Human evolution 人类进化 Why music? 音乐缘何而起? Dec 18th 2008 From The Economist print edition Biologists are addressing one of humanity's strangest attributes, its all-singing, all-dancing culture 生物学家正在对人类最怪异的特征――载歌载舞的文化――加以解释 "IF MUSIC be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it." And if not? Well, what exactly is it for? The production and consumption of music is a big part of the economy. The first use to which commercial recording, in the form of Edison's phonographs, was to bring music to the living rooms and picnic tables of those who could not afford to pay live musicians. Today, people are so surrounded by other people's music that they take it for granted, but as little as 100 years ago singsongs at home, the choir in the church and fiddlers in the pub were all that most people heard. "如果音乐是爱的食粮,奏下去,直到漫溢。"如果不是呢?究竟音乐是为了什么?音乐的生产和消费是经济的重要组成部分。以爱迪生的留声机形式首度出现的商业录音,就是为了将音乐带入那些请不起现场乐队的家庭,引入他们的客厅和野餐桌上。今天,人们已经被音乐层层包围,觉得不足为奇,但就在100年前,大部分人们听到的不过是家中的吟唱,教堂的唱诗和酒吧中的小提琴手。 Other appetites, too, have been sated even to excess by modern business. Food far beyond the simple needs of stomachs, and sex (or at least images of it) far beyond the needs of reproduction, bombard the modern man and woman, and are eagerly consumed. But these excesses are built on obvious appetites. What appetite drives the proliferation of music to the point where the average American teenager spends 1½-2½ hours a day―an eighth of his waking life―listening to it? 其他欲望也和音乐一样,在现代商业的作用下甚至发展到闲赘。食物远非仅仅填饱肚子,性(至少是与性有关的画面)远非仅为繁衍,它们都像炮弹一样轰炸着现代人的头脑,还十分畅销。不过这些过度消费建立于显而易见的欲望之上。是什么样的需求推动着音乐的繁荣,让美国青少年每天平均花1½-2½小时――即清醒时间的八分之一――洗耳恭听呢? Well, that fact―that he, or she, is a teenager―supports one hypothesis about the function of music. Around 40% of the lyrics of popular songs speak of romance, sexual relationships and sexual behaviour. The Shakespearean theory, that music is at least one of the foods of love, has a strong claim to be true. The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts. 受众是青少年这一事实,对音乐功能假说之一提供了支撑。约40%流行歌曲的作词都在讲述爱情,两性关系和性行为。莎翁曰,音乐至少为爱情食粮之一,很大程度上是正确的。歌手声音愈甜美,竖琴师弹奏越流畅,吸引的异性就越多。 A second idea that is widely touted is that music binds groups of people together. The resulting solidarity, its supporters suggest, might have helped bands of early humans to thrive at the expense of those that were less musical. 第二种广泛受到支持的说法是,音乐将人们联系到了一起。该理论的支持者认为,由此产生的团结可能帮助早期人群变得更加繁荣,音乐细胞不发达的群体则遭到淘汰。 Both of these ideas argue that musical ability evolved specifically―that it is, if you like, a virtual organ as precisely crafted to its purpose as the heart or the spleen. The third hypothesis, however, is that music is a cross between an accident and an invention. It is an accident because it is the consequence of abilities that evolved for other purposes. And it is an invention because, having thus come into existence, people have bent it to their will and made something they like from it. 这两种观点都认为,音乐能力是特别发展起来的――也可以说是一个假想中完全为某种功能而产生的器官,类似心脏或脾脏。第三种假设却认为,音乐是偶然和创造的交集。说它是偶然,因为音乐是本为他用的能力产生的结果。说是创造,因为音乐自产生以来,人们就将它按照自己的意愿塑造,并从中得到所爱。 She loves you 她爱你 Shakespeare's famous quote was, of course, based on commonplace observation. Singing, done well, is certainly sexy. But is its sexiness the reason it exists? Charles Darwin thought so. Twelve years after he published "On the Origin of Species", which described the idea of natural selection, a second book hit the presses. "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex" suggested that the need to find a mate being the pressing requirement that it is, a lot of the features of any given animal have come about not to aid its survival, but to aid its courtship. The most famous example is the tail of the peacock. But Darwin suggested human features, too, might be sexually selected in this way―and one of those he lit on was music. 莎翁名言当然基于日常观察。歌唱得好,固然性感。但性感是音乐存在的原因吗?查尔斯•达尔文认为如此。出版描述自然选择思想的《物种起源》十二载后,他的第二部书也付梓印刷。《人类的由来及性选择》称,寻求配偶的需求十分迫切,因此任意物种许多特征的存在并非为生存,而是为求偶。最著名的案例就是孔雀尾。但达尔文同时表示,人类特征可能也是由此方式进行的性选择――他阐述的其中一点就是音乐。 In this case, unlike that of natural selection, Darwin's thinking did not set the world alight. But his ideas were revived recently by Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary biologist who works at the University of New Mexico. Dr Miller starts with the observations that music is a human universal, that it is costly in terms of time and energy to produce, and that it is, at least in some sense, under genetic control. About 4% of the population has "amusia" of one sort or another, and at least some types of amusia are known to be heritable. Universality, costliness and genetic control all suggest that music has a clear function in survival or reproduction, and Dr Miller plumps for reproduction. 这一次,达尔文的观点并没有像自然选择学说一样,轰动世界。但他的观点最近被新墨西哥大学进化生物学家杰弗里•米勒恢复了生机。首先,米勒博士观察到:音乐在人类中普遍存在,生产过程消耗时间和精力,并且最起码在某些意义上受基因控制。约4%人口患有各种程度的"失歌症",并且我们已经知道至少某些失歌症具有遗传性。普遍性、消耗性和基因控制,这些都显示音乐在生存和繁衍方面具有明显作用,米勒博士认为这是出于繁衍之故。 One reason for believing this is that musical productivity―at least among the recording artists who have exploited the phonograph and its successors over the past hundred years or so―seems to match the course of an individual's reproductive life. In particular, Dr Miller studied jazz musicians. He found that their output rises rapidly after puberty, reaches its peak during young-adulthood, and then declines with age and the demands of parenthood. 该观点理由之一:音乐产量――至少在近百年来在利用留声机或留声机的升级产品留下录音的艺术家之中――似乎符合个人的生育期过程。米勒博士研究了爵士音乐家,发现他们的产量在青春期后迅速上升,青年时代达到顶峰,而后随年龄增长和照顾孩子的需要逐年下降。 