
A force for good正义之师

A force for good
France and Britain are leading the intervention in Libya. Rightly so
Mar 24th 2011 | from the print edition
WHETHER it was out of rashness or conviction, Nicolas Sarkozy has certainly acted boldly. The French president was first to recognise the "national council" in Benghazi, first to talk of the need for air strikes and first to send planes to repel Muammar Qaddafi's marauding forces. It was easily the biggest diplomatic and military moment of his presidency. So much for the old American canard about cheese-eating surrender monkeys[译注1].
Mr Sarkozy did not act alone, of course. His alliance with Britain's David Cameron was essential. And America, belatedly, played an indispensable political and military role. Yet this action differs from the previous pattern of America leading and Britain following, with France opportunistically backing the Americans (Iraq, 1991) or opposing them (Iraq, 2003). This time America wants to stand back. So for the first time since the 1956 Suez crisis[译注2], Britain and France are at the forefront of military action in the Middle East. This is not to say they are reverting to old-style imperialism; both are too enfeebled for that. The British and French know they must act together to exert any influence. And to do that, they must overcome the legacy of Suez.
当然,萨克齐先生并不孤单。他与英国结成的联盟必不可少。虽然美国行动稍有滞后,在政治和军事方面却起到了不可替代的作用。以前总是美国领导,英国追随而法国则时不时的支持(1991 伊拉克)或者反对(2003 伊拉克)美国,这次却大不相同。这次美国想要退居二线。自1956年苏伊士危机之后,英法两国首次在中东地区发起军事行动。这并不意味着二者重回早已过气的帝国主义时代,因为二者都不再拥有这种能力。英法两国知道他们必须合作才能发挥影响,为了实现这一目标,他们必须克服苏伊士事件所留下的阴影。
In 1956 the two colluded with Israel to attack Egypt and retake the Suez Canal, which had been nationalised by Gamal Abdel Nasser[译注3] .Anthony Eden[译注4] ,the British prime minister, saw him as a new Hitler. The French resented his support for resistance to their rule in Algeria. America considered the assault as an act of imperialism that would inflame the Arab world and benefit the Soviet Union. It forced the invaders to withdraw, granting Nasser a victory, bringing about Eden's downfall, hastening decolonisation and ushering in an era of American dominance in the region.
由于Gamal Abdel Nasser将苏伊士运河国有化,1956年英法两国串通以色列共同对埃及发动了攻击并夺回了苏伊士运河。当时的英国首相Anthony Eden将Gamal Abdel Nasser比作希特勒二世。法国也因埃及支持阿尔及利亚反抗法国统治而对其愤恨不已。相反美国认为这次攻击是帝国主义行为,害怕此举会激怒阿拉伯国家并使苏联受益,于是迫使侵略者撤军。由此埃及获得了胜利,Eden也因此下台。这一事件加快了去殖民地化的进程,同时也标志着美国在该地区起主导作用的时代的到来。
Britain and France, whose alliance dated to the entente cordiale[译注5] of 1904 and two world wars, drew opposite lessons from this humiliation. The British resolved to cleave to America. Even their nuclear missiles were provided by the Americans. France chose greater autonomy. It sought to build up the European project as a counterweight to America and to create its independent nuclear force de frappe. A decade later it withdrew from NATO's integrated military command.
As two medium-sized European powers, both with permanent seats on the UN Security Council and a legacy of empire, Britain and France are at the same time natural partners and natural rivals. These days, they are being pushed into greater co-operation. One reason is Mr Sarkozy's decision to return France fully to the NATO fold. Another is the weakening of French demands for the EU to develop its own military capability. Finally, the rising cost of advanced weapons is driving both to seek defence savings. In November Britain and France signed a defence pact to share capabilities, including research on nuclear warheads and the operation of aircraft-carriers. Welcome to the entente frugale, said the wags.
It is striking how in the European�led intervention in Libya the two big Europe-based institutions, NATO and the EU, have so far been left on the sidelines. This is in part because both have members who are sceptical or even hostile to the Libyan adventure, notably Germany and (in NATO) Turkey. In part it is because old habits die hard, even in the heat of military action in Libya. France resisted Britain's wish to see NATO take over the mission. Britain opposed French attempts to get the EU to lead a naval force to enforce the arms embargo. A compromise is emerging: NATO will provide military co-ordination, but politicians from the allied parties will give political direction (see article, article). The EU may then use its embryonic military tools to offer humanitarian aid.
Given such cacophony, one begins to sympathise with the unilateralism of Donald Rumsfeld[译注6] ,the American defence secretary during the second Iraq war, who decreed that "the mission determines the coalition". But as America has found in both Iraq and Afghanistan, institutional backing helps to maintain a coalition. Italy, among others, demanded NATO leadership. Another timeless lesson is the benefit of securing UN and Arab support. "Suez? This is different. In Suez, we did not have the Arabs," says Alain Juppé, the French foreign minister.
鉴于这种不和谐因素,人们开始越发赞同Donald Rumsfeld(第二次伊拉克战争时期美国的国防秘书)的单边主义,他宣称"任务决定联盟"。但是美国从伊拉克和阿富汗战争中得出这样的结论:国际组织的支持可以帮助维持联盟稳定。意大利和其他国家一样希望北约主导这次行动。另外一项亘古不变的真理就是确保联合国和阿拉伯国家的支持。"苏伊士?这不一样,那时,没有阿拉伯国家的参与。"法国外交部长Alain Juppé如是说。
The rest is silence
The Libyan crisis also punctures some inflated hopes about other European countries. Italy, the former colonial power, was hopelessly out of touch at first and remains a minor player. The east Europeans have been quiet. For all the talk of Germany emerging as a "normal" power, liberated from post-war guilt, it remains handicapped, with the pacifist impulse still extremely powerful. Germany wanted sanctions against Colonel Qaddafi, but balked when they failed to stop him. It would not even let its ships enforce the arms embargo on Libya. Germany's aversion to the use of force, even by its allies, must raise new doubts about its demand for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
Libya has equally exposed the absurdity of the dream of a European army. What good would this be if Germany (or some other peacenik country) refused to allow it to protect people against a tyrant on Europe's doorstep? So the use of military force will remain a matter largely for those willing and able to exert it. That means Britain and France will continue to dictate the terms of European military engagement. They account for nearly half of Europe's total defence spending and more than two-thirds of what it spends on military research and development. The more Britain and France can share resources, the better for Europe's military power. Success in Libya could spur them to deeper integration; failure might push them apart again. The stakes in Libya are obviously high for the future of the Libyan people. But spare a thought for the future of European defence co-operation.
from the print edition | Europe

