The canon of economics经济学经典
Economics focus
The canon of economics
The best journal in the discipline picks its best papers
Feb 24th 2011 | from the print edition
ONE hundred years ago, in March 1911, the American Economic Review (AER) published its first article—on irrigation in the “sun-blistered” deserts of the western United States. The article described how the “fervid suns of May and June” melted “vast beds of snow and ice”, so that “springs and torrents rush down to the lowlands” and “the rivers overflow their banks”.
一百年前的1911年3月,《美国经济评论》(American Economic Review)登出了第一篇文章,内容是关于美国西部被太阳晒到起泡的沙漠的灌溉的。文章描绘了“五六月的骄阳”如何融化了“巨大的冰雪床”,以至于“泉水和溪流朝低地奔腾而下”,“河水漫过了堤岸”。
It is fair to say that the journal’s prose style has rushed downhill since those first lyrical pages. But if the AER’s opening article ranks among the best-written in the review’s history, it does not rank among the best. To mark its centenary issue, the journal asked six eminent economists to trawl through the thousands of papers that followed and pick the top 20. The results, with links to all 20 papers, are available online.*
The links are worth clicking on. Many of these papers are more cited than read. They are known not by their full titles, but by the author-and-date shorthand (Modigliani and Miller, 1958; Friedman, 1968; Diamond and Mirrlees, 1971) used in references. Reading them in the original yields some pleasing rediscoveries.
这些链接值得点击。其中许多篇被引用的次数甚至比阅读的次数还要多。它们的作者-日期简称(Modigliani and Miller, 1958; Friedman, 1968; Diamond and Mirrlees, 1971,用于参考文献中)比标题更出名。阅读原始文献能重新发现一些颇有兴味的东西。
Unsurprisingly, the list includes the 1955 paper by Simon Kuznets explaining why inequality might first rise then fall in the course of economic development. Surprisingly, nowhere in the paper did he actually draw the “Kuznets curve” that is now inseparable from his name. (He described the arc of inequality as a “long swing” instead.) Robert Mundell’s 1961 theory of “optimum currency areas”, which lays out the conditions for a workable currency union, is now often cited by the euro’s critics. Ironic, therefore, to note that Mr Mundell wrote the paper to show why flexible exchange rates were impractical because many nations are not optimal currency areas either. Should every local “pocket of unemployment” have a “separate currency”, he snorted.
With one or two exceptions, the chosen papers convey an impression of economics as a tidy, coherent discipline. The subjects covered are traditional: consumption, tax, currencies, inflation, that sort of thing. There are no excursions into sumo相扑 or intestinal worms. The furthest off-piste they go is Anne Krueger’s 1974 article on rent-seeking, explaining why people may lobby for governments to distort the economy.
The papers are not bereft of whimsy, but it is confined to footnotes and asides. A 1972 paper by Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz, for example, describes how the firm evolved as an organisational form to prevent shirking in team production. A footnote explains why sportsmen do not shirk enough, overinvesting in their skills. (Teams care about coming top, as much as they care about being good, so if teams collectively agreed to lower their standards, they could achieve the same league rankings with less effort.) The two economists also explain why professors get away with “turpitudinal peccadillos” like stealing office stationery.
This consensus on the proper subject of economics also extends to method. The chosen economists mostly go about their business in a consistent way, refining, extending or occasionally bending a shared framework of analysis. Some of them make their colleagues’ lives easier by suggesting convenient tricks and techniques to make a theory testable (such as the consumer-demand equations set out in 1980 by Angus Deaton and John Muellbauer), to make a notion easy to model (see the 1977 paper by Avinash Dixit and Joseph Stiglitz on differentiated products and increasing returns to scale) or both (the production function pioneered in 1928 by Charles Cobb and the inimitable Paul Douglas).
Several papers spot a real-world phenomenon that sits uneasily with the discipline’s ruling assumptions. Why do people in developing countries leave undermanned farms to languish in urban unemployment, for example? The papers then show that one or two tweaks to the assumptions can bring the problem to heel—in this instance, the artificially high wages paid by city jobs offset the smaller chance of landing one.
The most recent entry to the top 20 is Robert Shiller’s 1981 paper documenting the excessive volatility of stock prices. Nothing else in the past 30 years made the cut—even though submissions to the AER have swelled in that time and its acceptance rate has plunged. Douglas Bernheim, one of the six pop-pickers, says that each of them would probably have included “at least a couple of more recent papers” on their list. “But as we move from older to younger papers, assessments vary more from person to person.”
在20佳论文中,最为晚近的一篇是罗伯特•希勒1981年关于股价过度波动的论文。过去30年来,《美国经济评论》的投稿数量有了很大增长,退稿率也大大提高了,但却没有一篇论文能够入围20佳。六名遴选者之一的道格拉斯•伯恩海姆(Douglas Bernheim)说,也许他们六个人每人都“至少选了两三篇近期论文”,“但随着我们的目光从老论文转向新论文,我们彼此之间的判断出现了越来越大的差异。”
Why is this? Mr Bernheim points out that younger papers are less time-tested. Economists can only forecast their worth, and these forecasts are rarely convincing enough to supplant one of the proven classics on the list. According to this view, some recent papers will eventually earn broad admiration. It is simply a question of time.
But perhaps it is also a question of the times. Economics has fragmented in the past 15-20 years, both in subject and technique. No aspect of human behaviour is off-limits and a miscellany of methods are in vogue, adding laboratory experiments, randomised trials and computer simulations to the traditionalist’s blackboard and chalk. Many of the brightest stars in economics parade their scepticism, insisting on how little economists really know (or indeed how little real economics they know). The discipline is more exciting, ingenious and intrepid as a result. But it is also unruly and untidy. Some economists are still patiently adding to a cairn of knowledge. Many are throwing rocks.
It is harder than ever to keep abreast of progress. After running four issues a year for the past 100 years, the AER will this year publish six. The journal has already produced four specialised offshoots. Economics is producing a torrent of research, coursing in all directions. The rivers have overflowed their banks.
* http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/aer.101.1.1
from the print edition | Finance and Economics
Going underground
A project to reveal more about all the carbon on Earth
The Deep Carbon Observatory
Feb 24th 2011 | from the print edition
A world still full of secrets
THE carbon cycle is the stuff of school books. It is a familiar tale of photosynthesis, forests, farming and fossils fuels. Understanding this cycle is important, both because it sustains life on Earth and because it is bound up with the rate of global warming. But are the outlines of the carbon cycle really that familiar?
