under sharper scrutiny even without the prompting of an economic crisis. With it, the increases have come to a sudden halt (see chart).


No one likes to have their cash cut off but it does concentrate the mind wonderfully on doing more with less—especially with regards to the additional costs that come with treating patients. As is well known, drug costs have already declined dramatically. Treatment that in 1995 cost $10,000 a year is now less than $100. But the other annual costs of delivery—staff, infrastructure and so on—are about three times this amount.


The consensus at the conference seemed to be to take things out of the hands of expensive doctors and give them to nurses or, better still, paramedics. In part that means more training; it also means simpler treatment regimes (fewer pills per day); and it means changing expectations about who will do what. Christoph Benn of the Global Fund, an international body formed to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, reckons that this could bring the additional, non-drug costs down to $100 per course of treatment per year. That would please donors.

会议上的一致意见是在艾滋病的防治工作少用高薪水的医生,而用护士,最好是护理人员来进行这类工作。在某种程度上这意味着需要做更多的培训工作;意味着简化治疗方案(减少每天的服药量);意味着期待凡事都有人专职负责的想法要改变了。全球基金是一个防治艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾的国际机构,该机构的克里斯托夫•本(Christoph Benn)估计,采取这些措施会使每年每个疗程的非药物成本再额外降低100美元。这将使捐助者感到宽心。

Another change, proposed by Michel Sidibé, head of UNAIDS, the United Nations body charged with combating the epidemic, is to be more honest about who is at risk. The history of the disease has created a numbing political rhetoric around it. AIDS was first recognised in homosexuals, is spread by prostitutes and drug addicts, and is found above all in poor, African countries. When people with AIDS were demonised in the early days of the disease, the strategy was to repeat the mantra that almost anyone could get infected. Technically, this is true. In practice, however, some people are at much greater risk, and they may be ill-served by such political correctness.

联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)是联合国负责艾滋病防治工作的机构,该机构的负责人米歇尔•西迪贝(Michel Sidibé)建议,要开诚布公地告知哪些人属于染病高危人群。艾滋病的历史就是一个制造使人感到麻木的政治辞令的过程。艾滋病首先被发现存在于同性恋者身上,卖淫和吸毒导致了病毒的扩散,而且主要是在贫困的非洲国家传播。在艾滋病出现的早期,人们将该病的患病妖魔化了,谈之色变。而应对策略则是重复这句“几乎任何人都可能感染”的陈词滥调。从技术层面上讲,这没错。然而在实际生活中,某些人染病的风险要大得多,那种政治上貌似正确的言论可能欺骗了这部分人。

Although the roll-out of drugs to the infected has been a great success, with 5.2m people of the poor being treated, Dr Sidibé fears things are slowing down. His solution is to seek out those at greatest risk of infection, such as the growing numbers of Russian drug users, and offer prompt treatment rather than waiting for them at clinics. He wants the number of people starting treatment each year to exceed the number that are newly infected. At the moment the ratio is 2:5. He will not say when that will happen, but he believes that universal treatment is possible.


Expensive Iteration昂贵的循环

Expensive Iteration


A huge international fusion-reactor project faces funding difficulties


Jul 22nd 2010

VIABLE nuclear fusion has been only 30 years away since the idea was first mooted in the 1950s. Its latest three-decade incarnation is ITER, a joint effort by the European Union (EU), America, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Korea to construct a prototype reactor on a site in Cadarache, France, by 2018. If all goes to plan, in about 30 years it will be reliably producing more energy than is put in.


The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor became plain ITER following public anxiety about anything that has "thermonuclear" next to "experimental" in its name. ITER aims to produce energy by fusing together the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, confined in a magnetic field at high temperatures―a process akin to that which powers the sun.


For all its cosmic ambition, ITER has run into the earthiest of difficulties: spiralling costs. The project was never going to be cheap. Initial projections in 2006 put its price at �0 billion ($13 billion): � billion to build and another � billion to run and decommission the thing. Since then construction costs alone have tripled.


As the host, the EU is committed to covering some 45% of these, with the other partners contributing about 9% each. In May the European Commission, the EU's executive branch, asked member states to stump up an additional �.4 billion to tide the project over to 2013. They rejected the request and suggested instead tapping the EU's existing research budget.


On July 20th the commission offered a compromise: one-third of the shortfall would come from cash earmarked for other research, the rest from unspent agricultural funds.


Such a proposal may yet be scuppered by EU governments. Nor has it entirely mollified European scientists who rightly fear that ITER will eat indiscriminately into other programmes. This comes at a time when most European governments are slashing spending on science as part of larger efforts to plug budget deficits.


The proposal also needs approval from the European Parliament. Some Green MEPs have called for ITER to be ditched altogether, and its finances diverted to less grandiose ventures. A decision is unlikely in time for a meeting of ITER's governing body on July 27th and 28th, when the project's scope and cost are to be discussed.


Unfazed by budgetary wobbles, Fusion for Energy, ITER's European arm, has begun in earnest to divvy out construction work. On July 19th a consortium led by Iberdrola, a Spanish engineering giant, signed a �56m contract to build "winding packs"―massive reactor components that each weigh about 110 tonnes, as much as a jumbo jet.


This testifies to the project's technical daring. But the commissioning of these parts also illustrates one of its biggest flaws. The European consortium will build only ten of the planned 19 winding packs; the remaining nine will be forged independently by a Japanese contractor.


Unlike the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), another huge international physics experiment near Geneva, ITER does not pool its funds. Instead, each partner orders bits and bobs, typically from compatriots, hoping that everything will dovetail nicely in Cadarache. Moreover, some parties have not got what they had hoped for out of the project, notably Japan, which had wanted to host the reactor. So it has been promised a sweetener in the form of a smaller reactor and a supercomputer. All this is a recipe for duplication.


Cost overruns are common in projects as complex as ITER or the LHC. Loosening the purse-strings for energy research and development surely makes sense: government spending on energy research has been falling since the early 1980s, both as a share of GDP and as a proportion of total research budgets, according to the International Energy Agency.


That said, it is far from clear whether the best way of countering this trend in energy funding is to plough yet more money into the fusion project, with its vested political interests, at the expense of less prominent scientific endeavours.


The chic learn to click时尚达人也兴网购

Selling luxury goods online网上销售奢侈品

The chic learn to click时尚达人也兴网购

Luxury firms are digital laggards, but some are catching up
Jul 22nd 2010 | berlin and paris

WHEN Oscar de la Renta, an American fashion house, launched a transactional website some years ago, it expected people to buy mostly smaller items such as belts and perfume. The firm was stunned when it received an online order last spring for an $80,000 sable coat from a new customer in New Hampshire. He couldn't get to New York, apparently. Online customers have been snapping up the firm's core product: $4,000 cocktail dresses. "We could not have been more wrong in our expectations of the internet," says Alex Bolen, the firm's chief executive. Online purchases are still a small proportion of total sales, but growing rapidly.