Defining poverty 给贫穷下个定义

Defining poverty 给贫穷下个定义
Measure by measure 新标准

MOST people have an inherent sense of what it means to be poor. But choosing a definition is much trickier. Is poverty an absolute or relative condition? What is a decent standard of living? Such questions have dogged America's social scientists for decades. This month the Census Bureau published a preliminary estimate of poverty, using a new definition. It was 16 years in the making. But it is not quite finished yet.
Poverty means different things in different countries. In Europe, the poor are those whose income falls below 60% of the median. Britain uses three measures: one relative, one absolute and a broader indicator of material deprivation, such as whether a child can celebrate his birthday. The concept of poverty becomes even more slippery when attempting international comparisons. The United Nations' "human- development index" assesses countries across a range of indicators, such as schooling and life expectancy.
America's official poverty measure is far simpler. Developed in the 1960s, the poverty threshold represents the basic cost of food for a household, multiplied by three. A family is judged to be poor if its pre-tax income falls below this threshold. But the official measure provides only a blurry picture. Food spending has become a flimsy reference point-in 2009 groceries accounted for just 7.8% of Americans' spending. The poverty indicator does not account for programmes that help the poor, such as the earned-income tax credit, nor does it adjust for regional variations in the cost of living. In 1995 the National Academy of Sciences recommended changing the measure, but only now is a new one close to being established.
The "supplemental poverty measure" (SPM) will not replace the official one, which is used to determine eligibility for government programmes. Rather, census officials hope the new indicator will provide a better understanding of America's poor, by measuring both the needs of families and the effect of government help. The SPM estimates the cost of food, clothing, shelter and utilities, then adds a further 20% for other expenses. This threshold is adjusted for the cost of living in different regions and for whether a family owns or rents its home. To assess a household's ability to pay for basic expenses, the SPM counts cash income as well as food stamps, tax credits and other government support, minus tax payments, work expenses and out-of-pocket medical costs.
Final figures are due to be published in the autumn, but preliminary results were released this month. In 2009 15.7% of Americans were poor, compared with 14.5% in the official measure (see chart). The share of those in extreme poverty fell, relative to the official measure, thanks to the inclusion of government support. The poverty rate dropped in rural areas and rose in urban and suburban ones. It jumped in the north-east and the West, while staying almost level in the South and falling in the Midwest. The most dramatic rise was for the elderly-from 9.9% in the official measure to 16.1% in the SPM, in part because of their high medical expenses.
Timothy Smeeding of the University of Wisconsin, long a critic of the old measure, says that the SPM is a massive improvement. Some conservatives, however, are horrified. Most objectionable, according to Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, is that the new measure pegs household expenses at the 33rd percentile of American spending. This, he argues, makes the SPM a relative measure, rather than an absolute one. "It measures inequality," Mr Rector insists, adding that it will help advance a misguided anti-poverty agenda.
威斯康星大学的Timothy Smeeding是老标准的反对者,他说,SPM是一个巨大的进步。但是一些保守派感到震惊。根据美国传统基金会罗伯特主席所说,令人不快的是,新标准将贫穷标准定为家庭支出是所有支出的三分之一。这一点让他认为,SPM是一个相对标准,而不是绝对的。 "这监测了发展的不平衡,"主席先生认为,并表示这将孕育一个误导扶贫计划。
For all the time spent developing the SPM, it is still a work in progress. Though first official numbers are supposed to be published in the autumn, even this is uncertain. Surveys must be expanded to collect additional data. The project needs about $7.5m, and a newly conservative Congress may be reluctant to provide it.