As is often the case with this sort of observation, it sounds unremarkable; obvious, even. But uniquely human activities associated with survival―cooking, say―do not show this pattern. People continue to cook at about the same rate from the moment that they have mastered the art until the moment they die or are too decrepit to continue. Moreover, the anecdotal evidence linking music to sexual success is strong. Dr Miller often cites the example of Jimi Hendrix, who had sex with hundreds of groupies during his brief life and, though he was legally unmarried, maintained two long-term liaisons. The words of Robert Plant, the lead singer of Led Zeppelin, are also pertinent: "I was always on my way to love. Always. Whatever road I took, the car was heading for one of the greatest sexual encounters I've ever had." 在此种类型的观察中,这样的结论并不足为怪;甚至可以说显然。但人类特有的与生存相关的活动――如做饭――并未显示出这样的规律。人类从掌握做饭技巧的那一刻起,到死去或身体过于虚弱无法继续,做饭的频率都大致相同。而且,关于音乐和性成功的传闻也有很强的证据意义。米勒博士经常援引吉米•亨德里克斯的例子,他不长的一生中,和几百位歌迷发生过性关系,虽然从法律意义上讲他没有结婚,却保持了两段长期的感情。英国摇滚乐队雷德•泽培林主唱罗伯特•普兰特的唱词也非常贴切:"我总是在爱情的路上。总是在爱情的路上。不管我选择何种道路,车子总将开往我所经历的最美好的性爱。" Another reason to believe the food-of-love hypothesis is that music fulfils the main criterion of a sexually selected feature: it is an honest signal of underlying fitness. Just as unfit peacocks cannot grow splendid tails, so unfit people cannot sing well, dance well (for singing and dancing go together, as it were, like a horse and carriage) or play music well. All of these activities require physical fitness and dexterity. Composing music requires creativity and mental agility. Put all of these things together and you have a desirable mate. "爱情食粮"假说的另一个根据,是音乐满足性选择特点的主要标准:它是基本生存适合度的可靠信号。就好比不适合生存的孔雀不能长出美丽的雀尾,不适合生存的人类也不能唱出美妙的歌曲,跳起迷人的舞蹈(唱歌跳舞就好比马和马车一样紧密结合),抑或流畅演奏。这些活动都需要生理上的适宜和灵巧。作曲需要创造力和思维的敏捷。将这些联系起来,就是您理想中的配偶。 Improve your singing… 提高演唱能力 A third reason to believe it is that music, or something very like it, has evolved in other species, and seems to be sexually selected in those species, too. Just as the parallel evolution of mouse-like forms in marsupial and placental mammals speaks of similar ways of life, so the parallel evolution of song in birds, whales and gibbons, as well as humans, speaks of a similar underlying function. And females of these animals can be fussy listeners. It is known from several species of birds, for example, that females prefer more complex songs from their suitors, putting males under pressure to evolve the neurological apparatus to create and sing them. 第三点理由,音乐――或同音乐十分相似的事物――在其他物种中也有进化,并且在这些物种中似乎也是通过性选择。有袋和胎盘哺乳动物中与鼠类平行进化,表明它们的生活方式相似,因此鸟类、鲸类、猿类,以及人类间歌曲的平行进化,也说明了歌曲基本功能相同。上述动物的雌性都是非常挑剔的听众。从一些鸟类中我们得知,雌性喜欢听它们的追求者唱更为复杂的歌曲,雄性在这样的压力下就发展神经系统,进行创作和演唱。 And yet, and yet. Though Dr Miller's arguments are convincing, they do not feel like the whole story. A man does not have to be gay to enjoy the music of an all-male orchestra, even if he particularly appreciates the soprano who comes on to sing the solos. A woman, meanwhile, can enjoy the soprano even while appreciating the orchestra on more than one level. Something else besides sex seems to be going on. 不过呢,不过呢。纵使米勒博士的论据非常有说服性,却不能解释全部问题。不是男同性恋,也可以欣赏全男管弦乐队的音乐,即便他尤其欣赏的是上台独唱的女高音。女性也可以喜欢女高音,同时在不同程度上欣赏管弦乐队。除了性,似乎还有其他因素。 The second hypothesis for music's emergence is that it had a role not just in helping humans assess their mates, but also in binding bands of people together in the evolutionary past. Certainly, it sometimes plays that role today. It may be unfashionable in Britain to stand for the national anthem, but two minutes watching the Last Night of the Proms, an annual music festival, on television will serve to dispel any doubts about the ability of certain sorts of music to instil collective purpose in a group of individuals. In this case the cost in time and energy is assumed to be repaid in some way by the advantages of being part of a successful group. 音乐起源的第二种假说认为,音乐不仅帮助人类评价配偶,而且在人类进化过程中将大家联系在一起。当然,音乐今天也会体现这样的作用。在英国,听到国歌起立可能不那么入流,但看两分钟英国年度盛典"最后的舞会"电视节目,就不会怀疑,一些种类音乐能在一群个体中灌输集体精神。在这种情况下,我们认为,作为某成功团体一部分而产生的优越感,对时间和精力上的消耗以某种方式做出偿还。 The problem with this hypothesis is that it relies on people not cheating and taking the benefits without paying the costs. One way out of that dilemma is to invoke a phenomenon known to biologists as group selection. Biologically, this is a radical idea. It requires the benefits of solidarity to be so great that groups lacking them are often extinguished en bloc. Though theoretically possible, this is likely to be rare in practice. However, some researchers have suggested that the invention of weapons such as spears and bows and arrows made intertribal warfare among early humans so lethal that group selection did take over. It has been invoked, for example, to explain the contradictory manifestations of morality displayed in battle: tenderness towards one's own side; ruthlessness towards the enemy. In this context the martial appeal of some sorts of music might make sense. 这种假说的问题在于,它需要人们在不支付成本的条件下不作弊,不享受好处。解决方法之一就是构造生物学家所谓的群体选择现象。生物学上来说,这样的观念可谓激进。团结的优势需要非常强大,而没有团结精神的群体通常会整体消失。尽管理论上存在这样的可能性,实际却十分罕见。然而,已有科学家认为,诸如长矛、弓箭等武器的发明,使人类早期部落间战争具有很强的致命性,而确实产生过群体选择。这种观点已用来解释战争中道德上的矛盾:对自己人温和,对敌人无情。这样分析,某些音乐的武力感召可能不无道理。 ![]() Robin Dunbar of Oxford University does not go quite that far, but unlike Dr Miller he thinks that the origins of music need to be sought in social benefits of group living rather than the sexual benefits of seduction. He does not deny that music has gone on to be sexually selected (indeed, one of his students, Konstantinos Kaskatis, has shown that Dr Miller's observation about jazz musicians also applies to 19thcentury classical composers and contemporary pop singers). But he does not think it started that way. 