At the AAAS meeting in Washington, DC, Robert Hazen of the Carnegie Institution for Science, which is based in the same town, gave a lecture intended to show that this view of the carbon cycle only scratches the surface. Dr Hazen is one of the moving spirits behind a project called the Deep Carbon Observatory, which will be paid for by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Over the course of the next decade it will attempt to understand all the carbon in the Earth, not just the stuff that cycles through the atmosphere, the oceans and living things.
在华盛顿的AAAS会议,来自卡内基科学学院(Carnegie Institution for Science)(同样位于华盛顿)的Robert Hazen发表演讲。该演讲旨在展示上述对碳循环的的看法仅仅触及表面。Hazen博士是被称作深碳观测站项目的幕后策划者,该项目由Alfred P. Sloan基金出资。接下来的十年中,该项目将试着去了解地球上所有的碳,而不仅仅是通过大气、海洋和生物循环的东西。
As Dr Hazen pointed out, carbon is the fourth-most-abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen, helium and oxygen. In the Earth, though less common than that, it is reckoned to make up between 0.07% and 3.2% of the planet. But the uncertainty of this range is itself a comment on how little carbon's role in the Earth's overall physics and chemistry is understood. Also uncertain is how much interchange there is between the carbon in the Earth's mantle and core, and the more familiar stuff in the crust, atmosphere and oceans.
Some carbon comes from the mantle to the surface in the form of diamonds. These crystals, which can form only under the intense pressure of the Earth's deep interior, must have been erupted at unbelievable speed (about 100kph) to have survived the journey to the surface intact. At slower speeds they would have turned into graphite, much to the chagrin of brides-to-be everywhere.
How, exactly, diamond forms is an important question. Diamonds are useful as an industrial material as well as gem stones, and they would have many more applications if they could be made cheaply. And another, even more important industrial material, petroleum, may also come from the mantle.
Among petroleum geologists in Western countries, the consensus is that crude oil and natural gas are formed near the Earth's surface from the fossilised bodies of living organisms. Many Russians, though, disagree. They support the 130-year-old idea of their countryman Dmitri Mendeleev (who created the first version of the periodic table of elements). He thought the temperatures and pressures of the mantle would convert carbonates and water into hydrocarbons.
That has, indeed, been done experimentally in the past. And one role of the Deep Carbon Observatory will be to try to do it again in more sophisticated ways. If it turns out that fossil fuels are abiogenic, that probably means they are more abundant than Western geologists think, and may be found in places hitherto thought unpromising.
Abiogenic petroleum could also provide food for one of the most intriguing targets of all for the Deep Carbon Observatory: the bacteria that live in the Earth's depths. Current estimates suggest that half of all the living matter on Earth lives underground, at depths of up to 5km. Some people think the share may be bigger than that. Indeed, there is loose talk of life having originated more than once in the distant past, and of there being entire shadow biospheres of organisms completely unrelated to anything on the surface.
Intriguingly, a few diamonds bear signs that their carbon was once part of living organisms. The ratio between the heavy and light isotopes of the element in their crystals is not quite right for stuff that has come out of the ground. Instead, it matches the ratio found when organic molecules have been through a few rounds of biochemical processing. Clearly there is a lot going on deep in the Earth that is completely unknown to science. With a bit of luck, over the ten years of Dr Hazen's project, the veil of ignorance will be lifted a little.
(山东大学,山东 济南 250100)
[关键词]存款货币创造 存款 贷款 原始存款 派生存款
理论界另一种观点则认为“货币创造就是银行的贷款行为本身,货币创造的功能是属于银行个体的而不是整个银行体系的,区别原始存款和派生存款的概念是无意义的” “存款货币都是具体的某一单个银行用贷款(或投资)创造的”
一、 质疑“银行贷款产生存款”
1. 中央银行
2. 商业银行
【财新网】(专栏作家 周其仁)话说上世纪60年代初期,为了应对那时的通胀,主政者选了若干收入弹性较高的食品,既不限价、也不限量,放手高价出售,"一下子收回60亿元,市场物价就稳定了"。这条历史经验,看在80后读者的眼里,差不多是陈年老黄历了,难道还有值得今天借鉴之处吗?我的看法,还是有的。不过,我们先要把时代的特征分清楚。
今天中国经济改成了市场经济。既然叫市场经济,其运行的基础就是不同的经济主体各讲各的权利,协调关系要靠利益交换,不能靠行政命令。虽然法定货币还由政府发行,但进入市场之后覆水难收,不是谁下一道命令说收就可以立马儿收回来的。列在央行报表上的广义货币,数目大得惊人,但走进现实里看,哪一块钱也都早就 "名花有主",谁也不能随便想动就动。这就是为什么标准教科书上的"货币政策",来来回回就是央行买进卖出债券、调高调低利率那一套。连"法定储备金率"这样看似央行行长可以言出法随,令行禁止的事儿,受严格程序的约束不算,还要记在央行负债栏目下,提醒各位当事人那是央行欠着商业银行的钱。
比尔・普瑞斯 现在买入派息股
- 比尔・普瑞斯 现在买入派息股
- 2011-1-29 文章来源于《证券市场周刊》证券市场周刊订阅
【《证券市场周刊》记者 王存迎】我们刚刚走完新十年的第一年,当告别2010年时,我们希望2011年不要有太多的变故。在新的一年中,美国人应该在期待美联储动作减少。美联储在危机后一直购买国债,试图压低短期利率,但其刺激借贷和恢复经济的愿望仍然没有实现。在经历了自大萧条以来最大的金融危机和最长时间的衰退后,美国当前的经济复苏速度非常缓慢,失业率依然居高不下。