Most luxury-goods firms are less open-minded. Many scorn the internet as a plaything for plebs. A product sold online, wrote Jean-Noël Kapferer, a French branding guru, in "The Luxury Strategy", published last year, ceases to be a luxury item. In early 2008, of 178 luxury firms around the world surveyed by Forrester Research, only a third sold their products on the internet. That figure has risen, but still about half of firms don't sell online at all, estimates Federico Marchetti, the founder of Yoox Group, owner of Yoox.com, a luxury-goods website.

Prada, an Italian design house, had no website until 2007. It did not start selling products online until last year. Several American companies, such as Tiffany & Co, have thriving web businesses, but European firms, especially the old French houses, such as Chanel and Hermès, are still afraid of mice.

Luxury executives explain that the internet is too impersonal for their products, which need the human touch. Allowing anyone to buy online can mean a loss of cachet. Luxury firms like to dazzle customers with plush stores and sleek ads, so that they think only about beauty and not at all about price. The web, by contrast, shines a clear light on price. "That's the last thing I want people to think about," wails an executive from the watch industry.

It is largely the industry's own fault that the internet is associated with lower prices for its products. For years, firms discreetly disposed of end-of-season stock at deep discounts via websites such as Yoox.com. Some fashion houses make clothing exclusively for Yoox.com as a way to use up left-over fabric. Also, by shunning the internet in its early days, legitimate firms helped to create a vacuum that counterfeiters were happy to fill, says Uché Okonkwo, the author of "Luxury Online".

There is every sign, however, that buyers of full-price luxury goods crave the convenience of online shopping, so companies are being forced to adapt. In April Richemont, a Swiss luxury-goods giant, bought Net-a-Porter, a specialist fashion online retailer founded in 2000, in a deal valuing it at £350m ($535m).

Net-a-Porter's appeal is not price, says Danny Rimer of Index Ventures, a venture-capital fund which backed the firm, but the convenience of getting items delivered to your door before they sell out. Executives are now watching to see whether Richemont will allow Net-a-Porter to sell its many other brands, including Cartier watches. Most luxury-watch firms, such as Hublot, do not sell online. This seems perverse: watches fit easily and buyers are usually collectors who know the models well. The main problem, explains Jean-Claude Biver, chief executive of Hublot, is that watch firms have long-standing agreements with independent retailers, and selling online would disrupt the system.

Another sign of change is a new venture by a former Richemont executive, Mark Dunhill, to revive Fabergé, a jewellery-maker (one of whose baubles is pictured above), using the internet as its chief global distribution channel. Fabergé, owned by Pallinghurst Resources, a mining firm, launched last September with a single shop in Geneva and a sophisticated, interactive website. The industry is watching the experiment closely. If a luxury brand can thrive without a vast investment in retail space, says Luca Solca of Bernstein Research, barriers to entry will fall.

A person close to Fabergé says it has reached its nine-month target of hooking 50 new clients, each spending on average $100,000. Even Prada now says that within five years, some 40% of its revenues in America will come from the internet. Observers, however, doubt that such an aggressive target is realistic, noting that Prada currently sells only bags, wallets and other accessories online, not its main clothing and footwear collections.

Luxury firms may at last be waking up to the internet, but they have a long way to catch up. Carmakers have been innovating online for nearly a decade, observes Ms Okonkwo. With exceptions, luxury websites tend to be showy but unoriginal, since firms often use the same web designers. Few are properly interactive: customers usually cannot view products from different angles, or try on clothes virtually.

The most innovative online luxury firms are typically small start-ups, such as Net-a-Porter, Yoox (which went public late last year) or Gilt Groupe, a website which runs exclusive sales for members. All these companies have built successful new business models. The industry's ageing giants have been caught with their elegant trousers down.
最具创新的网络奢侈品公司是一些刚刚起步的小公司,比如Net-a-Porter, Yoox (去年年底上市)或者是Gilt集团,它的网站仅为会员提供商品。这些公司都成功的建立了新的商业模式。奢侈品工业的资深巨头们对此措手不及。

Louis Vuitton, a maker of leather goods and clothes, is one of the few luxury brands to have prospered online. Unlike many of its peers, it offers nearly all its products on the web. The internet brings in as much money as one of its biggest bricks-and-mortar shops, says Antoine Arnault, the firm's communications director. But Louis Vuitton's parent, LVMH, was last year forced to shut down eLuxury, a website founded in 2000 which sold a wide variety of luxury brands, because it lost money by the suitcasefull. According to insiders, it failed mainly because it lacked focus: it sold expensive products alongside relatively cheap ones. It is odd that an industry that would not be seen dead in last season's colour is wedded to the last century's technology. Divorce beckons.


More Heat on First Solar


More Heat on First Solar

A new study questions the safety of the solar company's panels. But pricing of silicon may be a bigger problem.

FIRST SOLAR HAS WORKED MIGHTILY in the last year to reassure investors that its "thin-film" solar-energy panels will continue to enjoy a cost advantage over rivals' increasingly cheap silicon-based wares. Shares of Tempe, Ariz.-based First Solar (ticker: FSLR) have yo-yoed from 170 to 100 and then back to about 140 recently, as the company's gross margins veered from 56% to 42% and then back up to 50% for the March 2010 quarter—reflecting the competitive pressures that we predicted when the price of raw silicon began to drop ("Nightfall Comes to Solar Land," March 30, 2009).

Gescher, Germany (1.4 MWp); COLEXON Energy/AG

First Solar panels at work in Germany. Competitors now are challenging its prices and the safety of its products.

But another front is heating up in First Solar's fight with competitors like Suntech (STP), Trina Solar (TSL) and Yingli Green Energy (YGE)—a debate over the long-term safety of First Solar products. First Solar's panels use cadmium-tellurium technology while the others use silicon wafers. The company has presented tests to show that the highly toxic cadmium is safely sealed in glass, and First Solar runs a voluntary program that will reclaim the panels at the end of their 30-year lives. Yet some silicon-panel rivals have argued for the treatment of First Solar products as hazardous waste.

On July 28, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control will hold a workshop in Sacramento to discuss how solar panels should be exempt from the state's hazardous-waste category. A non-profit group concerned about cadmium toxicity released a lab study last Thursday that asserts that cadmium-tellurium panels crushed in a landfill would leak the toxic substance at levels exceeding California's allowed levels.

The report was commissioned by The Non-Toxic Solar Alliance, a group organized by a University of Stuttgart professor named Jürgen Werner. The analysis (which is available at www.ntsa.eu/Downloads_Links.html) was conducted by an outfit called Sierra Analytical Labs in Laguna Hills, Calif. It crushed the product samples and immersed them in a mildly acidic solution (with a pH level of 5) meant to replicate the liquid runoff in a landfill. The resulting cadmium levels, said the lab, were almost three times the threshold considered hazardous.

