
The Next Banking Storm

The Next Banking Storm

Hong Kong's banks look headed for trouble, thanks to heavy exposure to China.

Emerging Markets

For months, investors have been focused on Chinese banks' huge exposure to local governments, as well as to speculative real estate. Now they are turning to Hong Kong, where another banking storm might be brewing.

Hong Kong lenders may have dramatically increased their exposure to China just when concerns about that economy were mounting. Ratings agency Fitch warned recently that it could soon downgrade the credit standing of Hong Kong's banks because of their fast-growing commitments to China.

Banks in Hong Kong have historically been among Asia's best-run, best-capitalized financial institutions, often the envy of their peers. Indeed, they emerged from the financial crisis two years ago with their reputations intact. But now, with China's economy slowing, bank margins are under pressure, deposit costs are rising and there is a liquidity squeeze, warns Nomura Securities Daniel Shum.

ON TOP OF ALL THAT, the banks appear to be extending new loans like there's no tomorrow. Bank loans in Hong Kong grew by a whopping 26% in August, compared with the level a year earlier. Fast loan growth like that is often a prelude to credit-quality problems.

The main driver of this growth, says Ismael Pili, a bank analyst for Macquarie Securities, is "trade finance and Chinese companies that are borrowing in Hong Kong for operations or assets overseas." Mainland Chinese outfits have been on a borrowing spree to buy assets elsewhere in Asia, Africa, and even Europe and the U.S., to take advantage of low interest rates in Hong Kong, whose currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar.

Trade financing by Hong Kong banks grew 102.3% in the first half of this year, compared with the total in the corresponding period last year. And loans outside Hong Kong grew 37.9%. "These are scary numbers because we have never seen Hong Kong banks grow loans to non-traditional sectors this way or as fast," says Michael Werner, a Sanford C. Bernstein analyst.

THE RAPID LOAN GROWTH appears to be coming in response to lower interest rates and, as a result, lower profit margins for banks. "Banks had little choice other than to go out and just expand their loan volumes," Werner asserts.

Of course, the lending surge won't necessarily produce bad loans. "Asset quality is high with no immediate sign of deterioration," says Martin Wardle, Partner at KPMG China in Hong Kong. "With strong loan growth some increase in losses is to be expected but we don't see this being significant." Morgan Stanley has a Sell on Bank of East Asia (ticker: 0023.HongKong) because its weak profitability makes it the institution most vulnerable to even a small bit of credit deterioration. The investment firm also recommends avoiding smallish Wing Hang Bank (0302.HongKong).

But some well-capitalized bank stocks have been hammered so badly that they're starting to look attractive. Nomura's Shum recommends buying BOC Hong Kong (2388.HongKong), a subsidiary of Bank of China. He sees the stock rising more than 40%, to HK $28 (US$3.61). It trades at 11 times next year's estimated earnings and 1.4 times book value. The shares yield 5.8%.

Jumping On

Asian markets joined the global rally, with Hong Kong and Thailand in the lead.


ASSIF SHAMEEN covers Asian markets from Hong Kong




年初,蒙古铁骑一路南下,临安沦陷,南宋朝廷土崩瓦解。年幼的益王赵�和广王赵�,在母亲杨太后的带领下,逃出都城,到达温州。大臣陆秀夫派人招来了躲藏于此的陈宜中,大将张世杰也率兵从定海前来会合。五月一日,赵�在福州即位,是为端宗,改元景炎。陈宜中被任命为左丞相兼枢密使,张世杰为枢密副使,陆秀夫为签书枢密院事。 南宋虽然投降蒙元,但福建、两广大片地区仍处在流亡小朝廷的控制之下,李庭芝也在淮东、淮西地区进行着顽强抵抗。但淮东、淮西等地相继失陷,李庭芝战死。景炎元年(1276)十一月,元军逼近福州,此时福州有正规军17万,民兵30万,淮兵万人,足可一战,但由于主持朝政的陈宜中胆小怕事,因此小朝廷立足未稳,就又开始了逃亡。离开福州之后,朝廷只能四处流亡,辗转泉州、潮州、惠州等地。景炎三年(1278)春,来到雷州附近。逃亡途中,宰相陈宜中借口联络占城,一去不返。端宗在逃亡途中患病,四月十五日病死,年仅11岁。端宗死后,群龙无首,眼看朝廷就要分崩离析,陆秀夫慷慨激昂,振作士气: "诸君为何散去?度宗一子还在,他怎么办呢?古人有靠一城一旅复兴的,何况如今还有上万将士,只要老天不绝赵氏,难道不能靠此再造一个国家么?"众臣便又拥立年方7岁的赵�为帝,改元祥兴。



当时,张世杰有个外甥在元军中,张弘范一连三次派其至宋营对张世杰劝降,张世杰说:"吾知降生且富贵,但义不可移耳!"。张弘范又叫囚禁中的文天祥写信招降张世杰,文天祥说:"吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可呼?"于是他写出了那首千古传诵的《过零丁洋》。张弘范看了一笑置之。张弘范没法,再派人向崖山的士民说:"你陈(宜中)丞相已去(占城),文(天祥)丞相已执,你们还想怎样呢?"士民亦无叛者。 二月初六早晨,元军发起总攻。元将李恒指挥水军利用早晨退潮、海水南流的时机,渡过平时战舰难以渡过的浅水,从北面对宋军发动了一场突袭,到中午,北面的宋军已被元军击溃。南面的元军又在张弘范的指挥下,利用中午涨潮、海水北流的时机,向宋军发动了另一次进攻。宋军南北受敌,士兵又身心疲惫,无力战斗,全线溃败。战斗从黎明进行到黄昏,宋军阵脚大乱,张世杰下令砍断绳索,率10余战舰护卫杨太后突围。张世杰率帅船杀到外围,见赵�的御船过于庞大,无法突围,便派小舟前去接应。当时天色已晚,海面上风雨大作,对面不辨人影,陆秀夫惟恐小船为元军假冒,断然拒绝来人将赵�接走。张世杰无奈,只得率战舰护卫着杨太后杀出崖门。




