毫无疑问,在发达国家,像欧洲、日本、美国,以及所谓的七国集团国家,未来的增长将低于以前的水平。其中部分原因是其人口结构问题,另外更重要的是在全球金融危机后,他们将个人债务和银行体系的债务转移到了主权资产负债表上。他们别无选择,个人的生命是有限的,企业也不能永远存活,但坦率地说,国家可以永远存在下去。所以他们采取将短期债务转变,使其持续时间更长。通过这样做,他们也给自己留下时间来处理金融危机中出现的棘手债务问题。近期有一本优秀的书提供了思考这个问题的方法,这本书是肯罗格夫和卡门・莱因哈特写的《这次与众不同》(This Time Is Different)。那本书的内容重点是:危机从来没有什么不同,每一次金融危机都遵循一定的模式。当一个国家的国家债务达到其国内生产总值的90%时,其未来增长率将减少1-1.5个百分点。这也是为什么G7国家未来增长速度比以前更慢的原因。另外债务问题的改善不会很快到来,这将需要五-六年的时间,但投资者不必悲观,你可以投资于全球市场。
比如微软公司。微软最近提高了其红利分配,不过其股息率还是比较少的3%,但他们将回购100亿美元的股票。因此,将分红加上股票回购的效应,投资者会有一个7%的收益率。微软正在进入一个相当不错的时期,Windows 7将成为他们有史以来最成功的产品,Xbox是当今市场上处于第一位的游戏服务商,微软很可能在云计算领域成为领先者。他们至少未来两年时间内的增长率会达到两位数。买入一家有着增长股息率,股票回购和未来10%至12%增长率的公司是非常正确的选择,你不知道自己什么时候会赢,但你知道自己终将获胜。
比尔・普瑞斯(Bill Priest),著名的长期股票投资者,时代投资(Epoch Investment Partners)CEO兼CIO,时代投资是一家公开上市的全球资产管理公司。他拥有超过40年的投资经验,2004年创办自己的公司时代投资。巴伦周刊描述他是一个为个人和机构投资者提供选股典范的人。普瑞斯的时代环球股票收益基金在2009年荣获理柏"过去三年最佳基金"的名誉。
2011年巴伦圆桌会议 注意了,个股投资者
- 2011年巴伦圆桌会议 注意了,个股投资者
- 2011-1-29 文章来源于《证券市场周刊》证券市场周刊订阅
- 美国私人住宅将持续去杠杆化,但公共房产领域将杠杆化,并将成为经济的支点之一。中国上调利率会引致美国市场的抛售。
【《证券市场周刊》记者 徐怡丹】巴伦圆桌会议的成员们近日在纽约的哈佛俱乐部召开了年度会议并预测:美国的结构性问题包括巨大的财政赤字以及延续财政赤字的政策,在不久以后会将国家带入毁灭的漩涡――当然之前发生的事可能是股市攀升另一个5%、10%甚至20%。因为短循环周期内的结构性力量,包括复苏的工业经济和上升的公司利润,将会在未来的一年或更长时间内影响股价的走势。
维特玛:美国经济正在扶摇直上。根据ISI Group的数据表明,州所得税和营业税收入都有所增加,表明人们找到了工作、开始花钱了。公司也又一次乐意花钱了,某些行业甚至在扩大生产力。但这并不意味着股票价格低廉,实际上股票已经上浮了一大截。现在的市场似乎完全反映了其价值,而且从现在开始的短期内可能会再上浮一点。
谢夫: 美国本土的制造业就业机会日益朝着僧多粥少的趋势发展。原因是在中国和印度制造东西比在美国本土要便宜得多。这是现实,不会改变了。
辛基: 过去7年中我的一半以上的资产都投资在了黄金上。机构的黄金持有率是如此之低,甚至不足1%。
辛基: 根据《投资者才华》和其他市场情绪指标,人们对股市有强烈的期许。但是黄金则不同,赫伯特黄金类投资情绪指数在下降。但是黄金股票的回暖已经处于酝酿阶段。去年,小型金矿股指数基金的成长是黄金矿业的两倍。矿业股票被低估了。
- 2011-1-29 文章来源于《证券市场周刊》证券市场周刊订阅
- 2009年末,铁道部负债总额已达13033.86亿元,要支付的利息达400亿元以上,未来有可能超过1000亿元。中国高铁建设债务不同于财政负债,不同于国企贷款,是变成了财政负担的企业负债。中国高铁显然希望占据政治和经济的双边利益。
【《证券市场周刊》特约作者 赵岩】中国铁路进入了高铁时代,而这个新时代,显然没能成为老春运的福音。
The honeycomb of corruption
A little reform in the state sector has proved a dangerous thing
Apr 6th 2000 | from PRINT EDITION
"AT LEAST under Mao there was no corruption," sighed this correspondent's Beijing neighbour as he griped about the local police. Not because man lived in prelapsarian bliss, but because Mao's egalitarian state enforced poverty on all, so there was little wealth to steal. Even if someone managed to get hold of public assets, he would find it well-nigh impossible to turn them into cash. During the Cultural Revolution, it was often for possession of things like cigarettes and liquor that Red Guards persecuted "corrupt" high party officials.
Today, a puritanical drive against official corruption recalls those earlier days. Central leaders rail against the cancer of corruption and promise to excise it. Their indignation is echoed in the official media. An audit of embezzlement in the first half of 1999 which the central government published last August showed that some 20 billion yuan ($2.4 billion) had been diverted from the state into personal bank accounts. Another 1 billion yuan had been bilked from the pension funds of the state railways, post and telecommunications. About 6 billion yuan of pension funds from the state coal bureau had been misused. And so it goes on. Moreover, this is merely what the central government says it knows about, which is less than it should. The party's official mouthpiece, the People's Daily, says that 120 billion yuan of state funds were misused (on a wider definition) in the first half of last year—equivalent to one-fifth of the central government's tax revenues.
Leaders promise to crack down on corrupt officials, but they face an impossible task. Very occasionally, a high official is executed to set an example. Coinciding with the annual meeting of the National People's Congress in early March, a former deputy governor of Jiangxi province, Hu Changqing, was tried for taking $650,000 in bribes, and shot for his crimes. He was the most senior official to be executed in half a century of Communist rule.
"No matter what unit or person is involved in the case, we must investigate to the end. Our hand will not falter," said China's top judge at the time. Fine words, but are they true? The central leadership often publicises the misdeeds of low-ranking officials, who are described as "morally corrupt", as though they were suffering from a personality disorder, when the real problem is systemic rot. Yet corruption in high places is more difficult to tackle: if too much attention is drawn to it, the political system itself might be called into question.
The help-yourself economy
Take the giant smuggling racket in the coastal province of Fujian discovered last year, involving hundreds of government officials and goods worth perhaps $15 billion. Mr Zhu, the prime minister, is rumoured to have offered President Jiang Zemin his resignation last summer, furious that the case was not being pursued with sufficient zeal. News of the racket began to be aired in the foreign media. High officials in Beijing with Fujian connections were implicated. Yet when unsanctioned reports of the racket began to appear on the websites of some of the more adventurous mainland newspapers early this year, they were quickly slapped down.