Other lab studies had concluded that, under realistic conditions, the cadmium-based panels did not release the toxic substance at dangerous levels, including studies sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

First Solar's vice president of sustainable development, Lisa Krueger, says the company welcomes attention to the end-of-life handling of solar cells and notes that First Solar has established a trust to prefund the recycling of its products. The regulation of First Solar panels when they eventually become waste does not affect the company's production and sale of the products.

That solar panels make questionable landfill is nothing new, says Vasilis M. Fthenakis, a scientist at Brookhaven National Lab and an engineering professor at Columbia University who has studied the life cycle of solar panels. "All types of modules will fail those tests," he says of the recently-released study. "We don't advocate for any photovoltaics to be thrown into landfills. We advocate for all photovoltaic panels to be recycled."

So it's very possible that cadmium turns out to be less of a problem for First Solar than the still-falling prices of silicon used by its rivals 

Martin Sass, founder of M.D. Sass, uses his many years of market experience to fuel his bottom-up, forensically researched stock-picking.

Sass personally runs the $1.2 billion-in-assets M.D. Sass Relative Value Equities, a long-only large-cap value strategy. His contrarian bent helped him grow assets of Relative Value Equities throughout the financial crisis (they are up from $1.1 billion on April 30, 2007) despite big drops in the broader market. The fund charges a management fee of 1% per annum on the first $10 million, and a sliding scale thereafter.

He is primarily a bottom-up stockpicker who uses intensive forensic research to identify trends—a method honed as director of Argus Research's Special Situations group in the mid-1960s.

There Sass is credited with calling the top of the boom in color-TV sets. On a cab ride from Chicago's O'Hare airport to visit Motorola, his driver told him he had been laid off from the electronics giant because there was a glut of color-TV tubes. A follow-up visit to a Motorola supplier confirmed there was a problem. Sass wrote a sell recommendation on the entire color-TV group, just before the bottom fell out.

Such gumshoe research has helped him gain an edge by unearthing catalysts for change, identifying and quantifying the difference between market perceptions and reality and discovering new drivers of earnings. For Sass, a Brooklyn College grad with a degree in accounting, the most important financial metric is free cash flow, because accounting gimmickry can obfuscate real earnings. Free cash flow gives a more accurate view of corporate health, he says.

Sass likes Chicago Bridge & Iron (ticker: CBI) because the Street doesn't seem to understand that 50% of its earnings come from businesses that are a lot less volatile than traditional engineering and construction. "They are focused on energy, and we think we are entering a boom in new capital spending on energy to meet this need for increasing energy supply," he says. The stock, meanwhile, is selling at a low multiple, has a rising backlog, plenty of new contract awards, and is trading at a big discount to its peers.

"WE THINK THE STOCK WILL TRADE at 12.7 times our estimate for 2011 earnings…that's a 66% increase from where we are today," he says. Chicago Bridge & Iron was recently trading at 20.33, up from his average cost of about 14.40. He sees '10 earnings coming in at $1.88 and '11 earnings at $2.36.

Just recently he bought the out-of-favor slot-machine maker WMS Industries (WMS), which has been under pressure because casinos have been slow to buy new machines. Gamblers, it seems, are feeling the pinch of recession and unemployment. But slot machines don't last forever, and Sass believes the current replacement rate of 40,000 to 45,000 units a year is unsustainable.

"The replacement market should move to a normalized 10-year rate of about 80,000 units a year, which should begin to show acceleration sometime next year," he says. WMS has been taking market share. It was recently trading at 38.92 He sees earnings for fiscal '11 at $2.46 and $3.35 in '12.

In general, Sass' picks need to have the potential to achieve a 25%-plus total return (including dividends) over 12 months or to double in five years. He gets out of a position if its price approaches his target, the position becomes more than 5% of his portfolio or the fundamentals deteriorate.

Relative Value Equities has no desire to mimic benchmarks. It's a focused portfolio made up of out of 25 to 40 high quality out-of-favor stocks that provide greater upside, with less risk, than owning a large basket of stocks. The average market cap is $35 billion. Relative Value's audited and GIPS compliant performance shows a net cumulative return of 75.7% since the beginning of 1999, through June 30th of this year. That compares with a 2.7% cumulative return for the Standard & Poor's 500 in that time. On an annualized basis, Relative Value is up 5% per year in that time, versus the S&P's 0.2%.

Sass likes companies that are good to shareholders: "We look for companies with high free cash flow yields that are most likely to return cash to shareholders via dividends, share repurchases or to pursue cash acquisitions," he says.

A good example is a brand new holding, Yahoo! (YHOO), which he calls the least expensive Internet firm. It has $4.5 billion in cash and no debt, and is planning to buy back billions of dollars of stock over the next few years. Last week Yahoo! reported it had repurchased 63 million shares for $973 million at an average price of 15.40 year-to-date, including July. Plus, the display-ad business on the Internet has significant growth potential, with a 19% increase estimated for 2010 followed by 12% in 2011.

YAHOO!'S SEARCH DEAL with Microsoft is still in its early stages and by 2011 margins should expand as the company offloads major parts of search to the software giant. He expects earnings to be 93 cents in '10 and $1.15 in '11. The stock was recently trading at 14, which gives the shares a price/earnings ratio of 15 times 2011 earnings. But that isn't why Sass thinks it's undervalued: "Yahoo! has no debt and about $10 a share in cash and other semi-liquid assets."

He also recently picked up Tyco Electronics, (TEL), which was spun off from Tyco International four years ago and has transformed itself by consolidating plants and selling noncore businesses. Plus, it's made some shrewd acquisitions. The maker of electronic components recently unveiled a deal to buy ADC (ADCT) for $12.75 per share in cash, or an enterprise value of about $1.25 billion. ADC makes fiber connectors for data switching and other applications. The two can offer solutions for high-speed Internet data, video and voice communications.

"The deal will add 14 cents per share in first full year after closure and 30 cents in the second year. [It has a] free-cash flow yield of more than 10%, dividend yield of 2.5% and P/E below 10 times earnings," he says. He expects earnings for the fiscal year '10 ending in September to be $2.55 and $2.88 in '11. The stock recently was trading at 25.76.

Sass is fairly sanguine about the future. He thinks the S&P 500 will climb to 1243 in the next 12 months, up from the current 1094. Despite the slowing recovery, he thinks a five-year recovery that rewards stocks and leaves Treasury bonds with losses is under way. But the veteran investor isn't about to chase a rally: His license plate reads "MDS 1000." That was where the Dow stood when he opened shop in 1972, just before it plummeted to 573 in October of 1974—not too long before Sass got his first chance to invest with Bernie Madoff.