牛津大学教授罗宾•邓巴还未深入到这般,但与米勒博士不同,他认为音乐的起源需要从群体生活的社会利益中探寻,而非吸引异性方面的两性利益。他并没否认音乐在性选择中发展(实际上他的一名学生康斯坦丁诺•卡斯卡迪斯已证明,米勒博士对于爵士音乐家的观察结果同样适用于19世纪的古典乐作曲家和当代的流行乐手)。但他并不认为音乐始于斯。 …and your grooming 注意仪容仪表 Much of Dr Dunbar's career has been devoted to trying to explain the development of sociality in primates. He believes that one of the things that binds groups of monkeys and apes together is grooming. On the face of it, grooming another animal is functional. It keeps the pelt clean and removes parasites. But it is an investment in someone else's well-being, not your own. Moreover, animals often seem to groom each other for far longer than is strictly necessary to keep their fur pristine. That time could, in principle, be used for something else. Social grooming, rather like sexual selection, is therefore a costly (and thus honest) signal. In this case though, that signal is of commitment to the group rather than reproductive prowess. 邓巴教授的职业生涯中,大部分时间都在努力对灵长类动物的交际发展做出解释。他认为,将猴群和猿群结合在一起的方式之一就是它们整理毛发的行为。表面看来,为其他动物整理毛发是有实际功用的:可以保持皮毛洁净,去除寄生虫。但这是对其他个体健康的投入,而非自身。何况动物为对方整理毛发的时间,比严格意义上保持皮毛洁净所需要长许多。这时间原则上说,可以用来做其他的事情。群体中毛发整理行为和性选择十分相似,是一种需要投入(因此可靠)的信号。然而在这一案例中,信号是对群体的忠诚,而无关生殖能力。 Dr Dunbar thinks language evolved to fill the role of grooming as human tribes grew too large for everyone to be able to groom everyone else. This is a controversial hypothesis, but it is certainly plausible. The evidence suggests, however, that the need for such "remote grooming" would arise when a group exceeds about 80 individuals, whereas human language really got going when group sizes had risen to around 140. His latest idea is that the gap was bridged by music, which may thus be seen as a precursor to language. 邓巴博士认为,随着人类群体愈发壮大,个体不能为其他所有个体梳理毛发,语言就发展起来填补空缺。这种假设很具争议,但的确有可能。证据显示,如若群体中个体数目超过80,就会产生"远程梳理"的需要,而人类语言是在个体数量发展到140时诞生。他最近提出,其间的沟壑由音乐填补――而音乐也可以看视为语言的先驱。 The costliness of music―and of the dancing associated with it―is not in doubt, so the idea has some merit. Moreover, the idea that language evolved from wordless singing is an old one. And, crucially, both singing and dancing tend to be group activities. That does not preclude their being sexual. Indeed, showing off to the opposite sex in groups is a strategy used by many animals (it is known as lekking). But it may also have the function of using up real physiological resources in a demonstration of group solidarity. 音乐――及其相联系的舞蹈――的消耗性质毋庸置疑,因此这样的观点不无道理。此外,语言发迹于无词歌唱,这样的理论早有提出。重要的一点是,歌唱和舞蹈是都群体活动。这并不能否认它们与性相关。实际上,向群体中异性炫耀是许多动物使用的策略(也就是所谓的求偶集会),但可能也用作通过消耗真正的生理资源,以显示群体团结。 By side-stepping the genocidal explanations that underlie the classical theory of group selection, Dr Dunbar thinks he has come up with an explanation that accounts for music's socially binding qualities without stretching the limits of evolutionary theory. Whether it will pass the mathematical scrutiny which showed that classical group selection needs genocide remains to be seen. But if music is functional, it may be that sexual selection and social selection have actually given each other a helping hand. 避开群体选择基础的经典理论――群族灭绝,邓巴教授认为自己发现了可以在进化理论内,对音乐的社会联系特点进行解释。这种说法是不是经得住数学的考验(数学研究显示经典群体选择需要群族灭绝),仍有待观察。但若音乐果真是一种工具,可能是性选择和社会选择相互作用的结果。 The third hypothesis, though, is that music is not functional, and also that Dr Dunbar has got things backwards. Music did not lead to language, language led to music in what has turned out to be a glorious accident―what Stephen Jay Gould called a spandrel, by analogy with the functionless spaces between the arches of cathedrals that artists then fill with paintings. This is what Steven Pinker, a language theorist at Harvard, thinks. He once described music as auditory cheesecake and suggested that if it vanished from the species little else would change. 第三种假设却认为,音乐并非功用性,邓巴教授对此也作出解释。音乐并非语言先驱,语言发展出音乐不过是个美丽的意外――斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德所谓的"拱肩",他将其比作教堂拱门的留白,被艺术家挂上画作。哈佛大学语言理论学家史蒂芬•平克亦认为如此。他曾经将音乐比作一个听觉芝士蛋糕,称如果蛋糕从同种之间消失,没什么会发生改变。 Dr Pinker's point is that, like real cheesecake, music sates an appetite that nature cannot. Human appetites for food evolved at a time when the sugar and fat which are the main ingredients of cheesecake were scarce. In the past, no one would ever have found enough of either of these energy-rich foods to become obese, so a strong desire to eat them evolved, together with little limit beyond a full stomach to stop people eating too much. So it is with music. A brain devoted to turning sound into meaning is tickled by an oversupply of tone, melody and rhythm. Singing is auditory masturbation to satisfy this craving. Playing musical instruments is auditory pornography. Both sate an appetite that is there beyond its strict biological need. 平克博士认为,音乐就好像真正的芝士蛋糕一样,满足了一种自然界无法满足的欲望。人们对食物的欲望在糖和脂肪匮乏的时代得以发展,而糖和脂肪正是芝士蛋糕的主要原料。过去,这两种高能量的食物稀少,没有人能因它们肥胖,所以食用的强烈欲望得以发展,而若非吃饱,也没有什么力量能阻止人们食用过量。音乐也是如此。如大脑全力将声音转化为意义,那么过量供给音调、旋律和节奏会让其感到愉悦。歌唱就是听觉自慰,用作满足这种渴望。演奏乐器就是听觉毛片。两者都满足严格意义上生理需求之外的欲望。 Of course, it is a little more complicated than that. People do not have to be taught to like cheesecake or sexy pictures (which, in a telling use of the language, are sometimes also referred to as "cheesecake"). They do, however, have to be taught music in a way that they do not have to be taught language. 当然不是这么简单。