Stomach staples填饱肚子的主食

Economics focus经济焦点
Stomach staples填饱肚子的主食
People's spending choices are a good way to assess levels of hunger人们的食物花销能有效评估饥饿程度
Mar 24th 2011 | from the print edition

FOR most people in rich countries hunger is a temporary inconvenience, easily solved by popping out to the shops or raiding the fridge. But chronic hunger is part of everyday life for many people in poorer places. Halving the proportion of people in developing countries who do not get enough to eat is one of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals.
Reducing hunger is a complicated task. There is no global shortage of food. Less poverty does not always mean better-nourished people. In India, for example, real incomes rose and the price of food fell between 1980 and 2005. Yet evidence suggests that Indians, even those who were originally eating less than recommended, reduced their calorie consumption in that time. Such findings have long puzzled economists.
A recent paper* by two economists, Robert Jensen of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Nolan Miller of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, suggests that part of the problem may lie in the way governments and international agencies count the hungry. This typically involves fixing a calorie threshold―2,100 calories per day is a common benchmark―and trying to count how many people report eating food that gives them fewer calories than this number. Since calorific needs differ from person to person, a universal number is clearly only a guide. What's more, concentrating on calories ignores the important role of micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins (see article). But the economists argue that this approach to measuring hunger also does not accord with how people themselves think about it. They propose a new way to use people's eating choices to tell whether they are hungry.
洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的经济学家Robert Jensen和伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校的经济学家Nolan Miller发表的论文表示,部分也许因为政府和国际机构统计饥饿数据,通常会定下门槛――每天2100卡路里是个统一标准,并试着统计有多少人摄取的卡路里低于这个标准。既然人们的卡路里需求量不一样,一个统一标准显然只能做参考。此外,注重卡路里而忽视了矿物质和维生素等微量元素的重要。但经济学家却表示这主要为了评估饥饿程度,当然不能和人们自主想的那样,不过他们提出了一个新方案:用人们的食物花销来评估饥饿程度。
Hunger is a physically unpleasant experience: it is accompanied by headaches, pain, dizziness, loss of energy and an inability to concentrate. For a hungry person, therefore, the extra utility from more calories is extremely high. The economists argue that the pain caused by hunger will prompt insufficiently nourished people to spend a larger share of their food budget on staples like rice and millet, which are cheap sources of calories. But once people are no longer hungry, they do not need to spend their incremental cash on the cheapest source of calories but can base their choices on things like variety and taste. This means that the share of calories that comes from staples falls progressively once a person is no longer famished; and that an unusually high share of calories coming from staples indicates that a person is hungry.
How high is unusually high? By looking at the prices of various foods, it is possible to work out what share of a person's calories would come from staples such as rice and wheat if he were trying to fulfil his dietary needs as cheaply as possible. This theoretical "staple calorie share" (SCS) can then be compared with the make-up of a person's actual diet. Someone who is consuming a significantly higher share of calories from staple foods than predicted is likely to be hungry.
This approach would be far too cumbersome if each person's SCS varied greatly but things turn out to be considerably simpler. Using accepted dietary guidelines for people of various sizes and ages, and data on food prices for parts of China, the authors find that the share of calories that ought to come from staples varies much less than overall calorific needs. Wide variations in people's age, sex, physical condition and lifestyle (more exercise, say) mean that some people need as little as 2,112 calories per day, while others may require as many as 3,202 calories. But the authors find that most calculated SCSs remain in a narrow band between 80% and 85% of overall calories. What this suggests is that someone getting less than 80% of his or her calories from a staple is past the point where conquering hunger is the primary motivation driving food purchases.
The economists use this threshold to measure the extent of undernourishment in nine Chinese provinces, where 16,000 individuals in 3,800 households were surveyed several times between 1991 and 2000. The people who were surveyed had to report everything they had eaten or drunk the previous day. The survey data conformed with the basic idea of substitution: the poorest households ate little other than staples. As income rose above a certain level, however, the SCSs dropped. People seemed to move out of the danger zone once their monthly income exceeded 225 yuan ($27 in 2000).
Pulse taking评估
The data show how many people get less than four-fifths of their calories from rice, the main staple in most of the areas studied. Here, the results contradict what the Chinese government's standard 2,100-calorie-per-day threshold would find. Around 67% of households in the sample were undernourished by the standard measure in 2000, but only 32% got more than 80% of their calories from staples. This is a big difference. Using data on people's choice of what to eat leads to an estimate of hunger that is about half as large as the estimate using the standard method.
The two measures also give opposing results about long-term trends in hunger. The average household in the sample got richer between 1991 and 2000, but the fraction that consumed less than the mandated daily number of 2,100 calories actually rose, from 53% to 67%. The share of calories coming from staples points in a different direction, however: by this measure, the number of hungry households dropped from 49% to 32% over this period. More recent evidence suggests something similar. A 2008 study found that giving poor Chinese households subsidies on staple cereals failed to lead people to consume more rice or wheat. Instead, they ate more shrimp and meat. Not necessarily the cheapest source of calories, but considerably tastier.