The racket has the makings of China's biggest-ever corruption case. Some 400 investigators were dispatched to find out what was going on. Since then, silence. No doubt scores of local officials will be tried, and perhaps some of them executed. But because some high officials also had their snouts in the trough, this case needs to be handled with extreme delicacy. Business China, a sister publication of The Economist, forecasts that the party will eventually trundle out an official explanation, but in a way "least harmful to its interests".
Deng Xiaoping once said it is inevitable that when you open the window, the flies come in. X.L. Ding, an economist writing in the excellent China Journal, published in Australia, prefers to take his analogies from bees. In pre-reform urban China, he says, the economy resembled a giant honeycomb of small, bounded cells of inward-looking activity. This structure had three main features. The first was state ownership, which kept things simple. The second was the supervision of state firms by the local government of wherever they were operating. In effect, local governments served as the guardians of national property. The third was that, in a command economy, there were few transactions between firms, and those few took the form of material allocations, rather than monetary exchange.
All this changed with reforms that have brought great complexity to the state sector's relations, both internal and with the outside world. Once the boundaries between formerly separate cells of economic activity get blurred, the government's chain of control over its vast stock of national assets becomes paralysed. The result, says Mr Ding, is that "managers of Chinese state firms essentially have ended up capturing a sizeable portion of the widely scattered public property."
That makes it hard to argue that 20 years of Chinese market-oriented "reforms" to the state sector have really succeeded. They started in the 1980s with the introduction of the "contract-responsibility" system that allowed enterprises to sell their goods for profit in the open market once they had fulfilled their quota under the plan. It was the cue for quantities of state goods to leave the factory by the back door, with the proceeds kept by the managers. For much of the 1990s, modern "scientific" management was praised, and managers were given more autonomy to generate profits. They were not, however, penalised for racking up losses, which remained the state's responsibility. Unscrupulous managers have been able to milk their companies' assets through shell companies and subsidiaries.
New milking opportunities presented themselves with the Communist Party's endorsement in 1997 of a "shareholding system" that would allow small and medium-sized state firms to be turned into companies with mixed public and (sometimes majority) private ownership. Small state firms were soon being privatised at a frantic pace. Managers would often bully workers into buying shares, forming nominal "collectives" to disguise what was going on. When the central government tried to slow down the process, outside observers said China's leaders were backtracking on reform. More likely they realised, horror-struck, how easily state assets were being pilfered.
Reforms have not been as disastrous as in Russia, where the theft of state assets is an honoured pursuit; on the other hand, Russia launched a full-blown programme of privatisation, which China is wary of copying. So Chinese officials and managers have had to use more imaginative alchemy to turn state assets into private property. But whatever the method, says Mr Ding, what has been done to transform national assets into private wealth in China is little different from what Ferdinand Marcos did in the Philippines, or what ex-President Suharto's cronies did in Indonesia. That should be a warning to China's Communist rulers.
To be fair, it is not just because of corruption that China's shrinking state sector, now making up less than half of the economy and falling, contributes a disproportionately large and rising share of the country's problems. Even where there is no overt corruption, state ownership involves a wasteful allocation of resources. The reforms have left the state industrial sector with a mess of renegade government agencies and unco-ordinated, or unenforced, regulations. Edward Steinfeld*, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, describes it as "something of a Dodge City atmosphere. There are few rules, few responsibilities, strong preying on the weak, and a tremendous amount of waste."
It would be nice to wave that magic wand, privatise everything overnight, and decree a market economy into existence. But would the change of ownership help? Or might it make matters worse in an economy with few rules? As Mr Steinfeld argues, there is little point in worrying too much about who owns an economic unit before the institution of ownership itself has been firmly established.
Wordplay for the Chinese New Year
Punnest weekend ever
Feb 11th 2011, 13:26 by A.T. | HONG KONG

UNMERCIFULLY, The Economist works straight through the Chinese New Year. Most of Hong Kong however, including the office tower in which we keep our bureau, closes for a four-day weekend. So for a change of pace, I worked from home, in a decidedly traditional village, 45 minutes from the main business district. As I had learned a year ago, soon after I moved to greater China, this village is a noisy place to spend the New Year—think gongs and firecrackers, day and night—but also festive, friendly and colourful.
And a punny place too? The punniest place I'd ever imagined? What a difference a year of studying Chinese makes. As it turns out, corny visual puns are the order of the day, or the entire first month, of chūnjié, the spring festival. Nearly every bit of decoration, food and gesture seems to be infected in some way with punnery. I had long thought of myself as being tolerant, when it comes to puns anyway. But this particular form, the heterographic homophone, can quickly turn into something like Chinese water torture [sic].
它还是一个双关语之地? 甚至是我想象中的双关语最高境地?一年的中文学习让我眼界大开,结果我领教了落套的视觉双关语游戏,它们成了每天以至整个正月的特色大餐,全部围着chūnjié(春节)打转。几乎每一种装饰、食品和手势都多少传染了类似的玩法。我一直以为自己的忍受力已经够强韧了,尤其在牵涉到双关语的时候,但频遇这种谐音异形字的形式,能很快让你像遭遇中国水刑一样。
Start with the orange trees, which are everywhere. Really they're tangerines (or "mandarins", but let's set that word aside) which is important. They're pretty, standing at nearly every door's threshold and on village corners, short or tall, with straight trunks, waxy green leaves and bursting with bright fruit. I bought one last year, thinking it was in season. I was disappointed at how quickly it died. But I had missed the point. The joke goes like this: tangerines are are 橘, pronounced jú or júzi in Mandarin Chinese. (That accent mark means that the syllable is pronounced with a rising tone.) So it sounds something like jí, which is how you pronounce 吉, which means "good luck". The sounds are different in Cantonese, the local tongue, but the pun works the same way.
先从橘子树说起吧。触目所及,四处皆是橘子树。它们实际上是柑子(或者是"桔子",且别管它了),关键是橘。橘树很好看,放在几乎每家每户的门槛旁边和街边村角之处,有矮有高,挺直的树干上满是油亮的绿叶和累累果实。去年我也买了一株,以为正值旺季时期,没想它很快就枯死了,我还为此闷闷不乐。其实,是我未领略其中的奥妙。它的双关是这么解读的:tangerines就是橘,发音为jú 或者 júzi(字母上的符号表示音节发音为升调)。听起来好像jí,就跟你说"吉"的声音一样。吉的意思是"好运气",用粤语发音不一样,但即使按照本地的粤语口音,所表示的双关意思是相同的。
This formula can be applied ad infinitum to explain nearly every visible or edible emblem of this holiday. Chrysanthemums are everywhere and they look fine. That's not the point. They are 菊花, júhuā. Get it? My secret Santa at the office new year party gave me a pair of embroidered fish ornaments, which would've looked cute on a Christmas tree. But their purpose is to be "double fish" or double 魚, shuāngyú, which sounds like 雙餘, which means "double bounty". This goes on and on.