在日本人看来,中华文化其实已经和满清统治之现实中国是两码事情了。宇野哲人(18751974)来华这旅被Joshua A Fogel称为最后一个"儒家朝圣之旅",他长年浸淫中华文化,心仪文化中国,他在《中国文明记》中告诉故乡亲人,初谒曲阜圣庙感动:"今夕是何年,得以拜谒圣庙,徘徊圣林,三生之幸也,欢喜不知所措。……啊,彼大成至圣之孔子,近在咫尺之间,虽眠于杂草之下,然其灵魂遍满宇宙,与天地共悠久赫赫以照世道人心'"宇野哲人分别于1906年和1912年来华。但他看见在满清统治下和统治后的现实中国,却使他的中华梦破碎――宇野哲人"看到的现实中国的残破,从他在塘沽踏上中国土地时,已经一览无遗,他这样形容对中国的第一印象'自塘沽上陆,最初之所见,非常遗憾,绝非愉快之事。夹河而建之民屋,均是极矮陋之泥屋,墙壁自不待说,连屋顶野是泥土所涂。时值冬枯时节,原野一望无际,满目荒凉,难怪先时将塘沽之民屋误为猪圈'




















The great stabiliser

from the print edition | Books and arts Deng Xiaoping’s legacy

The great stabiliser

The definitive biography of a diminutive giant of the 20th century

Oct 22nd 2011 | from the print edition
079 Books and arts - Deng Xiaoping_s legacy.mp3 (2.23 MB, 下载次数: 29)

Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China. By Ezra Vogel. Belknap Press; 928 pages; $39.95 and £29.95. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk

EARLIER this year, as the Arab spring blew through the Middle East, nervous Chinese officials were heard asking Western diplomats and journalists whether they thought (off the record) that China would be next. As it turns out, China has been left unfazed by this mutinous trend for reasons ranging from internet censorship to the swift arrests of dissidents. But one important damper on protest has been in the works for a while: China’s massive economic growth over the past few decades has left enough people satisfied with the system for now. Also, the country does not have a cultish figure like Hosni Mubarak or Colonel Muammar Qaddafi to act as a lightning rod for dissent.


For this the Chinese Communist Party has to thank a little chain-smoking man who died nearly a decade and a half ago: Deng Xiaoping, the paramount leader from 1978 to 1992. Ezra Vogel’s new biography portrays Deng as not just the maker of modern China, but one of the most substantial figures in modern history.


If Chairman Mao was the architect of an assertive, socialist China, Deng pulled off the even tougher feat of reversing most of what Mao had done and calling it “socialism”. Mr Vogel, a professor emeritus at Harvard University, has written a meticulously researched book that concentrates mainly on the story from the mid-1970s to the 1990s. He could have subtitled the book not the “transformation” but the “stabilisation” of China, as he describes Deng’s impressive calming strategy at home and abroad. Deng placated the near and not-so-near neighbours whom Mao had angered or terrified, continuing his unfinished diplomacy with America (leading to one of history’s most incongruous photo-ops as Deng donned a big cowboy hat), and mending bridges with the Soviet Union. A messy war with Vietnam in 1979 was the exception that proved the rule of avoiding military confrontation.


On the domestic front, Deng established free-trade zones, dismantled collective farms and wooed foreign capital. This represented a breathtaking ideological reversal, which Deng characterised pragmatically, because the party had no money to spare: “We will give you a policy that allows you to charge ahead and cut through your own difficult road.” And in the aftermath of the Beijing spring of 1989, when conservatives in the leadership tried to chill the pace of reform, Deng struck out by taking a “vacation” in China’s free-trade zones. His aim was to kick-start the economic growth that was heading toward double digits by the time he died in 1997. He missed by a few months the handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China, which he had negotiated, and which burnished his nationalist credentials.


Deng also dismantled the cult of leadership that had culminated in Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Ironically, he used his own strength of personality to diminish the importance of a charismatic leader. His successor, Jiang Zemin, was chosen for his technocratic skills and ability to compromise, not for his charm. Deng’s work habits helped manage this transition from Maoist political culture. His regular morning schedule was breakfast at 8am, followed by assiduous reading of ministerial reports, 15 domestic newspapers and a range of (translated) foreign press materials. The quest for total knowledge, along with his own revolutionary credentials, enabled him to outmanoeuvre colleagues who wanted to preserve their own fiefdoms within the leadership. Deng initiated China’s system of regular political succession, which is expected to see another transition of power in October next year.


Mr Vogel knows China’s elites extremely well, not least because of his years as an intelligence officer in East Asia for the Clinton administration. This book is bolstered by insider knowledge and outstanding sources, such as interviews with Deng’s interpreters. But this vantage tends to give Deng the benefit of the doubt, and the author works hard to diminish the stain on his reputation left by the notorious killings in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Mr Vogel points out that other developing economies such as South Korea engaged in state violence of a comparable scale at the time.


Although Deng commendably brought stability to China, violence was central to his formation. As Roderick Macfarquhar and Michael Schoenhals (a former Harvard colleague of Mr Vogel’s) have shown in their epic book “Mao’s Last Revolution”, Deng was responsible for purges in the later years of the Cultural Revolution that matched the Gang of Four for brutality. In 1975 he ordered the army to crack down on a Muslim village in Yunnan province, an action which resulted in 1,600 deaths including those of 300 children. Deng’s response to the student and worker protests 14 years later was hardly out of character.