Pink, and read all over令人亢�的读物

Sports newspapers
Pink, and read all over
General newspapers can learn from the success of sporting dailies
Mar 17th 2011 | from the print edition

Mamma mia! Lazio lost again
妈的, 拉齐奥又输了!
FOR old-fashioned newspapers, the bad headlines keep coming. The Pew Research Centre, a think-tank in Washington, DC, reported this week that more Americans now get their news from the internet than from newspapers. But there is one sort of news that readers do still want to read on paper: a blow-by-blow account of a game involving their favourite sports team. Sporting publications' resilience explains why Innovation, a consultancy, is working on the launch of one new sports newspaper in Europe and the relaunch of another with a heavy emphasis on sport.
La Gazzetta dello Sport, a fixture of Italy's bars and football stands, recently recorded an average daily print readership of 4.3m―a record for any newspaper in the country. Spain's four biggest sports dailies, helped by the national team's triumph at the FIFA World Cup, have been doing far better than its top general newspapers (see chart). Many of their readers are newspaper-allergic young men.
Online audiences can be much bigger. Last year Marca's website had 27m unique visitors a month, a colossal tally for a Spanish outfit. One-third of its total ad revenues come from the website, a remarkably high share. Other sports papers have gone into e-commerce and paid news delivered via mobile phones and tablet computers.
One reason for their success has to do with the peculiar nature of sports-media consumption. Three years ago ESPN, a TV sports giant, commissioned a study in which American sports fans were followed around by researchers. They found fans consumed about twice as much media in an average day as other young men. They watched more television, listened more to the radio, checked for news on their mobile phones more often―and spent more time reading newspapers. Often, the growth of one news source comes at the expense of another. In sport that is not always the case.
There are a few national sports papers, like La Gazzetta dello Sport and France's L'Equipe. But most are local, and deeply tribal. Tuttosport, based in Turin, is described by one Italian journalist as "the Pravda of Juventus", Turin's top football team. All sell better when the local team wins. Yet even the most partisan papers can be brutal in their treatment of underperforming players and managers. They serve the fans, not the teams.
The sports papers are not entirely immune to the broader news business's problems. The paid circulation of many of them is slipping even as their readership grows. Nicola Speroni of La Gazzetta dello Sport points to competition from fan websites, satellite television and general newspapers, which are devoting more space to sport. But sports newspapers have two advantages. First, they are less fussy about separating news from advertising than most publications.Marca has gone so far as to change the letter "M" in its headlines to resemble the logo of Movistar, a mobile-phone firm. Second, they tend to treat their readers better. Gazeta Sporturilor, a Romanian paper, recently began creating what it calls "wikis"―articles incorporating readers' comments and suggestions.
Sports newspapers hardly exist in English-speaking countries, and seem unlikely to appear. In Britain, tabloid and even broadsheet newspapers monopolise coverage of sport. In America fans are spread between too many different sports, and the population is too mobile, to support local sports newspapers. An effort to launch a national one collapsed in 1991.
But other publishers could nonetheless learn from the sports papers, argues Juan Señor of Innovation. The internet has not so much made paper obsolete as broken the model of aggregating news on paper. Consumers are moving away from bundles of domestic, national and international news, opinion, weather reports and TV listings. The papers that survive may be the ones that deliver one kind of news extremely well. The sports newspapers have done that since the starting whistle.
from the print edition | Business
1. 关于标题 pink, read all over , 因为有个关于newspaper的英语谜语是what is black, white and red(read) all over?
此处作者套用此句 换用pink(激进的、狂热的)代指文章要讲的体育报纸。・・・不过我的翻译不太好 有更好的吗请建议!
2.resilence 指弹性、恢复力 an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change 文章中指体育报的强劲反弹吗?
3."the Pravda of Juventus" ,Pravda指前苏联共党机关报《真理报》,有党政喉舌之意。
4.broadsheet newspaper, 指区别于一般小报的大页报纸,尤其指英国的严肃话题的报纸。 一般情况纯体育报道不属于严肃话题。


Carps among the Spratlys 南沙群岛的争战

Carps among the Spratlys 南沙群岛的争战

The risk that almost comical regional competition in the South China Sea turns serious 

Mar 10th 2011 | from the print edition 

YET again rival claimants to little specks of rock, sand and coral in the South China Sea are losing their tempers. The Philippines is incensed about an incident on March 2nd when, it says, two Chinese patrol boats threatened to ram a ship conducting a survey at Reed Bank, off its island of Palawan. On March 4th Vietnam also protested to China, about military exercises in waters it claims. Most probably these tiffs will blow over, as usual, long before anybody gets hurt. Yet the risks are mounting that a random incident in a bewildering array of quarrels may escalate into conflict, if only because no prospect exists of a settlement.