人们不需教育就喜欢芝士蛋糕或香艳图片(在英语中香艳图片有时也会被称为"芝士蛋糕")。音乐则与语言不同:语言无需刻意教授,而音乐需要专门学习。 Words and music 文字与音乐 Aniruddh Patel, of the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, compares music to writing, another widespread cultural phenomenon connected with language. True language―the spoken languages used by most people and the gestural languages used by the deaf―does not have to be taught in special classes. The whole of a baby's world is its classroom. It is true that parents make a special effort to talk to their children, but this is as instinctive as a young child's ability (lost in his early teens) to absorb the stuff and work out its rules without ever being told them explicitly. 圣地亚哥神经科学院教授阿尼鲁德•帕特尔将音乐与写作――另外一种和语言相关的文化现象――进行比对。真正的语言――大部分人使用的口语和聋哑人使用的手语――无需在特别的课堂中教授。婴儿的全部世界就是他的教室。没错,父母会努力教孩子说话,但是婴儿出于本能,就能在没有明确教导的情况下,吸收知识,总结规则(该能力在青少年时期消失)。 Learning to write, by contrast, is a long-winded struggle that many fail to master even if given the opportunity. Dyslexia, in other words, is common. Moreover, reading and writing must actively be taught, usually by specialists, and evidence for a youthful critical period when this is easier than otherwise is lacking. Both, however, transform an individual's perception of the world, and for this reason Dr Patel refers to them as "transformative technologies". 相反,写作学习就是长期的挣扎,很多人即便有此机会,也未必掌握技巧。换句话说,阅读障碍非常常见。更甚者,读写需要积极教导,通常需要专家,而且没有明确证据表明,年轻时有一段特别时期教授读写相对容易。读写都改变个人的世界观,因此帕特尔博士称之为"变革性技术"。 In difficulty of learning, music lies somewhere in between speaking and writing. Most people have some musical ability, but it varies far more than their ability to speak. Dr Patel sees this as evidence to support his idea that music is not an adaptation in the way that language is, but is, instead, a transformative technology. However, that observation also supports the idea that sexual selection is involved, since the whole point is that not everyone will be equally able to perform, or even to learn how to do so. 从学习难度上看,音乐在说话和写作的中间地带。大部分人都有些音乐能力,但这种能力比说话能力的不确定性要大得多。帕特尔博士认为这证明了自己的观点:音乐并非同语言一样,是一种适应能力,而是一种变革性技术。然而,这同样证明,性选择也在其中扮演了角色,因为音乐并非所有人都有相同的表演能力,甚至学习能力。 Do they know it's Christmas? 他们知道是圣诞节吗? What all of these hypotheses have in common is the ability of music to manipulate the emotions, and this is the most mysterious part of all. That some sounds lead to sadness and others to joy is the nub of all three hypotheses. The singing lover is not merely demonstrating his prowess; he also seeks to change his beloved's emotions. Partly, that is done by the song's words, but pure melody can also tug at the heartstrings. The chords of martial music stir different sentiments. A recital of the Monteverdi Vespers or a Vivaldi concerto in St Mark's cathedral in Venice, the building that inspired Gould to think of the non-role of spandrels, generates emotion pure and simple, disconnected from human striving. 这些假说的共通之处在于,都承认音乐驾驭情绪的能力,这最让人不解。某些声音会让人难过,有些会给人带来愉悦,在三个假说中都是要点。爱人歌唱,并非仅仅是表现自己的能力,同时也在试图改变所爱之人的情绪。这一部分是歌词的功效,但纯旋律也可以触动心弦。军乐可以激发不同的情感。在威尼斯圣马可大教堂中吟唱蒙特威尔第的晚祷,抑或维瓦尔第的协奏曲都能引发纯净而简单的情感,无关人类繁衍。而正是在圣马可大教堂,古尔德产生了拱肩无用的灵感。 This is an area that is only beginning to be investigated. Among the pioneers are Patrik Juslin, of Uppsala University, and Daniel Vastfjall, of Gothenburg University, both in Sweden. They believe they have identified six ways that music affects emotion, from triggering reflexes in the brain stem to triggering visual images in the cerebral cortex. 这个领域的研究刚刚开始。先驱者包括乌普萨拉大学的帕特里克•尤斯林和哥德堡大学的丹尼尔•法斯特加尔,两人都在瑞士。他们认为已经找到了音乐影响情感的六种方式,从初级的在脑干中引发反射,到高级的在大脑皮层中触发视觉图像。 Such a multiplicity of effects suggests music may be an emergent property of the brain, cobbled together from bits of pre-existing machinery and then, as it were, fine-tuned. So, ironically, everyone may be right―or, at least partly right. Dr Pinker may be right that music was originally an accident and Dr Patel may be right that it transforms people's perceptions of the world without necessarily being a proper biological phenomenon. But Dr Miller and Dr Dunbar may be right that even if it originally was an accident, it has subsequently been exploited by evolution and made functional. 影响的多元性显示,音乐可能是大脑的应变特性,是由预先存在的机制拼凑起来,而后经过调整。因此讽刺的是,可能大家都没错――至少部分正确。平克博士认为音乐最初是一种偶然或许没错,帕特尔博士认为音乐改变人们对世界的感知,却并不严格属于生理现象,也可能正确。但米勒和邓巴博士说,即便音乐最初是偶然,随后经过演变得以利用,并成为工具,也不无道理。 Part of that accident may be the fact that many natural sounds evoke emotion for perfectly good reasons (fear at the howl of a wolf, pleasure at the sound of gently running water, irritation and mother-love at the crying of a child). Sexually selected features commonly rely on such pre-existing perceptual biases. It is probably no coincidence, for instance, that peacocks' tails have eyespots; animal brains are good at recognising eyes because eyes are found only on other animals. It is pure speculation, but music may be built on emotions originally evolved to respond to important natural sounds, but which have blossomed a hundred-fold. 意外的发生,可能部分是因为许多大自然中的声音有充足理由激发情感(听到狼嚎的恐惧,听到温和流水声的愉悦,还有听到婴儿啼哭的愤怒和母性爱怜)。性选择的特征一般都基于这些预先存在的感知差别。孔雀尾巴上的眼状斑点,可能并非偶然:动物大脑善于识别眼睛,因为眼睛只有在其他动物身上才可见到。这仅仅是猜测,但很可能,音乐的情感基础起先是为对重要的自然声音做出回应,却得以长足发展。 The truth, of course, is that nobody yet knows why people respond to music. But, when the carol singers come calling, whether the emotion they induce is joy or pain, you may rest assured that science is trying to work out why. 当然事实上,目前无人知晓为什么人们会对音乐做出反应。颂歌歌手开始演唱时,不管他们是带着愉悦还是悲伤,您都大可放心,科学会努力给出一个答案。 from PRINT EDITION | Christmas Specials |
Why music?