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  经济观察报 2010年7月26日星期一


  况且当时 "老大哥"实行的也是法定纸币制度。新中国一边倒学苏联,货币制度不会例外。倒也不需要与卢布挂钩,因为各革命根据地早就积累了发行和管理货币的经验。新中国要做的,就是把各根据地发行的票子统一起来,完成从支持全国解放战争到为重建国民经济服务的转变。我读过中华人民共和国首任央行行长南汉宸的传记,他有一句话令人印象深刻:我们总不能拿着花花绿绿的票子进城,像八国联军进北京那个样子。新的人民币诞生了。因为还没有正式被选为人民共和国的主席,毛泽东在审查人民币时,就不同意把自己的头像印在票面上。直到1976年,人民币的图案就是 "工农兵大团结",含义应该是人民的货币为人民提供交易媒介。

  但毕竟还是法定纸币。所以,人民币从诞生的第一天起,就面临选锚问题。发行货币当然是国家的权力,但是,有权发钞的国家,究竟根据什么来决定发行多少货币呢?从经济性质看,黄金白银除了充当货币之外,还有别的实际用处。纸币则纯粹就是交易媒介,发少了窒息交易、打击生产;发多了拉高物价、引起通胀。因此,究竟以什么来约束国家发行货币的权力——为法定货币选锚——其影响就不限于 "上层建筑",而是事关普天下苍生的日常生活和经济利益。

  从逻辑看,战争、革命、特别是国家政权的更迭,通常与货币币值的极度不稳定互为因果。背后的道理是,如果天下是谁的都未定, "死后哪管它洪水滔天"的国家机会主义思维就容易占上风,因为还不知道究竟会滔了谁的天哩。历史的记载是,在政权大厦将倾的危亡关头,执政者常常不惜开足货币机器,以高通胀争取延长权力的寿命。还有就是新政权诞生之际,脚跟尚未站稳、百废待举又缺乏税基的支持,超发票子往往成为权宜之计。法国革命、美国革命、布尔什维克的俄国革命,新政权登上历史舞台的时候,一般伴有严重的通胀。这似乎说明,在冲决一切罗网的革命与天性保守的货币之间,存在着与生俱来互不匹配的紧张。

  人民币是例外。没有黄金储备做后盾、纯粹的纸币、新生革命政权的国家信用——但是人民币从开始之日起,就选择走稳健货币的路线。人民币以什么为锚?想来想去,它的第一个 "锚"就是历史教训。远的以后再论,前朝国民党政府留下的货币教训,足以让新中国的货币掌门人铭记在心。看看吧,从法币到金圆券不过十几年时间,头戴 "国家元首"与 "抗战领袖"两大桂冠的蒋委员长,就把他的国民党政权带向了毁灭。军事方面的无能与失利是一小部分原因,社会经济政策的失败才是根本。其中,超级恶性的通胀——每月50%以上的物价指数——终于把全体国民推向了国民政府的对立面。

  恶性通胀的一个派生物就是广大民众持续保持超高的通胀预期。有一年春节,我随毅夫一起去看季羡林老先生,那时他住在离朗润园不远的公寓里。讲起上世纪40年代末的民生,季老说那时领到薪水后的第一件事情就是跑步去买米, "跑快跑慢的米价不同!"我也问过生活在1948-1949年上海的老人怎样对付生活,回答是胆大的拿到钞票就换银元 (非法的),胆小的若买了生活必需品还有余钱,就囤商品——大米、纸张、毛巾、肥皂、烟酒,无论多少,反正绝不能持币就是了。民不聊生的经济溃不成军,因为人人囤东西,市场上什么也抢不到,大家越发轻钱重物,货币追商品,物价越追越高。


  后来的历史也说明,只要抗得住"超经济发行",人民币的币值就能够保持稳定。什么时候这个准则被破坏——譬如超越实际可能的 "大跃进" (无论土的,还是洋的)——货币币值就失稳,物价总水平就上涨,老百姓说的"票子毛了"就卷土重来。这也说明,以历史教训和货币掌门人为锚的货币,还不足以提供制度性的保障。岁月消磨记忆,再沉重的历史教训也会随风而去。从来没有跑步买米经验的下一代或下下一代,不是很容易发表 "有点通胀没什么了不起"之类的宏论吗?至于坚持稳健货币准则的货币掌门人,可遇而不可求。就是遇上了,不让人家管事,不也是白搭?美国是号称央行有独立性的地方,但保罗·沃克尔也不能保证他的继任者与他信奉同样的货币准则。中国也有这个问题。


  当然也可以选一个外国货币或一组外国货币来挂钩。不过论及以外币为锚,不免让人唏嘘,因为要赶上一个好时机也殊为不易。以美元为例,人家响当当就是黄金的时候,人民币还没有问世。1944年布雷顿森林签订协议的地方,倒是有中国代表到场,但没有签字。不知道如果当时签字入约,国民党政府的法币以固定汇率挂美元,以后还能不能锁住老蒋滥发票子打内战的 "雄心"?不过这与人民币也没有什么关系,因为人民币还没有诞生。中华人民共和国的前几十年,人民币就是要选外币为锚也轮不到美元,因为中美之间根本没有多少往来。直到1990年代中后期,人民币挂美元才有可能变成现实。但此时还作为世界第一强币的美元,却开始走下坡路了。



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China's financial markets: Premium puzzle


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China's financial markets

Premium puzzle

Enthusiasm for Chinese companies abroad but not at home

Jul 22nd 2010 | Hong Kong

OF THE many oddities surrounding Chinese stockmarkets, the most glaring has long been the premium mainland investors pay for shares listed domestically over what those same shares trade for in Hong Kong. Now the puzzle is why the premium has disappeared (see chart).

The usual explanation for the existence of the premium ran as follows. A closed capital account and a tightly run financial system left Chinese investors with only three places to put their money: property, with its high transaction costs and manic price moves; bank deposits, offering diminutive interest; or shares, with price moves as big as property but lower dealing costs. That paucity of choices drove shares higher than in places with more options.

What, then, has changed? The last time the price of shares simultaneously trading in the mainland and Hong Kong came close to converging was in 2006 when foreign fund managers were flooding into Hong Kong, intoxicated by potential gains from underpriced bank offerings. This time is different. Prices in Shanghai and Shenzhen have fallen by 22% and 15% respectively this year, making the mainland one of the world's worst-performing markets. In Hong Kong prices of shares in the same companies have fallen far less. Outsiders appear more willing to believe China's growth story than the Chinese.

The decline on mainland markets may be because investors are tapped out. Of the $19 billion raised recently by Agricultural Bank of China, more than 60% came from other Chinese state-owned entities. Every big bank is lining up for large capital injections and there have been many other share issues as well. Chinese companies raised $54 billion in equity in the first half of this year (before the AgBank listing) and another $80 billion in debt, according to Dealogic. That's a lot, even for China.

Another possibility regards moves to liberalise the yuan. In a series of decisions—including an announcement on July 19th on various yuan-denominated products banks will be able to trade in Hong Kong—small holes are being punched in the wall separating China's currency and the outside world. Perhaps the gap between shares in Hong Kong and those in the mainland is shrinking because the barriers between the two are falling.