That is partly because the sea is entangled in so many separate disputes. China and Vietnam claim sovereignty over the Paracel island chain, from which China evicted Vietnam in 1974, in the dying days of the Vietnam war. Taiwan―because it is the "Republic of China"―mirrors China's claim. The same three parties also contest the Spratly archipelago, to the south. But in the south Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei also have partial claims.


Some of these arguments might in theory be solvable under the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In 2009, for example, Malaysia and Vietnam made a joint submission, showing where they thought their claims lay, based on their continental shelves. China, however, objected to that submission and tabled its own map, with nine dotted lines outlining its claim. Joined up, these lines give China almost the whole sea. There seems no basis for this in UNCLOS. But China points to a map in use since the Republic of China published it during the Chinese civil war in the 1940s and says that, until quite recently, nobody minded. Indonesia, in turn, objected to China's objection, since its claim encroached on Indonesian waters, too. 


According to American officials, China last year began talking of its claims in the South China Sea as a "core" national interest, which would put it on a par with Tibet and Taiwan. In return, America has proclaimed its own "national interest", citing the importance of the freedom of navigation and of overflight. Neither is under immediate threat. China and America, however, have long disagreed about whether America's armed forces have the right to conduct manoeuvres within other countries' 200-mile exclusive economic zones (EEZs), and to spy on them even from inside their (12-mile) territorial waters. Two years ago America complained when Chinese vessels harassed a surveillance ship, the USNS Impeccable, in the South China Sea south of the Chinese island-province of Hainan. America's vociferous involvement, notably at a regional security forum in Hanoi last July, was welcomed at the time by most of the ten members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). China, though, fumed at America's unrealistic offer of "mediation". 


Yet another dispute divides China and ASEAN. These two parties reached a common "Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" (DoC) in 2002 in an attempt to minimise the risk of conflict. But efforts to turn this into a formal and binding code have gone nowhere. China argues that ASEAN has no role in territorial issues. It prefers to pick off rival claimants one by one. ASEAN argues that its own charter obliges members to consult, as they do before each working group on the code of conduct, the next one of which is due soon. Another difficulty for the DoC is that Taiwan is not a party. Though Taiwan occupies only one Spratly islet, it is the biggest, now boasting a long runway. 


Optimists argue that the DoC has at least helped keep tensions down. Indeed, since 1988, when China and Vietnam clashed near the Spratlys, there have been no serious armed flare-ups. Tension rose in 1995, when China was found to have built on Mischief Reef, claimed by the Philippines. Fishermen are sometimes locked up for encroaching on another country's claim. But the risk of escalation into conflict has seemed limited.


It is even possible to claim that the "self-restraint" the DoC demands is being observed. Since 2002 no uninhabited islands or rocks have been occupied. But maybe none of those left is big enough, and on those that were already occupied, building has continued. Rommel Banlaoi, of the Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research, a think-tank in Manila, has an impressive collection of photographs of South China Sea structures. On Mischief Reef, for example, China has built a "fisherman's shelter" in the form of a three-storey concrete fortress, surrounded by five octagonal structures, also in concrete.

甚至可以这么说,"公告"所要求的"自我克制"仍在被观察中。自从2002年以来,没有一座无人居住的岛屿或岩礁被占据。不过这也有可能是因为剩下的这些岛屿的面积都不够大,并且在那些已经被占领的岛屿上,土木工程仍在继续。位于马尼拉的菲律宾和平、暴力和恐怖主义研究机构的Rommel Banlaoi拥有令人印象深刻的相片集,该相片集是关于南中国海的建筑物。比如在美济礁,中国已经建造了一座三层高的混凝土堡垒,作为"渔民的避难所",该堡垒还被五座八角形混凝土建造环绕。

Such digging-in, accompanied by frenetic military modernisation by most of the claimants, is one reason to worry that the stakes in the South China Sea are becoming bigger. Another is China's proclivity for muscle-flexing. South-East Asia has seen how China is ready to bully Japan over contested waters in the sea between them. Just this week Japan lodged a formal protest after a Chinese helicopter flew close to one of its ships. That the South China Sea has become a focus of American determination to remain an Asian power adds yet another source of tension. 


Unsporting behaviour

Moreover, the sea offers fishing bounty and is a vital shipping route for a big chunk of world trade. It has also, particularly around the Spratlys, long been believed to be rich in hydrocarbons. As time goes by, that belief grows. For example, the Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold at least 3.4 trillion cubic feet (85 billion cubic metres) and perhaps as much as 20 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. 