Buying China Stocks Often Has 'Worse Odds Than Gambling'
Buying China Stocks Often Has 'Worse Odds Than Gambling'
Founder & Managing Director, China Market Research Group
"As the Chinese get richer," the private equity investor glowed, "this company is going to be the next Google."
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I was sitting in my office in Shanghai, while the investor rattled off about why he loved the company. It had 50 retail outlets and planned to open another 100. Moreover, its website had 10 million monthly hits.
The executive was ready to invest $50 million but at the last minute one of his partners wanted some due diligence first. This was why he was Skyping me from the U.S.. He had only been to China once, when the CEO of the target firm had wined and dined him, introduced him to some supposedly high-ranking government officials, and showed him a packed outlet.
Four weeks later, after traveling around the country, my team had only found a grand total of two of the target firm's outlets. At one, there were a couple of security guards sleeping at the front desk and not much else. At the other, an elderly lady sat idly, drinking tea out of a jar. The other 48 outlets? We couldn't find them. Calls to phone numbers went unanswered.
And those web hits? Not a single consumer we surveyed had ever heard of the store. Not one. Most surprisingly, while we were in the process of due diligence, the site switched from a social media site to a dating site to a portal for soccer fans.
It was obvious that the CEO of the target company was trying to mislead the private equity firm. He had gamed the system to make it look to's [AMZN Loading... () ] web traffic subsidiary, Alexa, touted that his portal got a lot of web traffic and spruced up an outlet to make it look packed.
Luckily for my client, he did his homework before committing the $50 million. But not everyone is this lucky. Despite the many horror stories investors run into in China, it still amazes me how little due diligence is actually done by people investing there.
If it can almost happen to professional private equity firms, it can happen to you. Even though I have been, and continue to be, one of the biggest China bulls for over a decade and a half, I recommend a healthy dose of caution for most everyday investors before buying Chinese stocks. In fact, they might be better off investing in companies like Apple [AAPL Loading... () ] or Yum! Brands [YUM Loading... ()
] that make money in China but whose numbers you can trust.
Unfortunately, fraud is commonplace there and the investment banks, law firms, and accounting firms that should be protecting you and doing due diligence aren't doing their jobs. Why not? Often they just want to get deals done to get their commissions and, frankly, often they are simply not up to the job. I've seen many non-Chinese speaking executives fly into China for for a few days to conduct due diligence and get hoodwinked.
What are some things to keep in mind before investing there?
First, be very careful of investing in any small-cap Chinese firms that go public in America by doing reverse mergers through which they buy shell companies in the U.S. and inject assets there. I would almost categorically stay away from those firms if you are an individual investor.
Why? Most good Chinese firms do not need to do reverse mergers to raise money. There is plenty of domestic and foreign private equity money in China. It is quite easy for well-run companies to raise money which begs the questions: why do these companies need to do a reverse merger to raise money? How good can a company be if no other Chinese or foreign investors want to put money in?
Second, many companies go public in the U.S. because they are not profitable and thus are not allowed to go public in China. Companies must be profitable for three full years there before they are allowed to go public on the Shanghai A-share market. Therefore, many Chinese firms going public in the U.S. are doing so simply because they aren't qualified to go public in China.
Think of recent companies like Youku [YOKU Loading... () ] , a Chinese Youtube-like site, and Dangdang [DANG Loading... ()
] , an online retailer, that both have billion-dollar market caps. Youku lost about $30 million last year and is forecast to lose more in 2011. Dandang only eked out $2.4 million in profit after eleven years of operations. 80 percent of its revenue comes from selling books that cost less than $3.
Of course, not all reverse mergers or Chinese firms listed in America are bad. Many, like Baidu [BIDU Loading... () ] or Ctrip [CTRP Loading... ()
] , are very well-run but everyday investors should still be careful. Valuations and volatility are high because hedge funds control large portions of the companies.
Investing in Chinese firms often has even worse odds than gambling. At least in gambling you know the odds - with many Chinese investments you not only have to deal with business and regulatory risk, but outright fraud.
You'd be better off taking your money to Macau or Las Vegas for a weekend at the tables.
China is the greatest growth story of the next decade, and a lot of money will be made there. However, only the cautious investor who does proper due diligence will make fortunes.
Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group ( a strategic market intelligence firm, and is based in Hong Kong. Follow him on Twitter at @shaunrein. He does not own stock in any of the companies mentioned.
- 2011年巴伦圆桌会议 注意了,个股投资者
- 2011-1-29 文章来源于《证券市场周刊》证券市场周刊订阅
- 美国私人住宅将持续去杠杆化,但公共房产领域将杠杆化,并将成为经济的支点之一。中国上调利率会引致美国市场的抛售。
【《证券市场周刊》记者 徐怡丹】巴伦圆桌会议的成员们近日在纽约的哈佛俱乐部召开了年度会议并预测:美国的结构性问题包括巨大的财政赤字以及延续财政赤字的政策,在不久以后会将国家带入毁灭的漩涡――当然之前发生的事可能是股市攀升另一个5%、10%甚至20%。因为短循环周期内的结构性力量,包括复苏的工业经济和上升的公司利润,将会在未来的一年或更长时间内影响股价的走势。
维特玛:美国经济正在扶摇直上。根据ISI Group的数据表明,州所得税和营业税收入都有所增加,表明人们找到了工作、开始花钱了。公司也又一次乐意花钱了,某些行业甚至在扩大生产力。但这并不意味着股票价格低廉,实际上股票已经上浮了一大截。现在的市场似乎完全反映了其价值,而且从现在开始的短期内可能会再上浮一点。
谢夫: 美国本土的制造业就业机会日益朝着僧多粥少的趋势发展。原因是在中国和印度制造东西比在美国本土要便宜得多。这是现实,不会改变了。
辛基: 过去7年中我的一半以上的资产都投资在了黄金上。机构的黄金持有率是如此之低,甚至不足1%。
辛基: 根据《投资者才华》和其他市场情绪指标,人们对股市有强烈的期许。但是黄金则不同,赫伯特黄金类投资情绪指数在下降。但是黄金股票的回暖已经处于酝酿阶段。去年,小型金矿股指数基金的成长是黄金矿业的两倍。矿业股票被低估了。
Is China's bubble close to popping?