These are just theories, however. Investment bankers are scrambling to work out what is happening to China's markets even as they prepare more companies for flotation. Despite falling prices, the appetite to list remains keen. The pipeline of prospective deals at most of the big banks consists overwhelmingly of Chinese companies, hoping to place their shares at home or in the hands of China-obsessed foreign buyers. Non-Chinese companies are also clamouring to list in Shanghai, a process that could begin early next year. Perhaps the premium has disappeared because foreigners now have fewer appealing choices, too.

Finance and Economics



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[2010.07.15]Budding greens朝气蓬勃的环保人士

 Budding greens

A new generation of climate-change activists

Jul 15th 2010 | BEIJING

CHINA'S environment, most obviously the air in its cities, has been deteriorating roughly at the same dizzy pace that its industry has been expanding. Now some young activists, notably in university environmental clubs, are campaigning to raise awareness of pollution. In the process, they are among the first of their generation to dabble with political participation.

The China Youth Climate Action Network, formed in Beijing in August 2007, began as a group of seven organisations which shared a desire to tackle global warming. This week it co-hosted a big summit on youth, energy and climate change at the United Nations pavilion in the Shanghai World Expo. "China has 400m young people and they need to make their voices heard, to express their views on climate change," says Zhao Xiangyu, a board member.

The group's main project is to encourage energy efficiency at 52 Chinese universities. It does so through surveys, on-campus training and producing a guide book on responding to climate change. Its goal, since inception, has been to get a 20% cut in greenhouse-gas emissions at the universities by 2012. Evidence of progress, so far, has been mixed.

This is not for want of enthusiasm. Students at Peking University have set up a Clean Development Mechanism club, named after a part of the Kyoto protocol. With some funding from the World Wide Fund for Nature, it recently ran a project to interview and train "low-carbon leaders" around the country. "Our parents, their generation, are not aware of these issues," says Fan Jie, a member of the club. "So it is our generation who should take action."

Yet it is an awkward time for NGOs in China. Since March officials have required small non-profit organisations to get restrictive notarised agreements before they can accept foreign funding. This gives the government still more control in a field already dominated by groups that are closely guided by officialdom.

Such control may be one reason why even the greenest activists do not contradict the government's stance on tackling climate change. But Mr Fan, and most of his peers, also agree that economic growth and the environment are both pressing concerns, especially with countless Chinese still living in poverty.

The activists are also sensitive about foreign criticism of China's foot-dragging on greenery. At talks over a new climate treaty in Copenhagen, in December, young Chinese delegates were not alone in doubting that a meaningful agreement would be struck. But they were fearful of being dragged into Western criticism of their government, and so pulled out of a planned joint declaration by young Chinese and American delegates. That would have called on governments of both countries to step up environmental efforts. But the statement, they felt, might have been used to put undue pressure on China. This new breed of environmentalist is Chinese first, global citizen second.




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via 牛博国际 by 周其仁 on 7/18/10


  经济观察报 2010年7月19日星期一


  文提到的保罗·沃尔克先生(Paul Volcker),是1979-1987年间的美联储主席。此公被看作货币史上的一位英雄,以强势扭转了美国被通胀吞噬的命运。我们到今天还在讨论人民币要不要以美元为锚,很大程度上也是因为脱离了金本位后的美元遇上了这么一位人物。我喜欢他的故事,正是那略带个人英雄主义的传奇,让我明白货币选锚问题的困难所在。




  这位身高两米以上的新主席上任伊始就下痛手。那时美联储的政策工具与后来格林斯潘时代的一样,主要是提升联储基金利率 (FedFundRate)。他上任第八天就宣布,把联储基金利率提高50个基点到11%,再过两天又宣布把贴现率提高5个基点到10.5%。但是,当这位美联储新掌门人要求再次提高贴现率时,他遇到了麻烦:美联储有投票权的7位委员中,3位反对。虽然沃尔克还拥有多数,但舆论和市场却判断进一步的加息是不可能的了。




  有关此次美国货币调控转型的细节,读者可以在《纽约时报》记者那本出色的传记里读到 (见JosephB·Treaster,Paul Volcker:TheMakingofAFinancialLegend.李莉 译,《保罗·沃克尔——金融传奇人生》,中国金融出版社2006年版)。这里记下的是结果。1979年10月6日美联储一致通过了货币供应量目标的新体制,接着在开门的市场上,联邦基金利率从12%攀升到18%,然后落在13%-15%。商业银行的优惠利率因此被推高。然后,利率在平静的氛围里持续上升,在1981年夏秋之际攀上了连沃尔克本人也没有想到过的顶峰:联邦基金利率19.1%,商业银行优惠利率21.5%!狂奔的通胀野马终于被勒住了:美国通胀率在1981年降为6.5%,再过2年又降到4%以下。代价当然也不菲:美国经济在衰退里挣扎,破产企业翻倍,失业率创1940年以来最高。提名沃尔克任联储主席的卡特,因为保增长不力而无缘连任总统。对于沃尔克本人来说,虽然货币供应量的调控模式确保了他得以在美联储完成自己的使命,但排山倒海的讥讽和谴责、受损利益集团的高调辱骂,还有时隐时现来自白宫和国会山的政治压力,终究还要压在这位大个子的身上。沃尔克的品格不允许他做无原则退让,而正是这一点帮他守到了云开日出——从被污蔑为经济衰退杀手,到成为公认的美国英雄。



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先有鸡还是先有蛋? 先有蛋白后有蛋


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via 科学松鼠会 by 资讯小分队 on 7/18/10

chicken egg  



英国谢菲尔德大学工程材料系的Colin Freeman在邮件中表示"长期以来人们怀疑先有蛋,但现在我们有了科学证据,表明实际上是先有的鸡"。(这句话小编感觉不靠谱


同样来自谢菲尔德大学工程材料系的John Harding教授说,这个发现还可以有其它用途。"理解鸡蛋壳怎么形成很有意思,不过其实这还能为设计新无机材料和新工艺提供线索。自然界已经发现了有创新性的解决方案,适用于材料科学和技术领域各种各样的问题,我们可以从中学到很多东西"。

相关论文发表于德国《应用化学》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)。

这个蛋白其实很早就做过了。大家已经知道这个蛋白对蛋壳碳酸钙的形成有帮助。这几个人做的,是用计算机模拟molecular dynamics,这个蛋白怎么作为一个催化剂,使得无定形的碳酸钙的纳米颗粒形成晶核,成长为晶体。

这个研究属于生物矿化(biomineralization),这其实是个很火的领域,《自然》(nature)或《自然—材料科学》(nature material)上永远一堆这种仿生的灌水文。这个文的题目挺好,却没能送到至少nat mat那里发个letter,感觉是因为这个文章纯是一个计算机模拟结果,没有提供更多的实验对照,挺典型的材料工程师的思路。但生物界太复杂,并不如人工材料那般简单模拟便了事。

消息来源:微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)网站 7月14日报道《应用化学》6月10日论文摘要

图片来自 corbis

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Talking down 越说越通俗的英语

The evolution of English
Talking down

Jan 29th 2004
From The Economist print edition

IN 1896, William Jennings Bryan, a three-time candidate for the American presidency, gave a speech on a relatively dry financial topic, criticising the gold standard. But his rhetoric was for the ages: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labour this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!"