Much of this book contains previously unheard and highly indiscreet quotations. For example, Deng thought Mikhail Gorbachev was an “idiot”, according to one of his sons. So this tome is unlikely to be published in China anytime soon. Still, the manuscript was read by Chinese political insiders for accuracy, making this the definitive account of Deng in any language. Mr Vogel eloquently makes the case for Deng’s crucial role in China’s transformation from an impoverished and brutalised country into an economic and political superpower. Three and a half decades after Mao’s death, the next generation of Chinese will have no personal memory of the little man from Guang’an County in Sichuan province. All the same, they will be Deng Xiaoping’s children.


from the print edition | Books and arts

Maoists and Wall Street

Maoists and Wall Street

Long march, longer memories

Maybe the revolution is around the corner after all

Oct 22nd 2011 | LUOYANG, CHINA | from the print edition
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NODDING his head towards a picture of Mao Zedong hanging from a large ornamental rock, an elderly man declares loudly: "This is our Wall Street". A group of greybeards, some sporting Mao badges, murmur in assent. Public displays of dissent generally fare poorly in China. But on Zhouwangcheng Square, in the central city of Luoyang, the "big rock", as locals affectionately call it, has been tolerated as a meeting point for former workers in Luoyang's state-owned enterprises. Perhaps because they are advocating a return to Communism's roots rather than its overthrow, Mao-lovers, sometimes numbering several hundred, are able to gather and bemoan China's slide into the abyss of capitalism.


A foreign visitor is quickly surrounded by bitter Maoists (one offering a badge of the Great Helmsman as a token of welcome). They raucously complain about China's growing gap between rich and poor and its "bubble" economy. The watchful eyes of people suspected to be plainclothes police, and the towering presence of Luoyang's futuristic police headquarters at the far end of the square, seem not to inhibit them. A man laments that in China people are "not allowed" to stage protests on the lines of those in New York and elsewhere.


Now the diehards see common cause with anti-capitalist protesters around the world. On October 8th they put up a large red banner in front of the rock. "Resolutely support the American people's great 'Wall Street revolution'", it said. "We belong to the 99% who will no longer remain silent", said a placard held up by one man, echoing a common slogan of the Wall Street movement's participants. Utopia, a Maoist website in China, published photographs of their protest. The website also said that in Zhengzhou, the nearby capital of Henan Province, several hundred people staged a similar gathering on October 6th in a park. Judging from its photographs, most of them were elderly, too.


Luoyang's Maoists are proud of their activism. Several years ago their complaints, they say, helped save large statues of Mao that stand outside two large state-owned factories in the city. The government, they allege, wanted to remove them to improve a road. Undeterred by the arrests and harassment in recent months of several of their number, their choir still sings paeans to Mao by the rock several times a week. They tie string between trees and peg to it samizdat reports about issues ranging from government corruption to transgenic crops (a particular bête noire). "Revisionists, traitors," fumes an old silver-toothed Maoist about today's officialdom, as a friend tries to calm him down. Luckily for the authorities, China's youth is far more restrained.


from the print edition | International

China's patient crusader

China's patient crusader

Weijian Shan is fighting to make Chinese business more normal

May 12th 2005 | from the print edition


TENDING pumpkins and hauling bricks in the Gobi desert as a young man, Weijian Shan kept recalling a line from the Chinese poet, Li Bai: "There must be a use for someone like myself." At the time, that did not seem obvious: banished there from Beijing during the Cultural Revolution when he was 15, Mr Shan spent six years in a poor farming village doing hard manual labour with little hope of getting out and no sense of a future.


Today, he has found a use for himself. Now 51, Mr Shan is a managing partner of Newbridge Capital, one of the most successful private-equity firms in Asia, and one of a handful of senior businessmen bringing western capital, ideas and management to the region's firms. While private equity is currently extremely hot in China, deals are risky, because of poor corporate governance and the absence of obvious exit strategies―that is, ways to realise the value of a successful deal. At a minimum, private-equity firms in China should control the board of a firm they buy, above all in banking, where corruption is rife. Last autumn Newbridge won final approval for an unusual―and perhaps one-off―deal, spending $160m on an 18% stake in Shenzhen Development Bank (SDB). This made Newbridge the largest shareholder. Mr Shan's formidable connections helped Newbridge also to gain control over management, a first for a foreign investor in a Chinese bank.

现在,他已经找到了施展自己才华的地方。现年51岁的他,是亚洲著名的私募股权投资公司新桥投资公司(简称"新桥投资")执行合伙人,他也是为数不多的讲西方资本理念以及管理模式引人亚洲公司的先驱人物之一。当下,私募股权在中国如火如荼,交易风险极高,因为公司监管效力不佳,且无明确地投资退出战略。而这些正是一桩交易取得成功不可或缺的因素。至少,中国的私募股权公司在购买一家公司股权后,应该在该公司董事会中享有控制权,在腐败盛行的银行业中更该如此。去年秋天,新桥投资以1.6亿美元(约合 亿人民币)收购深圳发展银行(简称"深发展")18%股权的交易最终获批,这是极为罕见的,也可以说是一次性交易。该交易完成后,新桥投资成为深发展最大股东。单伟建利用其不可思议的人际关系,帮助新桥获得了深发展的管理控制权,并使新桥成为第一家控股中资银行的外资机构。

Mao Zedong's purges halted Mr Shan's formal education at the age of 12. He risked punishment by spending evenings in the Gobi in a disused shed, perched on the handle of a spade, reading by kerosene lamplight. Education offered an escape. "Anyone can be lucky or unlucky," he says. "But I would have felt regret if there was an opportunity and I was not prepared." He read everything, from medical books and pesticide manuals to Chinese classics. Using Voice of America radio and an old dictionary, he taught himself English―though his pronunciation was so bad that when he first spoke it no one understood him. The desert taught him not to give up, and to wait. "Once you have experienced hardship―starvation is the worst―you don't think anything is hard anymore," he says. "You learn patience."