A few hedge funds are betting that it is.
Is China's economy in a bubble that will burst soon? Some fund managers don't think that China's growth is sustainable and question whether growth numbers are even real.
Christopher Talbot Frank / Jaynes Gallery / / Newscom / File
By Rocky Vega, Guest blogger / January 21, 2011
Round and round China goes, and where she stops, no one knows… but, at least a few hedge funds are wagering that China's economy is in a bubble likely to pop soon. Fund managers, including Hugh Hendry at Eclectica Asset Management and Mark Hart of Corriente Advisors, are shorting the China boom. First, because they're skeptical of whether real growth numbers are real ― given that they are largely produced by the state ― and second, because they don't think its growth rate is sustainable, especially given multiple examples of investment misfires like Ordos Shi and the South China Mall.
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Rocky is publisher of The Daily Reckoning ( Previously, he was founding publisher of UrbanTurf and RFID Update, which he operated from Brazil, Chile, and Puerto Rico, and associate publisher of FierceFinance. He specialized in direct marketing at MBI, facilitated MIT Sloan School of Management programs, and has been featured on CBS.
Recent posts
For more details we turn to the Telegraph:
"…Mark Hart of Corriente Advisors, the American hedge fund manager who made millions of dollars predicting both the subprime crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, who started a fund based on the belief that rather than being the 'key engine for global growth', China is an 'enormous tail-risk'. There have been academics and analysts who have argued about the dangers of China's economy overheating for some time. But for many, the fact that hedge funds, particularly those with track records on previous crises, are launching specific funds is the sign that the bubble is close to bursting.
"One academic said: 'Economists have contrarian views all the time. But these hedge funds have their shirts on the line and do their analysis carefully. The flurry of "distress China" funds is a sign to sit up.' [...] The financiers are warning that rather than depending on China as the prop of the recovery plan, Britain needs to be braced for another shock.
"A recent study by Fitch concluded that if China's growth falls to 5pc this year rather than the expected 10pc, global commodity prices would plunge by as much as 20pc. China is the global price-setter for oil, coal and base metals. According to Corriente Advisors: 'We expect the economic fallout from a slowdown of China's unsustainable levels of credit and growth to be as extraordinary as China's economic outperformance over the past decade.'"
The case against China goes beyond development projects and infrastructure, to also include excess capacity in sectors ranging from residential real estate to bank credit to steel. The drama is bound to unfold as it will, but, with their shirts on the line, an increasing number of fund managers are betting big that the China story will eventually surprise to the downside. You can read more details in the Telegraph's coverage of how hedge funds are betting that China is a bubble that's close to bursting.
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Unloading the loaded
A special report on global leaders 全球领袖特别报道 Unloading the loaded(注1) 大宰有钱人 Catering to the whims of the rich is big business 迎合有钱人的突发奇想,是桩大买卖 Jan 20th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION ![]() Only the little people wear seatbelts 只有小人物才系安全带 THE seven-star Burj-al-Arab hotel in Dubai is not for those who like their elegance understated. The presidential suite is an explosion of gold, purple, marble and opulence. Some guests prefer it to the even more expensive royal suite (which is $18,000 a night), says a helpful member of staff, because the decor in the royal suite is even livelier. 迪拜七星级的帆船酒店,不是为喜欢低调的人准备的。它的总统套房金光灿灿、紫色斑斓、大理石装潢、富丽堂皇,视觉冲击力十足。一位乐于助人的员工称,某些客人更喜欢价格高达1.8万美元一晚的皇家套房,因为装修风格还要热烈明快。 When you are seriously rich it is hard to spend all your money, but some creative people will help you try. Quintessentially, a firm founded by Ben Elliot, a nephew of the Duchess of Cornwall(注2), specialises in giving the rich whatever they want, wherever they are. Some requests—tea with Britain’s queen, for example—can be a bit difficult, says Mr Elliot. But if a client needs a life-size edible cake costume for a birthday bash, or wants to fly along the Great Wall of China, his global network of fixers will fix it. 要是你非一般有钱,那么花光所有钱并非易事,但某些富于创造力的人会帮你一试。举个典型例子,康沃尔公爵夫人的外甥Ben Elliot创建了一家公司,专为有钱人提供服务,无论要啥,无论在哪。Elliot先生说,某些要求——比方与英国女王一起喝茶——可能有点难度。但若客人想要一个真人大小、服装模样、还可食用的生日聚会用蛋糕,或想要沿中国长城飞上一圈,他遍布全球的协调人网络,就会搞定。 The financial crisis hurt sales of luxury goods, which fell by 8% in 2009. But Bain, a consultancy, estimates that in 2010 they grew by 10% worldwide, and by an astounding 30% in China, where the boom barely faltered. In the West the rich have cut back on ostentatious baubles and instead gone for experiences, such as yoga retreats in India or personal coaches to teach them about Buddhism, says Milton Pedraza of the Luxury Institute, a consultancy. China’s new millionaires have no such qualms. One retailer there started selling Smart cars covered in Swarovski crystals last year. 2009年,受金融危机所累,奢侈品销售下跌8%。但咨询公司Bain估计,2010年全球奢侈品销售则上涨10%,中国更是达到惊人的30%,其涨势仅趔趄了一下。咨询公司Luxury Institute的Milton Pedraza说,在西方,富人减少了奢华饰品开支,转而追求个人体验,例如到印度练瑜伽度假,或雇私人教练教授自己佛教知识。中国新一代百万富翁,却没有这种困惑。当地一家零售商,去年开始卖裹满施华洛世奇水晶的智能轿车。 What the rich lack is time, says a former personal assistant to celebrities. They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen. Another popular time-saver is a medical concierge service. PinnacleCare, for example, will send a doctor “to your home, your office [or] your ski chalet”, says Bruce Spector, the founder. 一位曾为名人服务的私人秘书称,有钱人只缺时间。