Just over a hundred years later Sam Brownback, arguing for war against Iraq in a speech to the American Senate, said, "We go at Iraq and it says to countries that support terrorists, there remain six in the world that are as our definition state sponsors of terrorists, you say to those countries: 'We are serious about terrorism, we're serious about you not supporting terrorism on your own soil'."
What happened over the 20th century? Americans (and, to a lesser extent, Britons) no longer expect public figures, whether in oratory or in writing, to command the English language with skill and flair. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counterculture as responsible for the decline of formal English.

Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another screed against the decline in education. Mr McWhorter's academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of "whom", for example, to be natural and no more lamentable than the loss of the case-endings of Beowulf-era English.

But the cult of the authentic and the personal, "doing our own thing", has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real vibrancy. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.

Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear, to take the question of his subtitle, why we should, like, care. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive—there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.

Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorised poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate oratory that would seem anachronistic to most English-speakers. Mr McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms—he is really bemoaning the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English "on paper plates instead of china". A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.

[2010.04.22] Vampire squished? 压扁吸血鬼?

Vampire squished?

What is bad for Goldman is bad for Wall Street, but good for regulatory reformers

Apr 22nd 2010 | NEW YORK | From The Economist print edition


WHEN he was a child, Warren Buffett had an awe-inspiring encounter with Sidney Weinberg, Goldman Sachs's legendary leader, sparking a lifelong affection for the bank. These days the super-investor's admiration for Wall Street's most powerful firm, cemented by an investment during the recent crisis, puts him in a minority—and one that shrank further when, on April 16th, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accused Goldman and one of its employees of fraudulently misrepresenting structured instruments tied to subprime mortgages. The civil charges have dented the firm's aura of invincibility, sent shivers across Wall Street and possibly (and perhaps not coincidentally) changed the calculus of regulatory reform.


The case centres on a synthetic collateralised debt obligation that Goldman structured and marketed. It told investors that the securities bundled together to form the CDO, known as ABACUS, had been selected by an independent "collateral manager", ACA. The SEC alleges that Goldman failed to disclose that Paulson & Co, a hedge fund that also had a hand in choosing what went in, had bet that the CDO would perform poorly. This gave it an incentive to select securities that would bomb—and bomb they did, costing investors, including IKB, a German bank , and ACA itself, $1 billion. The employee, Fabrice Tourre, is alleged to have misled ACA into believing the hedge fund was a long investor.

这一诉讼围绕着高盛构建和营销的一种合成担保债务凭证(CDO)而展开。高盛告诉投资者组成这一名为阿巴卡斯(译注:ABACUS,也有媒体称其为算盘)的CDO的证券是由独立的"抵押品管理人"ACA公司挑选的。证交会指控高盛未能揭露一个事实,那就是,对冲基金鲍尔森公司也参与了证券的选择,并押注这一CDO证券会表现不佳,这就激励了鲍尔森公司选择会崩跌的证券——结果也真的崩跌,使得投资者(包括德国工业银行IKB和ACA)损失了10亿美元。而高盛的雇员法布里斯•图尔(Fabrice Tourre)则被指控误导了ACA相信鲍尔森基金做多该CDO证券

Such charges are usually announced along with a settlement. But Goldman's determination to fight—with help from a former White House counsel—is not surprising, given what is at stake. The charges are sharply at odds with the firm's jealously guarded self-image as a paragon of integrity. Goldman sees itself as "long-term greedy", preferring to forgo profit today rather than to alienate a client.


Many outsiders think the crisis exposed this characterisation as bogus. The popular narrative is that Goldman uses its privileged trading position in capital markets to double-deal, favouring some clients more than others, but above all favouring itself; that it sneakily sought to profit from the crash; that its alumni in high places helped it manipulate the bail-out; that it contributed to the global fiscal crisis by helping Greece and other countries mask their debt; and so on. The media have heaped on the pressure, comparing Goldman to a vampire squid and mocking its boss, Lloyd Blankfein, for suggesting, albeit tongue-in-cheek, that it was doing "God's work". An insider admits that the fraud charges will "fan the flames".


Still, the SEC must prove its case. The regulator has helped itself by boiling it down to a fairly straightforward failure of disclosure. But lawyers say it is a gamble, reflected in the commission's three-to-two split on whether to proceed. The investors were sophisticated (on paper, at least) and the securities unregistered, reducing underwriter liability. Much of structured finance is uncharted territory for litigation. Only months ago, America's Department of Justice lost a high-profile legal battle against two hedge-fund managers from Bear Stearns (although criminal cases have to clear a higher bar than civil cases).


Whether or not Goldman settles—if it doesn't, the case could drag on for years—the monetary damage will be manageable. With $73 billion in shareholder equity, it could survive penalties of several times investors' losses. More worrying is the possibility that its deep base of clients will begin to lose faith. So far they have remained loyal. Goldman posted stellar first-quarter net profits of $3.5 billion this week, driven by strong trading income. It even announced a share buy-back.


At a minimum, though, Goldman faces "headline risk", likely further probes and distractions from running the business, says Mike Mayo, an analyst with CLSA. The board is firmly behind Mr Blankfein, but a top-level sacrifice may eventually be needed, especially if the firm's legal troubles escalate. Britain's Financial Services Authority has launched an investigation. Frank Partnoy of the University of San Diego's law school expects class-action and other private suits over, among other things, Goldman's failure to inform markets last year that it had received notification of a probe. IKB is considering its options, as is AIG, which lost a fortune selling Goldman credit protection on duff CDOs.


Goldman is not alone. It was far from the biggest CDO underwriter in the go-go years (see chart). A number of banks worked with hedge funds that wanted to short housing. The newly muscular SEC is scrutinising other deals. The rating agencies that gave CDOs such absurdly high ratings, though not named in the ABACUS case, should also worry.


Some question the SEC's timing. The decision to attack Wall Street's bogeyman-in-chief just as the White House makes a big push to get its financial-reform bill through the Senate is certainly striking. It raises "serious questions about the commission's independence and impartiality," said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.


Whatever the motive, the charges will increase pressure on Republican senators, already wary of being cast as Wall Street's buddies, to compromise, reckons Douglas Elliott of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank. For many Americans, clamping down on banks is almost as big a concern as jobs, says Ted Kaufman, a Democratic senator. As The Economist went to press, Democratic leaders were hoping to bring the bill to the Senate floor within days.