Among the casualties of the latest ructions have been football and basketball matches intended to build confidence between Philippine and Vietnamese soldiers on Spratlys they garrison. Encounters planned for April have been postponed. For now, the South China Sea seems no place for games. 


注[1] 礼乐滩位于北纬11度20分,东经116度50分。面积广大,滩面南北长130公里,东西宽65公里。专家预测,礼乐滩周围可能蕴藏着1千亿立方米天然气和4.4亿桶石油。

美济礁在北纬9度52-56分,东经115度30-35分范围内。位于三角礁 东南约18海里。为一椭圆形环礁、长轴约8公里,短轴约5公里。退潮大部分出露,礁湖平均水深25米。南和西南分别有两个礁门,50吨级船只可以进出,故我国渔民向称双门或双沙。1935年公布名称为南恶礁。1947年和1983年公布名称为美济礁。有些外文图书称为South Mischief Reef. 

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Mercury rising 水星升起

本帖最后由 klavier 于 2011-3-19 07:17 编辑

Planetary exploration行星探测

Mercury rising 水星升起

The latest mission to Mercury will map an enigmatic planet in detail 

Mar 17th 2011 | from the print edition 

EVEN by the standards of space travel, it has been a long, strange trip. But now it should be over. If all went according to plan, at one o'clock in the morning of March 18th―shortly after The Economist went to press―Messenger will have settled into orbit around Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. It is the end of a journey that has taken the craft, launched in 2004 by NASA, America's space agency, past Earth once, Venus twice and Mercury itself three times already. It is also the beginning of an intense scrutiny of the tiny world, which has otherwise remained unvisited by spacecraft since Mariner 10 zoomed past it in the 1970s. 


The trip has taken so long because exploring the inner solar system is a tricky business. Gravity accelerates spacecraft as they fall towards the sun. Without its six fly-bys―which used the gravitational fields of the planets involved to counter that effect―Messenger could not have slowed sufficiently to allow it to drop into its intended orbit. Despite the difficulty of getting there, though, Mercury is a juicy target. Since the great reclassification of astronomical objects in 2006, which saw Pluto lose its planetary status, Mercury has been listed as the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the second densest, has the oldest planetary surface (parts of which seem to date back almost to the formation of the solar system, 4.5 billion years ago) and experiences the most dramatic daily temperature fluctuations. The mercury, as it were, can hit 400ºC when the sun is above the horizon, yet dips below -150ºC at night.

此行花了这么长的时间是因为探索太阳系内部是一件棘手的事。当航天器向太阳靠近时,重力使其加速。如果没有它的六次近水星飞行(利用能抵消这种影响的行星引力场),信使号就不可能放慢到足以使它落入到预定的轨道。不过撇开到达水星轨道的难度,水星却是一个多趣的目标。由于2006年对天体的重新大排位,冥王星失去了它的行星地位,水星就被列为太阳系中最小的行星。水星也是第二个密度最大的行星,拥有最古老的行星表面(部分表面似乎可以追溯到近乎于45亿年前太阳系的形成),经历着变化最急剧的日温度波动。可以说,水星在太阳位于地平线上时能达到400 º C,而在夜晚时则低于-150 º C。

Messenger has already revealed plenty of tantalising information. Mariner 10 managed to map about 45% of Mercury's surface as it sped past, but Messenger's three fly-bys have filled in the gaps, and there is now a virtually complete map of the place. The surface is a jumble of craters, plains and immense, cliff-like scarps that can be hundreds of kilometres long. Astrogeologists suspect these scarps may be analogous to the wrinkles on a raisin, having formed billions of years ago as the planet's surface cooled and shrank. 


Indeed, the more that is learnt about Mercury, the more intriguing it becomes. Its density is presumed to indicate a metallic core, probably made mostly of iron. No other explanation is plausible. That core, calculation suggests, takes up around 60% of the planet's volume, making it far larger than the cores of Venus, Earth and Mars, the solar system's other rocky planets. How this has come about is the subject of intense speculation, with three theories jostling for the top spot. Two of these theories hold that Mercury used to be much bigger. Either it was then hit by an asteroid which blasted much of its surface into space, or else the hot, young sun simply vaporised its outer layers. The third theory argues that drag in the dusty nebula from which the solar system formed would have herded the heavier, metal-rich bits of dust in that nebula into orbits close to the sun, and that Mercury eventually condensed from these. Each theory predicts a different mixture of surface rocks. Messenger's instruments should help settle the question and shed more light on the early history of the solar system.