Chinese is brimming with puns in part because it has so few sounds. There are only 400-some syllables in the first place, which can be intoned in four or five ways each, at a maximum. But that understates the potential for mischief. Most special about the Chinese language to the mind of this rank beginner is that every single syllable is susceptible to semantic interpretation. I believe that my colleague, who thinks that the Chinese could abandon their characters in favour of a phonetic writing system, is missing something important here, but I am happy to leave that heady debate to the experts. (See, for example, " Protocols of Designing Pun Rebuses: Revisiting the Triple Interface of Image, Morphology, and Phonology". I'm on holiday.)
The lion dancers (pictured at the top of this post) sashay to loud musical accompaniment from house to house through the village, stopping to collect lai see, red envelopes with banknotes tucked inside, before devouring a head of romaine lettuce hanging from a bamboo stick. Why romaine? Because that's , or shēngcài, which sounds something like 生財, which means "making money".
舞狮队员(见文首插图)随着震耳欲聋的伴奏音乐踩着方步,在村里走东家串西家,遇到"利是"(夹着钞票的红包)便停下来收集,然后(让"狮子")吞掉挂在竹竿上的生菜头。为何生菜?因为shēngcài听起来与 "生财"同音,意思是"赚钱"。
Speaking of wealth there's a character that shows up everywhere, year round, but especially this week. It's 福, pronounced fú, meaning "wealth" or "good fortune". But now I'm seeing it turned upside down. There's a ramshackle gambling den on my street whose fú sign has always hung upside down; I thought it had slipped. But they're just playing with 福. Fúdàole, or 福倒了, means literally "fortune upside down". It also happens to sound just like 福到達, or "fortune has arrived." (Perversely, the gambling den has righted its sign, just this week, but I guess the same pun works in reverse.) Golden images of bats adorn older doorframes. These could be called 金蝠, jīnfú, which sounds like "golden fortune", though my Beijinger tutor denies it.
说到财富,还有一个字一年四季到处有得见,本周尤其多。这就是"福"字,音fú,意思是"财富"或 "好运气"。但现在它被倒了过来。在我住的这条街上有家简陋的赌坊,它家的福字一直倒挂着。我还以为它歪掉了。其实人家只是在戏弄"福"字。 Fúdàole或福倒了,字面意思就是"财富倒了",也恰好与"福到达"、"财富已到" 同音。(就在本周,赌坊一反惯常,挂正了"福"字。我猜同样的双关语正过来也说得通)。在陈旧的门框上,人们用黄金蝙蝠图来装饰。它们被称作金蝠,jīnfú,听来像"金富",虽然我的北京老师不同意。
No one offered me a dish of golden fried bat, and I have nothing against romaine lettuce, but it was at the special holiday menu that I had my fill of this wordplay. My local noodle shop had a special sheet of expensive New Year's delicacies to choose from, this week only. A couple of them were even good, but most were perplexing: lots of leafy greens, because "-vegetable" is always going to sound like "-money", but also the 髮菜, a moss that grows on grassroots and is not very edible at all but does sound like "make money", and oyster fermented in soya, not for flavour's sake but so that it can be háochĭ, which sounds like characters that mean "well being". There must have been 30 items on this menu, and only by dint of the crap shoot were any worth eating. (Local friends warned me.)
The pomelo is a good-luck fruit, year round, and if that's because of a pun I don't want to know it. I was not displeased to learn that recent efforts to cross-breed the pomelo with the tangerine—so as to make a "big 橘", dàjú, or "big luck"—have resulted in such a tough and bland fruit that vendors don't bother selling it. Not even for New Year's.
柚子是带来"好运"的水果,此兆头是不分时令的。如果这也出自某种双关,我已经不想知道了。最近听说有人把柚子和橘子进行杂交,培育"大橘",dàjú 表示"大运",结果长出了又硬又没口味的水果,即使在新年节日期间也没有水果店愿意进货销售。对此,我并不感到惋惜。
Hu's counting 胡主席的“小算盘
DURING his state visit to America last week, President Hu Jintao of China offered some familiar banalities and worthy pieties, as this week’s Banyan remarks. But he also made a couple of hard, quantitative claims. In a speech on January 20th, President Hu said that cheap inexpensive imports from China had saved American consumers $600 billion over the past decade (2001-2010) and that exports to China had created over 14m jobs around the world.
Those figures were probably provided by the Ministry of Commerce, but I’ve no idea how they were calculated. (The figure of 14m jobs made an earlier appearance in a 2009 piece in the People’s Daily.) In this blogpost and a sequel, I’ll see if I can make sense of President Hu’s arithmetic.
I’ve received great help in this endeavour from Raphael Auer of the Swiss National Bank and Princeton University. In a paper* last year with Andreas Fischer, also of the Swiss National Bank, Mr Auer estimated the impact of low-wage competition on 325 American manufacturing industries—everything from cat food to artificial funeral wreaths.
Isolating the effect of foreign competition on prices can be tricky. If American demand goes up, for example, it will drive up prices and suck in imports. One might therefore falsely conclude that more imports equals higher prices.
After dealing with this problem, Messrs Auer and Fischer estimate that whenever Chinese imports increase their market share by 1 percentage point, American producer prices fall by 2.5%, a more pronounced effect than many previous studies had found.
According to Mr Auer, China claimed a 3.7% share of the average market in 2001, rising to 8.6% in 2006, when their data end. Imports from the Middle Kingdom have grown by about 28% in the four years since, even as America’s total imports have grown by only 4%. So let’s assume that China has enlarged its share of America’s manufacturing markets to 10.6%.
That would mean that China’s penetration of American markets has increased by 6.9 percentage points from 2001 to 2010 or 0.69 points a year. If each point reduces prices by 2.5%, then this expansion has cut prices by about 1.7% a year.