来自智库布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的道格拉斯•埃利奥特认为,无论这一指控的动机是什么,它都将增加原本就已在谨慎地避开华尔街密友形象的共和党议员妥协的压力。民主党议员特德•考夫曼说,在很多美国人看来,对银行的加强监管同解决就业问题一样重要。本期经济学人付印的时候,民主党领导人正期望着几天内将这一议案提交到参议院。

The Goldman case could make it harder to see off draconian legislative proposals, such as a plan to force banks to divest their swaps-trading units. Combined with higher capital charges for trading and with the Volcker rule, which would ban banks from proprietary trading and investing in hedge funds and private equity, these would hit capital-markets businesses hard. Goldman is arguably the most exposed: 80% of its first-quarter net revenue came from trading and principal investments.


Writing the firm off would be foolhardy. It has recovered from adversity many times. Its risk management is top-notch, its people super-smart (and don't they know it). For all its ham-fisted PR, it has, so far, been able to ride out its image problems. But now it must defend itself, both in the court of public opinion and also, quite possibly, in courts of law. And where Goldman goes, much of Wall Street could be dragged.




  • 应对"新常态"
  • 2010-7-10    文章来源于《证券市场周刊》证券市场周刊订阅
  • 【《证券市场周刊》特约作者 比尔・格罗斯】全球金融市场的回报率正经历一个平淡的时期。债券市场又岂止是萧条,简直是处于危机边缘。全球大部分的主要债券指数的收益率都低于3%,投资收益当然也会如此。而股票,一直以来作为投资者乐观主义的舞台,仍没有适应因去杠杆化、再监管以及去全球化导致的经济增幅减半的"新常态",因此只有极低的个位数回报率。


    对于我们所说的"新常态"这个合成词,更多的经济学家们更注重"常态",而不是"新",而这些经济学家都不是"R"字辈的(Roubini, Reinhart, Rogoff, 或Rosenberg),(注:这几位R字辈的经济学家都是悲观主义经济学者,都看空全球投资市场,格罗斯认为只有这几位少数的经济学家明白了新常态的真正含义)好像在金融字典里,字母"R"被删除了,而在全球投资者的字典里,"新"被删除了。





  • 人口老龄化及结构变迁当然只是上天惩罚的其中一部分。我们本可以像松鼠为了过冬而储藏食物那样渡过难关,但人性被贪婪与违背常理的做法所侵蚀。我们弄巧成拙,现在收债人拿着镰刀就在你家门口等着收租,一手拿着未付的账单,另一只手挨家挨户地敲门,将那些之前从未怀疑过举债带来高品质生活的人们判为死刑。





    正是由于这种全球总内需的不均衡――某些地区由于债务过重,而另一些地区消费不足――才是问题的关键,但好像只有少数"R"字辈的经济学家才能领悟。(太平洋投资管理公司里没有"R"字开头的经济学家,无论我怎样想用比喻的手法找到一个姓氏里有"R"字的,哦,是的,有一个,Paul-Rugman,也算勉强通过) (注:其实是Paul-Krugman,作者为了强调Paul也是少数理解新常态的经济学家之一,故意称他为Rugman)






  • 2010年7月15日

    The emerging online giants 若隐若现的网络巨擘

    Internet investment's new champions


    The emerging online giants


    DST, Naspers and Tencent have made promising internet investments in many emerging markets. Now even Western internet financiers are emulating them


    Jul 8th 2010


    THEY may not have the name recognition of a Google or a Yahoo!, but they can claim to belong in the same league. The websites of Digital Sky Technologies (DST) account for more than 70% of page-views on the Russian-language internet. Naspers is Africa’s biggest media group, both offline and online. And Tencent is China’s largest internet company by market capitalisation—and the third-largest in the world.


    Now these firms are increasingly making their presence felt beyond their home markets. Between them they have invested in dozens of internet firms around the globe. The most adventurous of the three, DST, has already moved west—and paid top dollar for stakes in fast-growing American companies, notably Facebook, the world’s biggest social network.


    At first glance the three firms could not look more different. DST was created in 2005 when two Russian internet investors, Yuri Milner and Gregory Finger, pooled their interests in mail.ru, a Russian web portal. Today the firm controls many of the country’s leading websites and boasts an interesting mix of owners, including Goldman Sachs and Alisher Usmanov, a Russian billionaire, who holds 27%.

    一眼看上去这三家公司八竿子打不着。DST于2005年由两位俄罗斯互联网投资者Yuri Milner和Gregory Finger将其所拥有的门户网站mail.ru的股份合并而成。如今这家公司控制了俄罗斯许多主要的网站,并以其有趣的多方所有制而自夸。其所有方包括了高盛和拥有27%股份的俄罗斯亿万富翁Alisher Usmanov。

    Based in Cape Town, Naspers is nearly 100 years old and is the publisher of the Daily Sun, South Africa’s biggest newspaper. But it is one of the most ambitious old-media companies anywhere in its move online. It still makes most of its sales—28 billion rand ($3.6 billion) in the year to March—from print and pay-television, but it uses the cash to buy online firms.

    Naspers立足于开普敦已有将近百年历史,是南非最大的报纸Daily Sun的发行商。但是在网络化方面,它是所有传统媒体中最具抱负的公司之一。目前这家公司仍以纸质报纸和付费电视为主营业务,并在第一季度创下销售额280亿南非兰特(折合成美元36亿),但是它也花大钱收购网络公司。

    Tencent hails from Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. Founded in 1998, it had revenues of $1.8 billion in 2009. Although best known for QQ, a popular instant-messaging service with 567m users, much of its profits come from online games and a virtual currency, called Q coins. Users purchase this with real money and use it to buy digital wares, such as virtual weapons to increase the powers of their avatars.


    Despite their differences, the three firms can be seen as a block. For one thing, they are financially intertwined. Naspers owns part of mail.ru and was an early investor in Tencent, of which it now holds 35%. In April Tencent invested $300m in DST, giving it a stake of more than 10% and DST a valuation of about $3 billion. Tencent also has an interest in the Indian arm of MIH, Naspers’s internet division.


    What is more, the firms are on the same mission: finding promising internet companies in countries where Western investors rarely dare to go. DST’s territories are Russia and its neighbours, most of which are home to one of its collection of companies; these include social networks such as VKontakte.ru and Nasza-Klasa.pl. Naspers has the largest portfolio of internet firms in developing countries, for instance in Brazil (BuscaPé, a comparison-shopping site), India (ibibo, a social network) and at home in South Africa (24.com, a portal). Tencent has so far been the most cautious of the three. Besides its recent investment in DST it has some minority stakes in games companies, such as VinaGame in Vietnam.


    This international presence allows the firms to apply lessons they have learned in one country to another. “We spend an enormous amount of time on sharing knowledge,” says Antoine Roux, the boss of MIH. For its part, DST knows which web businesses work and how much room for growth they still have, given a country’s GDP and internet penetration. Alexander Tamas, a partner at DST, calls this “geographical arbitrage”.