单伟建十二岁那年,毛泽东时代展开的政治运动中断了他正常的学业,使他一度失去了接受教育的机会。但他仍然冒着受罚的危险,晚上在戈壁滩一座废弃的小棚里,拄着铁锹,点着煤油灯自学。他说,"每个人都是幸运的,也可以说是不幸的;但是,如果机会来了,而我却没准备好,我会感到遗憾。"他读的书很多,从医学著作、农药说明书到中国典籍,他都读 。他还通过听美国广播、查旧字典自学英语。他刚开始说英语的时候,因为的发音不好,没有人能听懂他在说什么。在戈壁滩的生活教会了他坚持和等待。"在经历困难时,特别是面临饥饿这样的大困难时,你就会认为不会有比饥饿更困难的事了,你学会了有耐心。"他说。

Mr Shan's chance came in 1975. As the Cultural Revolution drew to an end, his work unit lobbied to get him a chance to study English in Beijing. He then moved to America, where he spent 12 years. He gained an MBA, a doctorate in business and a masters in economics; spent several months at the World Bank; taught as a business professor at Wharton in Pennsylvania for six years, where he founded a journal, the China Economic Review; and joined J.P. Morgan, becoming a managing director.


The bank sent him to Hong Kong, where he was snapped up by Newbridge, a spin-off from Texas Pacific Group, a big American private-equity firm that was just launching in the region. Buying and restructuring firms hit by Asia's economic crisis was then a popular strategy. One such deal, for Korea First Bank, which Newbridge bought from South Korea's government in 1999 and sold to Standard Chartered in January 2005 for $3.3 billion, almost quadrupling its money, put Newbridge on the map.

That experience, plus the backing secured by Mr Shan from China's top policymakers, gave the firm the confidence to bid for SDB, at a time when few outside investors were willing to touch a Chinese bank, riddled with bad loans and corruption. The takeover required all of Mr Shan's patience. There was a competing bid from Taiwan to see off, and the Shenzhen city-owned sellers kept changing their minds. All told, the process took over two years. Newbridge, fed up, nearly walked away. Mr Shan alone was willing to wait, but "if I had wanted to give up, nobody would have disagreed with me."


Mr Shan's patient determination―something his opponents find irritating―may say as much about his principles as his business ambition. In the rabidly anti-capitalist China in which he grew up, nobody aspired to a career in industry. "I never thought I would become a vulgar businessman," he laughs, rueing that in China wealth is becoming a yardstick of achievement and respect. Even so, his understanding of how modern China has evolved, from Confucianism to communism and now increasingly to capitalism, allows him to operate comfortably within it.


The wisdom of the West


It has also led him to believe that he can make it work better, by introducing what he has learned in the West. For a Chinese businessman, Mr Shan is unusually outspoken, and sometimes prickly, as he seeks to change China's business culture by writing newspaper editorials, giving speeches and serving as an independent board director. On the board of Baosteel, a big steel firm, he successfully objected to its purchase of a finance operation from its unlisted parent, arguing that this had nothing to do with steelmaking. On the board of China Unicom, he questioned Beijing's decision to shuffle managers between the country's telecoms firms. On the board of Bank of China's Hong Kong arm, he played a crucial part in launching an independent inquiry after a scandal in 2004 over questionable loans.


Mr Shan's biggest concern now is China's current bank-financed investment binge, which he says is leading to huge capacity increases and profitless growth. The solution, he argues, is to clean up the banks and to introduce proper incentives for loan officers, weaning them off lending based on relationships not returns. That is what Newbridge did at Korea First, writing off bad debts, cutting risky loans to big firms and building a more profitable business in mortgages and credit cards. Using that model, a successful turnaround of SDB, now a weak second-tier lender, would create a much-needed oasis of rigour inside China's otherwise wretched banking system. Can it be done? Mr Shan understands the risks better than most―and, clearly, life has given him plenty of reasons to be hopeful.



The Trouble at Fairholme

The Trouble at Fairholme

The once highflying mutual fund is down sharply this year, and one of its top executives has abruptly left the firm. Is there a connection?

Bruce R. Berkowitz had plenty of admirers while his Fairholme Fund was tripling investors' money over the past decade. Financial publications like this one encouraged readers to put their savings into the hands of the now 53-year-old value investor who affects the plain-spoken ways of Warren Buffett and beat the market by an average of 14% in each of the past 10 years. But this year, the mutual fund (ticker: FAIRX) is down 27%, while the broad market has been roughly flat.

Suddenly, Berkowitz has plenty of doubters. Redemptions and negative returns have cut Fairholme's assets in half since last year, to about $9 billion.

Folks with firsthand knowledge of Berkowitz wonder if the brilliant investor—whom Morningstar last year dubbed Manager of the Decade for his U.S. stockpicking–has lost his way. Says a Wall Streeter familiar with Berkowitz: "The way he's making money—and who he's doing it with—is not how the 10-year track record was created."

Josh Ritchie for Barron's

Bruce Berkowitz liked Charles Fernandez so much that he lent him money to buy a $9 million house next to his, and then forgave the loan.

As for "who," that would be Charles M. Fernandez, whom Berkowitz abruptly made director, president and co-manager of Fairholme in 2008. Fairholme's long-time team of portfolio professionals were effectively displaced by the now 49-year-old Fernandez, who had no apparent experience in investment management. Berkowitz even installed Fernandez in the mansion next door to his own, in the tony Tahiti Beach Island enclave of Coral Gables, Fla., and then forgave Fernandez's $9 million mortgage. But something seems to have changed in their relationship.

A DAY AFTER Barron's asked Fairholme about him, Fernandez resigned "for personal reasons," according to a curt filing made Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. "References to Mr. Fernandez in the prospectus," said the notice, "are hereby deleted."