他们可能一时冲动,决定去泰国度周末,这位私人秘书就只好让美梦成真。而医疗礼宾服务,则是另一个受欢迎的省时办法。比如,PinnacleCare公司创始人Bruce Spector称,他们会送一位医生“到你的家、办公室甚或滑雪小屋”。 Rich people also want help with handling their money. Creating a fortune is often fun, but conserving it can be tedious, says Charles Lowenhaupt, an adviser to the wealthy. A family may have 100 members scattered over multiple jurisdictions and 150 trusts, making tax planning a trifle complex. 有钱人也需要人帮他们管钱。理财顾问Charles Lowenhaupt称,创造财富通常很爽,但省钱就乏味了。一个家族,成员可能达百人,分散在多个辖区,委托150个信托机构管钱,这让纳税计划有些复杂。 Yet the basic problems are the same everywhere. Mr Lowenhaupt recalls an acquaintance from China teaching him a Chinese saying, “rice paddy to rice paddy in three generations”. The acquaintance was surprised to learn that other cultures have similar proverbs. 然而,根本问题寰宇皆同。Lowenhaupt先生想起一位中国老相识教了他一句中国谚语:“富不过三代”。这人听说其他文化也有类似格言,很是惊讶。 注1:Unloading the loaded Unload有“卸货、卸船、摆脱负担、倾销”等意,而loaded既指“负载、负担”之意,在美国俚语中又指“阔绰的、富有的”,即the loaded = the rich。 考虑到Catering to the whims of the rich is big business.等句,表示现在许多公司专注向有钱人提供服务,比如文中提到的生日蛋糕,沿长城飞行,医疗礼宾服务等,满足他们的突发奇想,也就是向有钱人“倾销”商品;又从插图配文Only the little people wear seatbelts等句,表示这些公司正试图让有钱人“摆脱束缚”,解决时间不够、省钱太闷等麻烦,尽情花钱。 综上所述,标题一语双关,机巧有趣。故译为“挣脱束缚,尽情花吧” 注2:the Duchess of Cornwall 康沃尔公爵夫人,即查尔斯王子的夫人卡米拉 |
What Indians and Chinese make of their tycoons
Jan 20th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION
2011年1月20日 经济学人
Costly cars for comrades
A TINY tropical fish sits in a glass vase on each table in a restaurant in the lobby of the Oberoi Hotel. A bright red piano fills the air with music. The passion fruit soufflé with bitter chocolate pavé and goats' milk ice cream is delicious. The bill would ruin most Indians.
One day gunmen walked into the restaurant and shot diners and staff at close range, spattering blood over the walls. At least 175 people died in the attacks that began on November 26th 2008 in Mumbai. The terrorists appear to have chosen their targets precisely. A crowded station, to maximise the death toll. A small Jewish centre. And the poshest hotels in Mumbai―the Taj and the Oberoi―which were packed with the city's elite.
"Everyone in my social class lost friends," says Cyrus Guzder, the chairman of AFL, a logistics firm. "We all socialise at the Taj and the Oberoi. We've all been to weddings and parties here." He sits in a soft chair in a members-only club in the Oberoi as a waiter serves canapés. The club is quiet and uncrowded, a rare luxury in this heaving, bustling city of 14m.
欧贝罗伊酒店会员专享的俱乐部很安静,人不多。孟买有一千四百万人口,熙熙攘攘,热闹拥挤,在这城市这样的安静和宽敞非常难得和奢侈。印度物流公司AFL的董事长Cyrus Guzder坐在沙发椅子上,服务员送来冷盘,他说,"我这个社会阶层的人都(在这次袭击中)失去了朋友。我们的聚会交往多在泰姬玛哈和欧贝罗伊酒店,所有人都去这两家酒店参加过婚礼或别的宴会。"
India's movers and shakers all seem to know each other. The Indian elite have created their own islands, frowns a cabinet minister: "It's a bit unhealthy." They send their kids to private schools. They have their own water and electricity. So they barely notice how bad the government is at delivering power, water and schooling to the other 1.2 billion Indians.
Yet to many Indians the nation's tycoons are heroes. A few made their fortunes corruptly, but the software moguls of Bangalore created a huge export industry out of nothing, and many others helped to spur India's galloping growth. Ratan Tata, the soon-to-retire boss of a conglomerate that produces everything from tea to cars, lives modestly and treats his employees well. The brothers Anil and Mukesh Ambani are more controversial, but they have turned the family business into two global giants, with interests from chemicals to entertainment.
Some Indian gazillionaires are flashy. Mukesh Ambani's house has 27 stories, three helipads and three floors of hanging gardens. Vijay Mallya, a beer-and-airlines magnate, constantly amuses the newspaper-reading public with his speedboats and sports teams. But for most of the country's elite the most conspicuous item of consumption is sending their children to university in America.
In much of India, life is getting perceptibly better each year. Wealth per person has vaulted by 150% in the past decade, from $2,000 to $5,000. Many Indians think the nation's entrepreneurs deserve some of the credit. In Dharavi, a slum outside Mumbai, an illiterate mother called Aruna sits in her tiny one-room flat, which is home to ten people. Asked how she feels about the rich, she says: "They have worked hard. And we must work hard, too." Her eldest daughter has a job entering data at a bank. The next one is studying diligently. The family may be near the bottom of the ladder, but it sees a way up.
The party is watching you
The relationship between rich and poor in China is different. China's stellar growth has lifted some 500m people out of poverty. Much of the credit belongs to Chinese entrepreneurs. Since Mao's boot was lifted from their necks, they have built marvels, from the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the factories of Guangdong. Yet mainland Chinese business leaders operate in the shadow of a secretive and unaccountable ruling party. To get on, many join it. Some do so reluctantly, to avoid being crushed. Others do so gladly, hoping to use the power of the state to enrich themselves.
Individual party members are not entirely above the law. If a local bigwig behaves so appallingly that the resulting protests are heard in Beijing, the party may cut him down to size. In October last year the son of Li Gang, a senior police officer in Baoding, killed a pedestrian while allegedly drink-driving. He sped off, shouting, "report me if you dare; my dad is Li Gang!"
News of the incident went viral in the Chinese blogosphere. Pop songs with the refrain "My dad is Li Gang!" quickly circulated. Li Gang was forced to make a televised apology. His son was arrested. China's leaders would like the 95% of the population who are not members to think that the party cares. But the most revealing fact is that Mr Li junior evidently thought he could get away it.