There are other mysteries. Neither Mars nor Venus has a magnetic field like the Earth's, which is generated by currents in the planet's molten core. But Mercury does. This field was discovered by Mariner 10. That it was like the Earth's was confirmed in 2008 on one of Messenger's fly-bys. In orbit, the probe will be able to study the field in detail, which should reveal more about Mercury's structure and may suggest how the core has managed to remain molten over the billions of years since the tiny planet was formed. It will also follow up radar data from Earth-based telescopes, which suggest that there may be ice at the planet's poles, locked away from the scorching sun in the bottoms of ancient craters―as is also believed to be the case on the moon. 


A long to-do list, then. Yet all this attention serves only to show how hard exploring Mercury is. The moon, Mars, Venus, two asteroids and even one of the moons of Saturn have all received the attentions of landing craft. The surface of Mercury, too, was to have been visited in 2020, courtesy of a joint European and Japanese mission called BepiColombo. But that landing was cancelled in 2004, though two orbiters should still make the journey. So, despite all the fresh attention Messenger will give it, Mercury will remain the least-explored of the inner planets for some time yet. 


from the print edition | Science and Technology 

The birth of the New Deal

Triangle Shirtwaist

The birth of the New Deal

A blaze that galvanised the labour movement 

Mar 17th 2011 | NEW YORK | from the print edition

No way out for many

THE fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory on March 25th 1911 began just before the end of the working day; some of the workers had already put on their hats. Escape routes were limited. One of the doors was locked and the New York fire brigade's ladders only reached the sixth storey, 30 feet (9 metres) short of the burning floors. Half an hour after the alarm, the fire was mostly out, but 146 people were dead. Most were women, many were in their teens and almost all were Jewish or Italian immigrants. More than 50 burned to death on the factory floor, 19 fell into the lift-shaft, at least 20 died when the overburdened fire escape broke free of the building and 53 jumped or fell from the windows.

1911年3月25日,三角女式衬衫工厂发生火灾,当时还没到下班时间,有的工人已戴上帽子准备离开。因为逃生通道很少,其中一个上锁,纽约消防队的梯子只能够到6层,离火灾事故地还差30英尺(9米),所以警报后半小时,尽管火几乎扑灭,还是有146人丧生。大多数是妇女,许多还只是十几岁的女孩,他们几乎都是犹太人或意大利移民过来的。50多人在火灾现场活活烧死,19人丧生于紧急通道中,当时火势已蔓延整座大楼,53人不得不选择跳楼,至少 20人身亡。

Many of the horrified onlookers would have known that the Triangle had been part of a 20,000 strong citywide garment industry strike the previous year. New York's strikers wanted unionised workplaces, safer working conditions, better pay and shorter hours. But Triangle's owners would not allow the workers to unionise. The tragedy became a catalyst for a broad range of reforms. A state commission investigated the fire, but also took on issues such as low wages, long hours, child labour and safety. 


Within a few years the city and the state had adopted 36 new laws, the country's most comprehensive labour rules and public-safety codes. They served as a model for other states and the New Deal's labour legislation of the 1930s., later Franklin Roosevelt's labour secretary, was one of those who watched the fire. She later called March 25th 1911 the day the New Deal began. Before the fire, unions tended to tackle owners individually. Afterwards, they had the law on their side.

几年内,市政府和州政府相继出台了36部新法,堪称国内最综合的劳动法和公共安全法,并且还成为了其他州和30年代新政劳动立法的法律典范。Frances Perkins,后来是罗斯福劳动法秘书,因曾亲眼目睹那场大火,后来将1911年3月25日定为新政的起源日。事故发生前,工会通常和雇主单独交涉,事故后,法律也站在他们一边,增加了谈判的砝码。

Lee Adler, who teaches collective bargaining at Cornell University, sees parallels between the way the sweat-shop owners treated their workers and how a few governors in the Midwest are treating civil servants these days. The comparison is perhaps farfetched. But the anniversary does remind America why unions were needed. Last week 100,000 people protested against the governor of Wisconsin's assault on public-sector collective bargaining. A hundred years ago 400,000 attended the memorial service for those who died, in part, because they could not unionise.

Lee Adler,在康奈尔大学教劳资谈判,最近将血汗工厂主对待工人的态度与中西部地区的省长对待公务员的态度做了对比,尽管这种对比很牵强,但是这个周年纪念日的确提醒了美国为什么需要工会的存在。上周,100,000人抗议反对威斯康辛州州长取消州政府雇员集体谈判权的法案。100年前,400,000人参加追悼会,追悼那些为组成工会而献身的人


The cost of calamity

Economics focus


The cost of calamity


The economic impact of natural disasters is often short-lived. Will this be the case in Japan? 


Mar 17th 2011 | from the print edition 

THE full extent of the damage from the tsunami that hit Japan's north-eastern coast on March 11th is not yet known, but early estimates of the cost are big. Rebuilding homes, factories, roads and bridges could cost as much as $200 billion, some reckon. Quite apart from these direct costs, is the disaster likely to do lasting harm to Japan's economy?