Whether Fernandez's co-management of Fairholme contributed to its current predicament isn't clear. But mutual-fund veterans do say that the concentration of Fairholme's stock holdings has been unprecedented, even in comparison with other "focused" funds, such as Bill Miller's Legg Mason Value Trust (LMVTX) or Ken Heebner's CGM Focus Fund (CGMFX). As Fairholme doubled down on its bets on unpopular shares like American International Group (AIG) and St. Joe (JOE), its most recent SEC filings (from May and June) showed cash levels near historical lows and some two-thirds of its holdings piled high in stocks including Sears Holdings (SHLD) and Brookfield Asset Management (BAM). To handle any redemptions, SEC rules discourage mutual funds from putting more than 15% of their assets in "illiquid" securities—those that would take over a week to sell.

Fairholme's portfolio has surely changed since its latest holdings report to the SEC on June 30—the September holdings report, due this week, may show cash raised from its recent sale of shares in Regions Financial (RF)—but the June snapshot revealed positions that would take months to unwind without overwhelming the stocks' daily volume and crushing the share prices. One expert on large trades' price impact, the Santa Fe Institute economist Doyne Farmer, says that traders who don't want to drastically move a stock's price try to keep their own trading below 20% of a day's volume. The table below shows the hypothetical number of days required to exit Fairholme's least liquid positions at that rate.

Fairholme's "Long" Squeeze

If Fairholme had to sell its big holdings, but wanted to keep the sales under 20% of the stocks' usual daily volume, some of its positions could take months to unwind.

Company/Ticker Recent
52-Week Range ($) June 30
at Recent
Prices (mil)
% of Equity
Days Needed
to Sell**
St Joe Co/JOE $14.51 14.52-30.34 27 $386 4.2% 227.5
Sears Hldgs /SHLD 73.44 51.14-94.79 16 1,203 9.1 148.7
Brookfield Asset /BAM 27.43 24.42-34.23 27 748 7.0 109.2
Leucadia Natl Gp/LUK 25.69 20.81-39.14 19 481 4.9 88.1
MBIA/MBI 8.15 5.99-14.96 47 382 3.2 76.8
American Intl Group /AIG 22.91 19.18-52.67 103 2,363 23.4 66.9
China Pacific Ins/2601 HK* 2.77 2.59-4.55 148 410 4.1 50.8
CIT Group/CIT 34.13 27.68-49.57 19 663 6.7 47.1
Winthrop Realty/FUR 8.46 8.05-13.84 1 11 0.1 40.0
AIA Group Limited/1299 HK* 2.98 2.54-3.79 302 901 7.1 37.2
*Hong Kong stock holdings, as of May 31, 2011 **Based on 20% of daily volume

IN RESPONSE TO QUERIES from Barron's, all Berkowitz would say about Fernandez, who also resigned as vice chairman of the St. Joe board chaired by Berkowitz, was that Fairholme wishes him the best. We were unable to reach Fernandez. But he seems to have been an unlikely choice to replace Fairholme's veteran investment pros. A biography in Fairholme's prospectus told of Fernandez's 23 years of management experience at companies like Big City Radio and IVAX (IVD), the generic drug maker founded by billionaire Phillip Frost. But the bio doesn't mention a scandal that sent a Florida Assembly speaker to jail for taking secret payments from a political-action committee Fernandez headed. Or that two public companies, Continucare and Big City Radio, lost a combined $150 million with Fernandez as their chief executive.

By many accounts, Berkowitz and Fernandez have been inseparable the past few years. Fernandez is married to Berkowitz's cousin, and the Coral Gables neighbors have summered together in Bridgehampton, N.Y. In a June interview, Berkowitz described Fernandez as an alter ego, like Buffett's famous associate, Charlie Munger. "I did learn from Warren Buffett," quipped Berkowitz, "that everybody needs a Charlie."

The story of Bruce Berkowitz and Fairholme is legendary.Berkowitz has said that in high school, he ran his father's small-time bookmaking operation for a couple of months, while his dad recovered from a heart attack. He went on to become a successful stockbroker at Salomon and then Lehman Brothers, doing his own research and betting on companies, like Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) and Leucadia National (LUK), that were run by great investors. His clients made a sevenfold return on Wells Fargo (WFC) in the early 1990s, when other people were wrongly betting that the California bank was going bust. Then as the dot.com frenzy peaked in 1999, Berkowitz launched the Fairholme mutual fund with the out-of-favor strategy of value investing.

Before long, Fairholme was handily beating the market with big bets on insurers like Markel (MKL) and White Mountains Insurance (WTM), not to mention large investments in Berkshire and Leucadia. Working with Berkowitz at his Short Hills, N.J., office was a small investment team lead by Larry Pitkowsky and Keith Trauner. Outside consultants also supplied industry expertise when Fairholme took contrarian plunges on companies like WilTel Communications and MCI. Although Berkowitz owned the firm that ran Fairholme, Trauner and Pitkowsky joined him on media interviews. All three drafted and signed letters sent to Fairholme investors.

After a couple of years in which the fund gained better than 20%, investors started pouring money into it. Assets under management hit $1.4 billion in 2005, then almost $6.5 billion in 2007. Berkowitz's firm got an advisory fee of 1% of assets, which came to more than $50 million in 2007. Add the gains on Berkowitz's own stake in Fairholme's funds–Fairholme management held over $300 million worth as of March 2011—and that's pretty good money.

In late 2006, Berkowitz moved to Miami to escape Wall Street's groupthink and New Jersey's taxes. Fernandez and Berkowitz met when Fernandez married a cousin of Berkowitz named Lauren Sturges in July 2007. Her father, Robert Sturges, had run the gaming business of cruise-ship operator Carnival (CCL) and owned a piece of the Miami Heat basketball team with Fernandez's uncle. After Fernandez joined Fairholme in November 2007, fractures began developing in what had been a tight-knit group. Neither Trauner nor Pitkowsky will discuss what happened; they eventually left Fairholme and started the GoodHaven Fund (GOODX).