    这样的国际经历使得他们可以将在一个国家学到的经验应用到其他国家。MIH的老板Antoine Roux说道,我们花费大量的时间互享知识经验。就DST而言,他们可以学到在给定一个国家的GDP和网络普及程度的条件下,哪些网络业务有利可图并且还有多大的增长空间。DST的股东Alexander Tamas将此称为“地域性套利”。

    In Russia DST has seen how quickly social networks can grow: latecomers to the internet, many Russians skipped e-mail and went right to social networks to communicate online. With advertising roubles in short supply, DST’s companies also experimented early with other ways of making money from social networks and online games, such as charging for services and selling virtual goods. In December it merged mail.ru with Astrum Online, a gaming firm—in effect forming a Russian Tencent. Free communication tools such as instant messaging create the audience that then pays for other services and virtual goods, Mr Tamas explains.

    DST见证了社交网站在俄罗斯增长之快:由于互联网在俄罗斯普及较晚,很多俄罗斯人跳过电子邮件直接使用社交网站来进行网上交流。由于广告收入不多,DST的网络公司一早就开始尝试社交网站和网络游戏的其他赚钱之道,比如付费服务和兜售虚拟商品。十二月份,DST将mail.ru和游戏公司Astrum Online合并,而后者其实就是腾讯的俄罗斯翻版。Tamas先生解释说,免费的即时通信软件带来了大量的用户,这些用户同时为其他付费服务和虚拟商品买单。

    Tomorrow, the world


    It was only a question of time before one of the three firms tried to apply these emerging-market lessons in the West. DST has been the pioneer, for several reasons. Its partners learned their trade in America. It intends to go public one day. And it saw an opportunity: after the financial crisis, conventional investors were cautious and did not fully realise how fast social networks, for instance, would grow.


    One further factor was essential in helping DST to gatecrash the party of the handful of private-equity funds, such as Elevation Partners, TCV and Silver Lake Partners, which typically provide successful American internet firms with additional cash. DST’s corporate structure allows it to act quickly, and to make offers that are hard to refuse. In the case of Facebook, it agreed to what at the time seemed a high valuation, waived any right to special treatment should things go wrong and was willing to buy stock from employees. That is especially popular with young internet firms. It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely. “This is an IPO substitute,” explains Mr Milner, adding that DST’s investments give firms more time to focus on their product rather than thinking about a flotation.

    还有一个更重要也更基本的因素帮助DST成功加入由Elevation Partners、TCV和Silver Lake Partners等一小撮互联网公司投资家组成的私募股权基金俱乐部。DST的公司结构使得它能够决策迅速并提出让客户难以拒绝的报价。以Facebook为例,DST同意了当时看来比较高的估价,放弃了在万一企业经营不善的情况下的所有特殊权利,并且答应从职工手中收购股票。这些条件对新成立的互联网公司尤其具有吸引力。这使得公司创始人和重要员工不需要通过转售公司也不必在尚未成熟的条件下匆忙上市来赚钱。Milner先生解释说,这是公开上市的一个替代办法,DST的投资给予企业家更多的时间来提高自己的产品质量而非成天想着怎样上市。

    Will DST’s strategy work? Buying into Facebook certainly looks like a smart move. DST has spent an estimated $800m for a stake of about 10%. When Elevation Partners recently invested $120m in Facebook, that deal put the company’s value at $23 billion, implying that DST’s investment has almost trebled.

    DST的投资策略行得通吗?购入Facebook看起来显然是项很划算的买卖。DST花费约8亿美元购入Facebook10%的股权,当Elevation Partners最近为Facebook注资1.2亿美元的时候,其市值已经增长到230亿美元,表明DST的投资已经增长到将近原来的三倍。

    In contrast, analysts say, DST may have overpaid for Zynga, the world’s largest online-gaming service, and for Groupon, a website that aggregates buyers and gets them special deals. Yet sceptics may again underestimate how quickly both can grow and what Zynga, for instance, is worth in combination with Facebook: taken together they look much like Tencent. In May, after lengthy negotiations, both firms agreed that Facebook Credits, the social network’s currency, would be accepted in Zynga’s games.


    A bigger problem for DST may be that some see it as Russian—and thus “murky”. To counter this the firm has gone to great lengths to be open, inviting executives from firms in which it wanted to invest to Moscow to look at its books. The success of this strategy is demonstrated by the quality of its recent deals and its co-investors, which include such noted venture-capital firms as Accel Partners and Andreessen Horowitz. Even so, DST’s national origin could still matter as the firm makes further investments. Authorities in Washington, dc, are reportedly worried about DST’s latest acquisition: ICQ, an instant-messaging service previously owned by AOL.

    DST的一个更大的问题是有人觉得它是俄罗斯的公司,从而具有“重重内幕”。为了打消这种疑虑DST已经做出巨大努力提高透明度,比如邀请其有投资意向的公司的高官到莫斯科访问并检查账簿。从他们最近的投资案例的质量以及其与知名的风险投资公司Accel Partners和Andreessen Horowitz的合作来看,他们的策略已经取得了成功。尽管如此随着DST投资范围的扩大,其母国背景仍然引起人们注意。根据报道,华盛顿当局对DST最近一次收购AOL的及时通信服务ICQ而深感担忧。

    However DST fares, it seems to attract copycats. Before Elevation Partners invested in Facebook, it had already cut what is now called a “DST deal” with Yelp, a fast-growing user-review site for local businesses. And although Naspers does not intend to make any investments in Western countries, Tencent may follow DST in doing so. Martin Lau, Tencent’s president, recently said it would step up its forays abroad—which has led to talk that it may be interested in buying Yahoo!.

    不管DST成功与否,它总不乏粉丝效仿。在Elevation Partners入资Facebook之前,它就已经跟一家快速增长的地区性商家用户评论网站Yelp达成了一次”DST式的交易“。而且尽管Naspers无意投资西方国家的公司,腾讯却很可能追随DST。腾讯总裁刘炽平(Martin Lau)新近放话说腾讯会加速海外投资的步伐,从而引起了其有意入股雅虎的传言。

    Conversely, the apparent success of the three emerging-market internet pioneers may prompt Western venture firms to take more interest in developing countries. Tiger Global Management, a New York hedge fund that is also a shareholder in DST, has already specialised in investing in start-ups beyond the West’s well-known technology clusters. Clearly, internet investing is going global and the West is losing its monopoly, not just in thinking up clever ideas for web businesses but in financing them.

    反过来,新兴市场这三位网络投资先驱的成功故事也会促使西方国家的风险投资公司更加关注于发展中国家。纽约的对冲基金Tiger Global Management,同时也是DST的股东之一,已经在投资非西方国家高技术集团的成长型公司方面有所专攻。显然,互联网投资正变得越来越国际化,西方国家也已开始在不仅仅是网络商务的创新方面同时也在企业融资方面失去其垄断地位。