
Mercury rising 水星升起

本帖最后由 klavier 于 2011-3-19 07:17 编辑

Planetary exploration行星探测

Mercury rising 水星升起

The latest mission to Mercury will map an enigmatic planet in detail 

Mar 17th 2011 | from the print edition 

EVEN by the standards of space travel, it has been a long, strange trip. But now it should be over. If all went according to plan, at one o'clock in the morning of March 18th―shortly after The Economist went to press―Messenger will have settled into orbit around Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. It is the end of a journey that has taken the craft, launched in 2004 by NASA, America's space agency, past Earth once, Venus twice and Mercury itself three times already. It is also the beginning of an intense scrutiny of the tiny world, which has otherwise remained unvisited by spacecraft since Mariner 10 zoomed past it in the 1970s. 


The trip has taken so long because exploring the inner solar system is a tricky business. Gravity accelerates spacecraft as they fall towards the sun. Without its six fly-bys―which used the gravitational fields of the planets involved to counter that effect―Messenger could not have slowed sufficiently to allow it to drop into its intended orbit. Despite the difficulty of getting there, though, Mercury is a juicy target. Since the great reclassification of astronomical objects in 2006, which saw Pluto lose its planetary status, Mercury has been listed as the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the second densest, has the oldest planetary surface (parts of which seem to date back almost to the formation of the solar system, 4.5 billion years ago) and experiences the most dramatic daily temperature fluctuations. The mercury, as it were, can hit 400ºC when the sun is above the horizon, yet dips below -150ºC at night.

此行花了这么长的时间是因为探索太阳系内部是一件棘手的事。当航天器向太阳靠近时,重力使其加速。如果没有它的六次近水星飞行(利用能抵消这种影响的行星引力场),信使号就不可能放慢到足以使它落入到预定的轨道。不过撇开到达水星轨道的难度,水星却是一个多趣的目标。由于2006年对天体的重新大排位,冥王星失去了它的行星地位,水星就被列为太阳系中最小的行星。水星也是第二个密度最大的行星,拥有最古老的行星表面(部分表面似乎可以追溯到近乎于45亿年前太阳系的形成),经历着变化最急剧的日温度波动。可以说,水星在太阳位于地平线上时能达到400 º C,而在夜晚时则低于-150 º C。

Messenger has already revealed plenty of tantalising information. Mariner 10 managed to map about 45% of Mercury's surface as it sped past, but Messenger's three fly-bys have filled in the gaps, and there is now a virtually complete map of the place. The surface is a jumble of craters, plains and immense, cliff-like scarps that can be hundreds of kilometres long. Astrogeologists suspect these scarps may be analogous to the wrinkles on a raisin, having formed billions of years ago as the planet's surface cooled and shrank. 


Indeed, the more that is learnt about Mercury, the more intriguing it becomes. Its density is presumed to indicate a metallic core, probably made mostly of iron. No other explanation is plausible. That core, calculation suggests, takes up around 60% of the planet's volume, making it far larger than the cores of Venus, Earth and Mars, the solar system's other rocky planets. How this has come about is the subject of intense speculation, with three theories jostling for the top spot. Two of these theories hold that Mercury used to be much bigger. Either it was then hit by an asteroid which blasted much of its surface into space, or else the hot, young sun simply vaporised its outer layers. The third theory argues that drag in the dusty nebula from which the solar system formed would have herded the heavier, metal-rich bits of dust in that nebula into orbits close to the sun, and that Mercury eventually condensed from these. Each theory predicts a different mixture of surface rocks. Messenger's instruments should help settle the question and shed more light on the early history of the solar system.


There are other mysteries. Neither Mars nor Venus has a magnetic field like the Earth's, which is generated by currents in the planet's molten core. But Mercury does. This field was discovered by Mariner 10. That it was like the Earth's was confirmed in 2008 on one of Messenger's fly-bys. In orbit, the probe will be able to study the field in detail, which should reveal more about Mercury's structure and may suggest how the core has managed to remain molten over the billions of years since the tiny planet was formed. It will also follow up radar data from Earth-based telescopes, which suggest that there may be ice at the planet's poles, locked away from the scorching sun in the bottoms of ancient craters―as is also believed to be the case on the moon. 


A long to-do list, then. Yet all this attention serves only to show how hard exploring Mercury is. The moon, Mars, Venus, two asteroids and even one of the moons of Saturn have all received the attentions of landing craft. The surface of Mercury, too, was to have been visited in 2020, courtesy of a joint European and Japanese mission called BepiColombo. But that landing was cancelled in 2004, though two orbiters should still make the journey. So, despite all the fresh attention Messenger will give it, Mercury will remain the least-explored of the inner planets for some time yet. 


from the print edition | Science and Technology 