But a civil suit filed last year in a Miami state court by a fired analyst might fill in some blanks. The plaintiff, David Ahl, contends that Fairholme was a hostile working environment. He recounts how he came to Fairholme as a telecom-industry consultant in 2003 and then a full-time analyst in 2006. When Berkowitz told his portfolio team that they needed to join him in Florida, Ahl bought a $3 million condo in Coconut Grove in September 2007. A few months later, says Ahl, Berkowitz installed Fernandez as boss of Fairholme's portfolio management team, overseeing Ahl, Pitkowsky and Trauner. Fernandez also brought in new directors and officers to Fairholme, such as Treasurer Paul R. Thomson, who had worked for Fernandez at the unprofitable Big City Radio. Fairholme has denied Ahl's allegations.


Yamila Lomba for Barron''s

Fernandez is shown with his wife, Lauren, Berkowitz's cousin.

Charlie Fernandez seemed as though he was connected to everyone in Miami—he'd married four times by the age of 45—and his network included South Florida mayors, police chiefs and pension-fund trustees. Acquaintances note that, at the time, Berkowitz had just lost a key mentor with the death of Fairholme director Joel Uchenick. Fernandez and Berkowitz hit it off. Berkowitz lent Fernandez the money to buy the mansion next door, and then forgave the mortgage. They visited Fernandez's favorite after-hours spots, in ponytails and guayabera shirts.

In his lawsuit, David Ahl complains that Fernandez had no experience in securities analysis or portfolio management. Public records show that Fernandez had plenty of experience in business and politics, however. At hearings of New Jersey's Casino Control Commission in 1999, Bally Entertainment magnate Arthur Goldberg had to explain why his firm shouldn't lose its Atlantic City license after funneling secret payments to Florida Assembly Speaker Bolley "Bo" Johnson through a political action committee.

The PAC was headed by Fernandez, who was running Bally's unsuccessful campaign to legalize casinos in Florida. Goldberg and Fernandez testified to the casino commission about Atlantic City junkets and payments they arranged for Florida politicos. State prosecutors concluded that the payments didn't constitute bribery under Florida law. Fernandez and his Bally associates weren't charged with any offense. But a federal prosecution sent Johnson and his wife to prison for failing to report the Bally payments on their tax return.

Fernandez got his start in business working for his uncle Amancio Suarez, a real-estate developer who owned two Spanish-language radio stations in South Florida. They sold out to a broadcasting chain called Heftel in 1995 for about $20 million.

Fernandez next started the health-care company Continucare, with the backing of Miami entrepreneur Phil Frost and George Soros' brother Robert. Continucare spent $45 million acquiring South Florida medical practices, but as the roll-up failed to generate cash profits, its stock fell from 13 bucks to 19 cents. Fernandez stepped down as CEO in 1999.

He soon was CEO of Big City Radio, a radio chain that he converted to a Spanish-language format. Over the next three years, it lost $90 million and its stock slid from five bucks to 10 cents. After Big City sold its radio stations for the benefit of creditors in 2003, Fernandez spent the next few years running an addiction-treatment hospital and serving as a director of Phil Frost's IVAX.


After arriving at Fairholme, says Ahl's complaint, Fernandez urged Berkowitz to invest in health-care outfits like WellCare (WCG). He also became a key player in Fairholme's fight to control St. Joe, the owner of 600,000 acres of Florida panhandle property whose value has been the subject of a fierce debate between Berkowitz (who thinks it's high) and hedge-fund manager David Einhorn (who doesn't). Since January 2011, St. Joe shares have fallen from about $30 to $15. Until last week, Fernandez was co-manager of all three Fairholme funds, including Fairholme Focused (FOCIX) and Fairholme Allocation (FAAFX), which are also down substantially this year.

Berkowitz, of course, is Fairholme's ultimate decision maker. In the past, he has extolled Fernandez's business savvy. And he has praised Fernandez for bringing in last year's $2 billion gain on bond investments in AmeriCredit and General Growth Properties (GGP). In fact, Berkowitz has said, Fernandez made more money for Fairholme investors than had all previous employees, combined.

Fernandez probably did fine for himself, too. Barely a year after his arrival, Pitkowsky and Trauner departed from Fairholme. Fernandez seems to have been the only investment employee remaining to claim what David Ahl's lawsuit says was a bonus pool of 15% of the advisory firm's profits—probably more than $10 million in 2008.

Pitkowsky and Trauner declined to discuss Fairholme. And Barron's was unable to obtain comment from Ahl or his attorney.

Will Berkowitz's big bets work out? Maybe. Or maybe not. But one thing is clear: His travels with Charlie have ended.

The Trouble at Fairholme

The Trouble at Fairholme

The once highflying mutual fund is down sharply this year, and one of its top executives has abruptly left the firm. Is there a connection?

Bruce R. Berkowitz had plenty of admirers while his Fairholme Fund was tripling investors' money over the past decade. Financial publications like this one encouraged readers to put their savings into the hands of the now 53-year-old value investor who affects the plain-spoken ways of Warren Buffett and beat the market by an average of 14% in each of the past 10 years. But this year, the mutual fund (ticker: FAIRX) is down 27%, while the broad market has been roughly flat.

Suddenly, Berkowitz has plenty of doubters. Redemptions and negative returns have cut Fairholme's assets in half since last year, to about $9 billion.

Folks with firsthand knowledge of Berkowitz wonder if the brilliant investor―whom Morningstar last year dubbed Manager of the Decade for his U.S. stockpicking�has lost his way. Says a Wall Streeter familiar with Berkowitz: "The way he's making money―and who he's doing it with―is not how the 10-year track record was created."