What does that add up to in dollars and cents? American manufacturing sales averaged $4,512 billion a year in the last decade, according to the Annual Survey of Manufactures, including over $13 billion of cat and dog food in 2005. The calculations above suggest these shipments might have cost $4,590 billion if China had failed to encroach on these markets. This implies savings of about $78 billion a year, or $780 billion over the decade.
This is all heroically back-of-the-envelope stuff. But by this reckoning, President Hu’s estimate looks quite plausible, even conservative. In my next post, I’ll look at his claim that exports to China have created more than 14m jobs around the world.
* "The effect of low-wage import competition on U.S. inflationary pressure," Journal of Monetary Economics, May 2010
The lion kings? 狮王时代即将来临?
Africa is now one of the world's fastest-growing regions
Jan 6th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION

MUCH has been written about the rise of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and the shift in economic power eastward as Asia outruns the rest of the world. But the surprising success story of the past decade lies elsewhere. An analysis by The Economist finds that over the ten years to 2010, no fewer than six of the world's ten fastest-growing economies were in sub-Saharan Africa (see table).
The only BRIC country to make the top ten was China, in second place behind Angola. The other five African sprinters were Nigeria, Ethiopia, Chad, Mozambique and Rwanda, all with annual growth rates of around 8% or more. During the two decades to 2000 only one African economy (Uganda) made the top ten, against nine from Asia. On IMF forecasts Africa will grab seven of the top ten places over the next five years (our ranking excludes countries with a population of less than 10m as well as Iraq and Afghanistan, which could both rebound strongly in the years ahead).
Over the past decade sub-Saharan Africa's real GDP growth rate jumped to an annual average of 5.7%, up from only 2.4% over the previous two decades. That beat Latin America's 3.3%, but not emerging Asia's 7.9%. Asia's stunning performance largely reflects the vast weight of China and India; most economies saw much slower growth, such as 4% in South Korea and Taiwan. The simple unweighted average of countries' growth rates was virtually identical in Africa and Asia.

Over the next five years Africa's is likely to take the lead (see chart). In other words, the average African economy will outpace its Asian counterpart. Looking even farther ahead, Standard Chartered forecasts that Africa's economy will grow at an average annual rate of 7% over the next 20 years, slightly faster than China's.
So it should, of course. Poorer economies have more potential for catch-up growth. The scandal was that Africa's real GDP per head fell for so many years. In 1980 Africans had an average income per head almost four times bigger than the Chinese. Today the Chinese are more than three times richer. Africa's rapidly rising population still dampens its growth in real income per head but that, too, has risen by an annual rate of 3% since 2000―almost twice as fast as the global average.
For Western firms Africa's economy still looks tiny, accounting for only 2% of world output. Emerging Asia's is ten times larger. But Africa's share is rising, not only because of brisker growth but because GDP has been seriously understated in many economies. In November the size of Ghana's economy was revised up by a massive 75% after government statisticians improved their data and added in industries such as telecoms. Other countries are likely to revise their GDP levels and growth rates upward over the coming years.
Africa's changing fortunes have largely been driven by China's surging demand for raw materials and higher commodity prices, but other factors have also counted. Africa has benefited from big inflows of foreign direct investment, especially from China, as well as foreign aid and debt relief. Urbanisation and rising incomes have fuelled faster growth in domestic demand.
Economic management has improved, too. Government revenues have been bolstered in recent years by high commodity prices and rapid growth. But instead of going on a spending spree as in the past some governments, such as Tanzania's and Mozambique's, have put money aside, cushioning their economies in the recession.
Some ambled through the decade rather than sprinted. Africa's biggest economy by far, South Africa, is one of its laggards: it posted average annual growth of only 3.5% over the past decade. Indeed, it may be overtaken in size by Nigeria within ten to 15 years if Nigeria's bold banking reforms are extended to the power and the oil industries. But the big challenge for all mineral exporters will be providing jobs for a population expected to grow by 50% between 2010 and 2030.
Commodity-driven growth does not generate many jobs; and commodity prices could fall. So governments need to diversify their economies. There are some glimmers. Countries such as Uganda and Kenya that do not depend on mineral exports are also growing faster than before, partly because they have increased manufacturing exports. Standard Chartered thinks that Africa could become a significant manufacturing centre.
Formidable obstacles to Africa's continued progress loom, among them political instability, the weak rule of law, chronic corruption, infrastructure bottlenecks, and poor health and education. Without reforms, Africa will not be able to sustain faster growth. But its lion economies are earning a place alongside Asia's tigers.
Ending deflation in Japan An old problem结束日本的通货紧缩 一个老问题