Much will depend on the success of efforts to prevent a nuclear catastrophe. Assuming the situation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant stabilises, the contours of the economic impact of the tsunami itself can already be discerned. Natural disasters disrupt production, much as less destructive episodes of bad weather do. In Japan the interruption to electricity supply means that output has been affected even in areas the tsunami did not directly inundate. Toyota, for example, halted production because of problems with parts and supplies. Operations were suspended in six of Sony's factories, only one of which was flooded. 


But such disruption is unlikely to persist. On March 16th Toyota announced that it was restarting the production of spare parts. As with bad weather, disasters cause some output to be postponed rather than lost. When production resumes, it is likely to be at a faster clip than usual. Studies of the economic effects of past natural disasters, as well as Japan's own experience after the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, provide further reassurance. They suggest that the macroeconomic effects of the tsunami, though hardly negligible, will not be devastating and will not last very long.


How much a natural disaster reduces output over the medium term depends on a number of factors. Location matters: disasters that strike an industrial belt will be more economically crippling than ones that hit an area where little is produced; the economic effects of the tsunami would have been much worse if it had struck Japan's industrial heartland. And different kinds of natural disasters have different consequences for growth. In the medium term, not all effects are negative. A 2009 World Bank study found that by increasing soil fertility, a typical flood increases agricultural output in the year after it strikes (though output falls in the year it occurs). The benefits from higher agricultural production spill over to other sectors, and in developing countries where the farm sector is a bigger part of the economy this may be enough to lead to faster growth in manufacturing and services in subsequent years. 


Earthquakes, on the other hand, have small but consistently negative effects on economic growth. This is because earthquakes do not just shut production down for a while. They also destroy factories, roads, electricity lines and offices. This destruction does not directly reduce a country's GDP, which measures the value of the flow of goods and services that an economy produces. But it does affect an economy's underlying productive capacity. The Japanese tsunami fits this template.


As long as these assets remain out of commission, the output they would have produced is, in theory, lost. In practice, this negative effect can partly be made up by using plant and machinery in areas unaffected by the disaster. Most factories do not run at full steam all the time; output from plants that are still working can be increased to make up for lost production elsewhere. 


An analysis of the effect of the Kobe earthquake by George Horwich of Purdue University provides some reason to hope that this might happen in Japan. The quake ravaged many of the facilities of what was then the world's sixth-largest container port and the source of nearly 40% of Kobe's industrial output. Over 100,000 buildings were completely destroyed, and many more badly damaged; 300,000 people were rendered homeless; over 6,000 died. Yet despite this devastation in a big production centre, the local economy recovered very fast. Even though less than half the port facilities had been rebuilt by that stage, within a year import volumes through the port had recovered fully and export volumes were nearly back to where they would have been without the disaster. Less than 15 months after the earthquake, in March 1996, manufacturing activity in greater Kobe was at 98% of its projected pre-quake level. 

普渡大学的George Horwich就阪神大地震影响做出的分析报告为我们提供了一些希望日本也许能出现上述情况的理由。当时的地震蹂躏了当时被成为世界第六大集装箱码头――神户的许多设施及其近40%工业产品的原材料。超过10万幢建筑被完全破坏,还有很多受到严重破坏;30万人被迫流离失所;6000多人死亡。但是尽管这样的毁灭性破坏发生在生产中心地带,地方经济却恢复得非常快。一年以后,码头设施的重建才完成了不到一半,但神户的进口额已经完全恢复,出口额也几乎达到即使没有地震才会达到的水平。那次地震后不到15个月,1996年3月,神户的制造业发展已到达震前所定目标水平的98%。

Mr Horwich reckons that the likely reason for this rebound in output and economic activity, even as swathes of infrastructure still lay in ruins, is that output can be produced using different combinations of labour and capital. Although a disaster may destroy physical capital, things can be made using more labour or using it more intensively than before. In addition, rebuilding is easier than building up capital the first time around, because it mainly aims to replicate a pattern of investment rather than figure out what to invest in. And productivity growth may accelerate when new, and often superior, machinery is installed.


A glimmer, at least


Reconstruction itself, of course, also helps to offset the negative impact of a drop in output in the aftermath of a disaster. Business booms for builders and producers of capital goods. Disasters probably do not actually stimulate the economy because additional production in some sectors may be displacing spending elsewhere, though this is less of a worry in an economy with a lot of spare capacity. Certainly, the year of the Kobe quake was not a bad one for the Japanese economy, which grew by 1.9% in 1995 compared with 0.9% growth in 1994. 


There are grounds to hope, then, that this month's terrible events will not cause lasting damage to Japan's economy. But there are worries, too. The nuclear crisis adds greatly to uncertainty. Consumer and business confidence is fragile. With interest rates already at zero, policymakers have little wiggle room. Japan's manufacturing sector is running closer to full capacity now than in the mid-1990s, making it harder to make up for lost output. When disasters occur can matter as much to the economy as how bad they are. 