Josh Ritchie for Barron's

Bruce Berkowitz liked Charles Fernandez so much that he lent him money to buy a $9 million house next to his, and then forgave the loan.

As for "who," that would be Charles M. Fernandez, whom Berkowitz abruptly made director, president and co-manager of Fairholme in 2008. Fairholme's long-time team of portfolio professionals were effectively displaced by the now 49-year-old Fernandez, who had no apparent experience in investment management. Berkowitz even installed Fernandez in the mansion next door to his own, in the tony Tahiti Beach Island enclave of Coral Gables, Fla., and then forgave Fernandez's $9 million mortgage. But something seems to have changed in their relationship.

A DAY AFTER Barron's asked Fairholme about him, Fernandez resigned "for personal reasons," according to a curt filing made Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. "References to Mr. Fernandez in the prospectus," said the notice, "are hereby deleted."

Whether Fernandez's co-management of Fairholme contributed to its current predicament isn't clear. But mutual-fund veterans do say that the concentration of Fairholme's stock holdings has been unprecedented, even in comparison with other "focused" funds, such as Bill Miller's Legg Mason Value Trust (LMVTX) or Ken Heebner's CGM Focus Fund (CGMFX). As Fairholme doubled down on its bets on unpopular shares like American International Group (AIG) and St. Joe (JOE), its most recent SEC filings (from May and June) showed cash levels near historical lows and some two-thirds of its holdings piled high in stocks including Sears Holdings (SHLD) and Brookfield Asset Management (BAM). To handle any redemptions, SEC rules discourage mutual funds from putting more than 15% of their assets in "illiquid" securities―those that would take over a week to sell.

Fairholme's portfolio has surely changed since its latest holdings report to the SEC on June 30―the September holdings report, due this week, may show cash raised from its recent sale of shares in Regions Financial (RF)―but the June snapshot revealed positions that would take months to unwind without overwhelming the stocks' daily volume and crushing the share prices. One expert on large trades' price impact, the Santa Fe Institute economist Doyne Farmer, says that traders who don't want to drastically move a stock's price try to keep their own trading below 20% of a day's volume. The table below shows the hypothetical number of days required to exit Fairholme's least liquid positions at that rate.

Fairholme's "Long" Squeeze

If Fairholme had to sell its big holdings, but wanted to keep the sales under 20% of the stocks' usual daily volume, some of its positions could take months to unwind.

Company/Ticker Recent
52-Week Range ($) June 30
at Recent
Prices (mil)
% of Equity
Days Needed
to Sell**
St Joe Co/JOE $14.51 14.52-30.34 27 $386 4.2% 227.5
Sears Hldgs /SHLD 73.44 51.14-94.79 16 1,203 9.1 148.7
Brookfield Asset /BAM 27.43 24.42-34.23 27 748 7.0 109.2
Leucadia Natl Gp/LUK 25.69 20.81-39.14 19 481 4.9 88.1
MBIA/MBI 8.15 5.99-14.96 47 382 3.2 76.8
American Intl Group /AIG 22.91 19.18-52.67 103 2,363 23.4 66.9
China Pacific Ins/2601 HK* 2.77 2.59-4.55 148 410 4.1 50.8
CIT Group/CIT 34.13 27.68-49.57 19 663 6.7 47.1
Winthrop Realty/FUR 8.46 8.05-13.84 1 11 0.1 40.0
AIA Group Limited/1299 HK* 2.98 2.54-3.79 302 901 7.1 37.2
*Hong Kong stock holdings, as of May 31, 2011 **Based on 20% of daily volume

IN RESPONSE TO QUERIES from Barron's, all Berkowitz would say about Fernandez, who also resigned as vice chairman of the St. Joe board chaired by Berkowitz, was that Fairholme wishes him the best. We were unable to reach Fernandez. But he seems to have been an unlikely choice to replace Fairholme's veteran investment pros. A biography in Fairholme's prospectus told of Fernandez's 23 years of management experience at companies like Big City Radio and IVAX (IVD), the generic drug maker founded by billionaire Phillip Frost. But the bio doesn't mention a scandal that sent a Florida Assembly speaker to jail for taking secret payments from a political-action committee Fernandez headed. Or that two public companies, Continucare and Big City Radio, lost a combined $150 million with Fernandez as their chief executive.

By many accounts, Berkowitz and Fernandez have been inseparable the past few years. Fernandez is married to Berkowitz's cousin, and the Coral Gables neighbors have summered together in Bridgehampton, N.Y. In a June interview, Berkowitz described Fernandez as an alter ego, like Buffett's famous associate, Charlie Munger. "I did learn from Warren Buffett," quipped Berkowitz, "that everybody needs a Charlie."

The story of Bruce Berkowitz and Fairholme is legendary.Berkowitz has said that in high school, he ran his father's small-time bookmaking operation for a couple of months, while his dad recovered from a heart attack. He went on to become a successful stockbroker at Salomon and then Lehman Brothers, doing his own research and betting on companies, like Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) and Leucadia National (LUK), that were run by great investors. His clients made a sevenfold return on Wells Fargo (WFC) in the early 1990s, when other people were wrongly betting that the California bank was going bust. Then as the dot.com frenzy peaked in 1999, Berkowitz launched the Fairholme mutual fund with the out-of-favor strategy of value investing.

Before long, Fairholme was handily beating the market with big bets on insurers like Markel (MKL) and White Mountains Insurance (WTM), not to mention large investments in Berkshire and Leucadia. Working with Berkowitz at his Short Hills, N.J., office was a small investment team lead by Larry Pitkowsky and Keith Trauner. Outside consultants also supplied industry expertise when Fairholme took contrarian plunges on companies like WilTel Communications and MCI. Although Berkowitz owned the firm that ran Fairholme, Trauner and Pitkowsky joined him on media interviews. All three drafted and signed letters sent to Fairholme investors.