Ending deflation in Japan An old problem结束日本的通货紧缩 一个老问题 Will it take more than monetary policy to cure Japan's deflationary ills? 除了货币政策之外,日本政府能采取更多其他措施来根治通缩顽疾吗? Feb 10th 2011 | TOKYO | from PRINT EDITION (不要只观看,买下它!) JAPAN, one of the great exporting nations, usually runs a trade deficit with, of all places, Switzerland. Why? Ask Rolex. Japan also buys more from France and Italy than it sells there. Why? Bordeaux, Brie, mascarpone and Armani, to name a few expensive vices. In Japan such delicacies are mostly immune to deflation, while prices of everyday goods like cars, electronic goods and clothes tumble. Why then do Japanese firms continue to churn out the latter, even though margins are low? And could this help explain Japan's persistent deflation problem? 日本是一个出口大国,却经常在与瑞士的贸易中存在逆差,原因何在?这得问问劳力士。日本从法国和意大利买进商品远超过其出口,这又是为什么呢?这得问问波尔多、布里、马士卡彭和阿玛尼,这里仅例举几件奢侈品品牌。在日本,这样的大多数这样的奢侈商品并不会收到通货紧缩的影响,而日常消费品的价格,比如汽车、电子产品和服装业则在通货紧缩的影响下摇摇欲坠。尽管这些行业的边际利润持续走低,但日本企业仍然继续生产日常消费品,这是为什么呢?这点有助于我们解释日本持续通货紧缩问题吗? These questions preoccupy Kosuke Motani, author of "The Real Face of Deflation". In this book's first seven months in print, 500,000 copies have been sold, including one to Naoto Kan, the prime minister. Mr Motani argues that deflation in Japan is not so much a monetary problem as a structural one linked to bad business decisions and demography. 这些问题引起了Motani Kosuke的兴趣,他是《通胀的真实面目》一书的作者。在这本书出版后的头七个月里,50万册全部售罄,其中包括一本给了首相Naoto Kan。Motani 认为与其说日本的通货紧缩是一个货币问题的话,不如说是一个与错误的商业决策和人口统计学有关的结构性问题。 If Japanese firms produced new types of luxury goods, he believes, they could unleash pent-up demand among Japan's growing, and wealthy, ranks of old people and pay higher wages to Japan's shrinking, and relatively poor, youth. Unsurprisingly, his views have won a sympathetic hearing at the Bank of Japan (BoJ), which has often been accused of failing to do enough to reverse falling prices. 他相信,如果日本企业产生了新型的奢侈品,它们不仅可以满足人数不断攀升的有金老年阶层长久以来的需求,而且可以为人数逐渐缩小的日本年轻穷困一代提供更高的薪酬。毋庸置疑的是,他的观点已经博得了日本央行的同情,日本银行曾经常被指责在扭转价格下跌方面做得不够。 At a news conference on February 7th Masaaki Shirakawa, the BoJ's governor, touched on similar themes. The fundamental cause of deflation, he said, was the protracted downward trend in Japan's underlying GDP growth, caused both by the decrease in the number of workers and declining productivity growth. Monetary easing was important to ease deflationary pressures, but by itself was not enough, he asserted. Businesses needed to bring more old people and women into jobs, to counter the decline in the working-age population. They also needed to go beyond the concept of monozukuri—the well-honed skill of making things—to shikake zukuri, which he described as the creation of products that attract demand by telling a new story, as Sony once did with the Walkman. 在2月7日的一次新闻发布会上,日本央行官员Masaaki Shirakawa谈及了类似的主题。他说,通货紧缩的根本原因在于日本潜在GDP增长呈现持续下降趋势,这是由就业者数量和生产率增长出现下滑导致的。他也强调,宽松的货币政策可以缓解通货紧缩的压力,但是仅仅宽松的货币政策还远远不够。企业需要让更多的老人、妇女投入工作,以针对性地解决工作年龄的人口减少的问题。同时,也需要超越"造物"(用娴熟的技术创造东西)观念的限制,(而是shikake zukuri),他说这就像产品的创造,通过编一个新故事来吸引需求,Sony在随身听上的做法就是这样一个例子。 Many will argue that this line is a cop-out. Businessmen quibble that they could better tap fast-growing markets in Asia if the BoJ did more to cheapen the yen. Critical economists such as Koichi Hamada of Yale University argue that if the BoJ put more cash into people's wallets, it would spur domestic demand. Many believe it will take a combination of forces to end deflation in Japan, and one of the biggest dangers is that government agencies, including the central bank, put the onus on others to fix the problem. 很多人会说这条路线是逃避责任的借口。商人们质疑如果日本央行采取更多行动让日元贬值就会在亚洲的开拓快速增长的市场的做法。诸多权威经济学家,如耶鲁大学的Koichi Hamada认为如果日本央行应该让国民拥有更多资金,就会刺激国内需求。许多人都认为需要采取多方面力量来结束日本的通货紧缩,其中最大难题就是政府部门,包括中央银行,也就此问题推卸责任。 There does, however, finally appear to be some joined-up thinking. Mr Shirakawa supports Mr Kan's efforts to raise productivity by promoting free trade. If Japan raises its consumption tax to improve the public finances, the BoJ may be prepared to use accommodative monetary policy to offset fiscal tightening. 尽管如此,最终还是要从整体大局上考虑。Shirakawa赞成Kan的做法,Kan一直致力于通过促进自由贸易来提高生产率。如果日本想要通过提高消费税来提高公共财政收入,日本央行可能会使用宽松的货币政策来弥补财政紧缩政策。 Where Mr Shirakawa and Mr Motani most directly see eye to eye is on the need for companies to boost domestic demand by unleashing the latent spending power of the elderly, who sit on the vast majority of Japanese households' ¥1,500 trillion ($18 trillion) of savings. Mr Shirakawa believes there will be growing demand for health care, nursing, tourism and leisure. He reckons that a 40% rise in the turnover of fitness clubs in Japan in the past decade is due to increasing health consciousness as people live longer. He says deregulation would increase supply in such fields. 要通过释放老一辈人的潜在购买力来扩大企业的内需,而这些人坐拥日本居民1500万亿日元(相当于18万亿美元) 的存款,在这个观点上Shirakawa和Motani 的态度是一致的。Shirakawa先生认为,人们对医疗保健、护理、旅游、休闲的需求将会持续增加。他估算,日本健身俱乐部在过去的十年里营业额上升了40%是随着人们更长寿健康意识也增加了。他说放宽限制会增加这些方面服务的提供。 Mr Motani takes a more draconian view. He is fed up with the elderly hoarding their money. He says they do this because of a "King Lear" complex: they feel they will be deserted if they give too much away. And he favours tax reform to encourage them to bequeath their money to their grandchildren, rather than their children. One of the flipsides of longevity, he points out, is that the average age of those who inherit is a grand old 67. Motani则持更严格的观点。他对老年人攒钱感到反感。他说,老年人之所以这麽做,是因为他们有《李尔王》情结:如果他们给子孙的太多了,就会有被抛弃的感觉。同时,他更赞同税制改革,以鼓励老年人把他们的钱交给他们的孙辈,而不是他们的孩子。他指出,长寿的负面问题之一,是他们平均继承年龄是年逾花甲的67岁。 from PRINT EDITION | Finance and Economics |
Splay-footed, not flat-footed八字足,而非平足
A new fossil shows that evolution does not always mean change
Feb 10th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION

Then and now
WHEN a coelacanth, a type of lobe-finned fish once considered the missing link between fish and amphibians, was found off the coast of South Africa in 1938, it came as a shock to palaeontologists. Until then, the most recent traces of such a creature had been in rocks dating from the last days of the dinosaurs, 65m years ago. It was, in its way, as surprising as if a live Tyrannosaurus had been found hiding in an obscure part of Montana. Now the same experience is hitting palaeontologists again—but this time in reverse. Instead of finding a “living fossil” identical to an ancient beast, they have found a real fossil identical to a modern one.
The fossil in question, a 100m-year-old specimen from north-east Brazil, belongs to the genus Schizodactylus. These are large, carnivorous, cricket-like insects whose feet splay out wildly in different directions. Modern Schizodactylus use their feet like snowshoes, to help them remain stable as they travel over sandy terrain in search of prey.
If the new fossil—whose discovery has just been published in ZooKeys by Sam Heads of the Illinois Natural History Survey and Léa Leuzinger of the University of Fribourg, in Switzerland—were merely similar to modern splay-footed insects, the find would not be particularly surprising: it simply demonstrates a phenomenon called evolutionary stasis, in which a specific type of body form hangs around for a long time. What is surprising is just how static Schizodactylus has been.
Evolutionary stasis is fairly common at the higher levels of the Linnaean system of biological classification (class, order and family). Natural selection hits on a good design. That design is then adopted in slightly different forms by species after species. The shelled bodies of turtles, for example, evolved between 250m and 200m years ago, while the body plans of scorpions have been around for more than 400m years. That does not mean, however, that a zoologist would mistake a 200m-year-old turtle or a 400m-year-old scorpion for any species now alive.
What is remarkable about the new find is that it is so similar to modern animals that it can be assigned to an existing genus—the lowest level of Linnaean classification above a species—rather than just to some higher taxonomic group. That is rare indeed. Even the modern coelacanth, on closer examination, had to be put in a different genus from any known fossil.
Clearly the body plan of Schizodactylus is not merely good, but optimal, at least for the environment the animal lives in. Alas for Schizodactylus, the sandy deserts it prefers have retreated from north-eastern Brazil and its optimality there has vanished. But its discovery shows better what this part of the world was like 100m years ago—and also illustrates an important point about evolution that is often forgotten in biologists’ understandable focus on the development of novelty. The first rule of natural selection is: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
from PRINT EDITION | Science and Technology
For Investors, China's Boom Is a Rough Ride
For Investors, China's Boom Is a Rough Ride
Investing in China is the only way to enjoy heady gains over the next few years, bulls say.
Bears counter that investors risk huge losses unless they protect against a bursting of what they view as a bubble in China. Such an event could rock global markets, they warn.
Adding to the challenges for investors: Betting on -- or against -- China is not easy.
All kinds of Chinese companies are demonstrating rapid growth, and many have public shares. The value of shares of Chinese companies is more than $3.7 trillion.
Some, led by state-owned enterprises, rank among the world's largest companies. China Mobile, for example, is the world's largest mobile-phone company by subscribers; its stock trades as American depositary shares on U.S. markets under the symbol CHL. Depositary shares of the largest oil and gas producer, China Petrochemical (Sinopec Group), trade in the U.S. under the symbol SNP. Baoshan Iron & Steel, China's biggest publicly traded steel maker, is listed on only the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Foreigners need a permit to buy shares in China's domestic stock markets. Permits are expensive and hard to get so foreign capital amounts to less than 1% of those markets.
More companies, even those that are majority owned by the government, are selling shares to investors. Global initial public offerings of Chinese companies, including those based in Hong Kong, amounted to $126 billion in 2010, according to data tracker Dealogic, up from $54 billion in 2009. By comparison, less than $34 billion of U.S. IPOs took place in 2010, the second consecutive year that Chinese companies topped U.S. companies in IPO issuance.
There are drawbacks here as well -- few Chinese companies share the level of financial transparency of Western companies.
That's why some say the best way to wager on the growing nation is through shares of Western companies with expanding operations in the country. One example: General Motors, which now sells more Buicks in China than in the U.S. Chinese sales are responsible for more than 25% of profits earned by BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Other shares bullish investors are buying include Apple, chemical provider Solutia and Yum Brands.
But bears warn that investors could suffer losses in some global companies that have been bid up because of their Chinese operations. They urge investors to take profits from shares like Vale, the huge Brazilian commodity producer, which might be hurt if China's growth slows. Even investors who don't usually short overpriced shares should consider buying some protection, such as a bearish exchange-traded fund that could rise in value if China runs into economic problems, bears say.
Here are the bullish and bearish views on China, and how various investors are laying out their strategies.
The Bulls
China likely emerged as the world's second-largest economy in 2010. The nation is expected to show close to 10% growth in both 2010 and 2011, far outstripping the U.S. and most developed nations. Stock-trading volume on Chinese and Hong Kong exchanges now rivals that of U.S. markets.
Key to the bulls: The nation, which enjoys $2.6 trillion of foreign-currency reserves, remains only partially urbanized. The rural-to-urban shift, one of the largest human migrations in history, is helping create a new middle class that is embracing higher standards of living. That leads to ripe investment opportunities.
Daniel Arbess, who runs a hedge fund for Perella Weinberg Partners, has been profiting by buying shares of global companies, like Apple, helped by Chinese growth, and betting against those having a hard time competing with Chinese rivals.
"Analysts have been so focused on Apple's blistering growth at home that they are only now just starting to contemplate how giant the opportunity is in China," says Mr. Arbess, who predicts that as China's middle class grows, the nation soon will represent as much as 20% of Apple's revenues. "Over the next 10 years, China will become by far the largest market for Apple and other global consumer brands."
"The one 'Chinese' stock that we have purchased and do own is Baidu -- the Google of China," says Jeffrey Rubin of Birinyi Associates, who generally is cautious about investing in China. "As the Chinese government allows more and more access to the Internet and more freedoms are allowed, the Chinese population will head toward the Internet. And Baidu [BIDU] is a direct benefit of that growth."
"While a slowdown in China is inevitable, as nothing grows for 10% a year forever," Mr. Rubin says, "trying to predict when that will be is a losing game. Investors need to focus on stocks that will benefit from the long-term prospects of China and not what will happen over the next 12 months."
For investors wary of individual shares, Rob Lutts of Cabot Money Management recommends ETFs such as the SPDR S&P China ETF (GXC) and iShares FTSE China 25 Index Fund (FXI) and Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund (CAF), a closed-end fund.
The Bears
Chinese authorities are trying to keep growth strong so employment gains continue. But they're also pressing the brakes on inflation, with prices growing at an annual rate of more than 5%, and trying to rein in real-estate speculation. Skeptics doubt they can pull it all off.
For foreign investors worried that a downturn in China could cripple their portfolios, Citigroup strategist Tobias Levkovich recommends betting against industrial-related commodities, since "in some cases China accounts for 50% to 75% of incremental demand," and increasing exposure to the U.S. dollar, which likely would be boosted if investors fear a Chinese downturn.
Some bears are shorting the US PowerShares DB Base Metals Fund (DBB), an ETF that aims to track the performance of commodities such as aluminum, zinc and copper that is up more than 25% in the past year.
―Email: gregory.zuckerman@wsj.com