After a couple of years in which the fund gained better than 20%, investors started pouring money into it. Assets under management hit $1.4 billion in 2005, then almost $6.5 billion in 2007. Berkowitz's firm got an advisory fee of 1% of assets, which came to more than $50 million in 2007. Add the gains on Berkowitz's own stake in Fairholme's funds�Fairholme management held over $300 million worth as of March 2011―and that's pretty good money.

In late 2006, Berkowitz moved to Miami to escape Wall Street's groupthink and New Jersey's taxes. Fernandez and Berkowitz met when Fernandez married a cousin of Berkowitz named Lauren Sturges in July 2007. Her father, Robert Sturges, had run the gaming business of cruise-ship operator Carnival (CCL) and owned a piece of the Miami Heat basketball team with Fernandez's uncle. After Fernandez joined Fairholme in November 2007, fractures began developing in what had been a tight-knit group. Neither Trauner nor Pitkowsky will discuss what happened; they eventually left Fairholme and started the GoodHaven Fund (GOODX).

But a civil suit filed last year in a Miami state court by a fired analyst might fill in some blanks. The plaintiff, David Ahl, contends that Fairholme was a hostile working environment. He recounts how he came to Fairholme as a telecom-industry consultant in 2003 and then a full-time analyst in 2006. When Berkowitz told his portfolio team that they needed to join him in Florida, Ahl bought a $3 million condo in Coconut Grove in September 2007. A few months later, says Ahl, Berkowitz installed Fernandez as boss of Fairholme's portfolio management team, overseeing Ahl, Pitkowsky and Trauner. Fernandez also brought in new directors and officers to Fairholme, such as Treasurer Paul R. Thomson, who had worked for Fernandez at the unprofitable Big City Radio. Fairholme has denied Ahl's allegations.


Yamila Lomba for Barron''s

Fernandez is shown with his wife, Lauren, Berkowitz's cousin.

Charlie Fernandez seemed as though he was connected to everyone in Miami―he'd married four times by the age of 45―and his network included South Florida mayors, police chiefs and pension-fund trustees. Acquaintances note that, at the time, Berkowitz had just lost a key mentor with the death of Fairholme director Joel Uchenick. Fernandez and Berkowitz hit it off. Berkowitz lent Fernandez the money to buy the mansion next door, and then forgave the mortgage. They visited Fernandez's favorite after-hours spots, in ponytails and guayabera shirts.

In his lawsuit, David Ahl complains that Fernandez had no experience in securities analysis or portfolio management. Public records show that Fernandez had plenty of experience in business and politics, however. At hearings of New Jersey's Casino Control Commission in 1999, Bally Entertainment magnate Arthur Goldberg had to explain why his firm shouldn't lose its Atlantic City license after funneling secret payments to Florida Assembly Speaker Bolley "Bo" Johnson through a political action committee.

The PAC was headed by Fernandez, who was running Bally's unsuccessful campaign to legalize casinos in Florida. Goldberg and Fernandez testified to the casino commission about Atlantic City junkets and payments they arranged for Florida politicos. State prosecutors concluded that the payments didn't constitute bribery under Florida law. Fernandez and his Bally associates weren't charged with any offense. But a federal prosecution sent Johnson and his wife to prison for failing to report the Bally payments on their tax return.

Fernandez got his start in business working for his uncle Amancio Suarez, a real-estate developer who owned two Spanish-language radio stations in South Florida. They sold out to a broadcasting chain called Heftel in 1995 for about $20 million.

Fernandez next started the health-care company Continucare, with the backing of Miami entrepreneur Phil Frost and George Soros' brother Robert. Continucare spent $45 million acquiring South Florida medical practices, but as the roll-up failed to generate cash profits, its stock fell from 13 bucks to 19 cents. Fernandez stepped down as CEO in 1999.

He soon was CEO of Big City Radio, a radio chain that he converted to a Spanish-language format. Over the next three years, it lost $90 million and its stock slid from five bucks to 10 cents. After Big City sold its radio stations for the benefit of creditors in 2003, Fernandez spent the next few years running an addiction-treatment hospital and serving as a director of Phil Frost's IVAX.


After arriving at Fairholme, says Ahl's complaint, Fernandez urged Berkowitz to invest in health-care outfits like WellCare (WCG). He also became a key player in Fairholme's fight to control St. Joe, the owner of 600,000 acres of Florida panhandle property whose value has been the subject of a fierce debate between Berkowitz (who thinks it's high) and hedge-fund manager David Einhorn (who doesn't). Since January 2011, St. Joe shares have fallen from about $30 to $15. Until last week, Fernandez was co-manager of all three Fairholme funds, including Fairholme Focused (FOCIX) and Fairholme Allocation (FAAFX), which are also down substantially this year.

Berkowitz, of course, is Fairholme's ultimate decision maker. In the past, he has extolled Fernandez's business savvy. And he has praised Fernandez for bringing in last year's $2 billion gain on bond investments in AmeriCredit and General Growth Properties (GGP). In fact, Berkowitz has said, Fernandez made more money for Fairholme investors than had all previous employees, combined.

Fernandez probably did fine for himself, too. Barely a year after his arrival, Pitkowsky and Trauner departed from Fairholme. Fernandez seems to have been the only investment employee remaining to claim what David Ahl's lawsuit says was a bonus pool of 15% of the advisory firm's profits―probably more than $10 million in 2008.

Pitkowsky and Trauner declined to discuss Fairholme. And Barron's was unable to obtain comment from Ahl or his attorney.

Will Berkowitz's big bets work out? Maybe. Or maybe not. But one thing is clear: His travels with Charlie have ended.