The party's tentacles are everywhere. State-owned firms do its bidding. Private firms must avoid offending it. Projects it supports make rapid progress. For example, it wants China to dominate the market for green energy. So when the price of polycrystalline silicon (the main raw material for solar panels) shot up in 2007-08, a businessman, Zhu Gongshan, won swift approval to build a factory to make it, and China's sovereign-wealth fund invested $710m in his venture.
But since the party is accountable neither to voters nor to the law, there is little to prevent its bosses from abusing their power. The children of some of China's leaders have amassed huge fortunes in murky ways. Banks often lend to the well-connected instead of the creditworthy. Local leaders levy taxes that have no basis in law.
Because business and power are so entwined, even the most able businesspeople are treated with suspicion outside China. For example, Huawei, a maker of telecoms equipment, whose products are generally considered excellent, nevertheless has trouble doing business in America because its founder, Ren Zhengfei, is a retired army officer. Some American congressmen assume that Huawei is a front for the People's Liberation Army. They fear that if the firm is allowed to supply sensitive communications infrastructure, it might bug it so that China's spies can listen in. There is no evidence to support this idea, but no way to investigate it either: Huawei's ownership structure is opaque.
The perception that commercial success often depends on political ties makes inequality in China more galling. In the mid-1980s Chinese incomes were more evenly distributed than India's―hardly surprising, since China was nominally communist and India is afflicted by a caste system. But now China is less equal than India, with a Gini coefficient of 0.4 to India's 0.37. China has 800,000 dollar millionaires, but also 400m people who live on less than $2 a day.
The disparity between rural and urban incomes is also vast. City-dwellers make two-and-a-half times as much as rural Chinese―the widest such gap in any big country. This is partly because of a system of residence permits, called hukou, that resembles the pass system in South Africa under apartheid. People with a city hukou can live and work there freely. Those with a rural hukou can come to a city only as guest workers. Some 150m rural Chinese work in cities without the right to live there, in effect making them foreigners in their own country. They often cannot use public schools and clinics, and they are barred from public housing. Peasants who protest can be deported back to the countryside.
The government has promised to liberalise the hukou system, but cities can still exclude anyone they like, and often do. Real freedom of movement would prompt 250m peasants to move to the cities, predicts Yukon Huang, a former head of the World Bank's office in China. City folk don't want that. The incomers might clog their schools, build slums on their doorstep or compete with them for jobs.
Or for women. Guy Sorman, the author of a sceptical book about China, "The Empire of Lies", describes a rule in Shanghai that allows a local man to obtain a hukou for his wife from outside after 15 years of marriage, but makes no provision for a Shanghai woman to marry someone from elsewhere. Asked why not, the mayor's office told Mr Sorman it was unthinkable that a Shanghai woman would marry a "foreigner".
中国对女性也不公平。索尔孟(Guy Sorman)写了一本关于中国的书《谎言帝国》,书中讲道上海市有一项规定本地男性如果与外地女性结婚,婚后十五年可以为妻子申请上海户口,可是却没有上海女性与外地男性结婚为丈夫申请户口的条例,索尔孟问市长办公室的人为什么,得到的回答却是,"上海女人会和外地人结婚,不可想象。"
The hukou system was designed to help the party control the people. But by creating two Chinas, it is building up tensions that one day could explode.
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A spark of genius
Einstein and car batteries 爱因斯坦和汽车电池 A spark of genius 天才的灵光 Without the magic of relativity, a car's starter motor would not turn 要不是相对论的魔力,汽车的发动马达就转不起来 Jan 13th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION ![]() ALBERT EINSTEIN never learned to drive. He thought it too complicated and in any case he preferred walking. What he did not know―indeed, what no one knew until now―is that most cars would not work without the intervention of one of his most famous discoveries, the special theory of relativity. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦从没去学开车。他觉得开车太复杂,再者,他更喜欢走路。而他不知道的――也是直到现在人们才知道的是――没有他的伟大发现之一,即狭义相对论,大多数汽车不可能发动起来。 Special relativity deals with physical extremes. It governs the behaviour of subatomic particles zipping around powerful accelerators at close to the speed of light and its equations foresaw the conversion of mass into energy in nuclear bombs. A paper in Physical Review Letters, however, reports a more prosaic application. According to the calculations of Pekka Pyykko of the University of Helsinki and his colleagues, the familiar lead-acid battery that sits under a car's bonnet and provides the oomph to get the engine turning owes its ability to do so to special relativity. 狭义相对论同物理极限相关。该理论掌握了亚原子粒子在强大的加速器的作用下可以达到接近光速的速度这一表现行为。相对论的公式也预见了核弹中质(量)能(量)转换的现象。然而,一篇发表在物理评论快报上的文章,讲述了狭义相对论更为一般的应用。根据赫尔辛基大学的Pekka Pyykko和他同事们的计算,我们所熟悉的在汽车发动机罩下,给汽车引擎发动提供能量的铅酸电池,它之所以有这样的能力都归功于狭义相对论。 Relative values 相对的价值 The lead-acid battery is one of the triumphs of 19th-century technology. It was invented in 1860 and is still going strong. Superficially, its mechanism is well understood. Indeed, it is the stuff of high-school chemistry books. But Dr Pyykko realised that there was a problem. In his view, when you dug deeply enough into the battery's physical chemistry, that chemistry did not explain how it worked. 铅酸电池是19世纪技术发展的产物之一。它于1860年发明,迄今为止仍然具有很强的实用性。表面上,其机制为人熟知这些都是高中化学课本上的东西。但Pyykko博士发觉了哪里不对劲。在他看来,越是深入研究电池的物理化学特性,这些化学特性反而越不能解释电池到底是怎么工作的。 A lead-acid battery is a collection of cells, each of which contains two electrodes immersed in a strong solution of sulphuric acid. One of the electrodes is composed of metallic lead, the other of porous lead dioxide. In the parlance of chemists, metallic lead is electropositive. This means that when it reacts with the acid, it tends to lose some of its electrons. Lead dioxide, on the other hand, is highly electronegative, preferring to absorb electrons in chemical reactions. If a conductive wire is run between the two, electrons released by the lead will run through it towards the lead dioxide, generating an electrical current as they do so. The bigger the difference in the electropositivity and electronegativity of the materials that make up a battery's electrodes, the bigger the voltage it can deliver. In the case of lead and lead dioxide, this potential difference is just over two volts per cell. 铅酸电池是电池单元构成的集合,其中每个电池都有两个电极,浸泡在硫酸溶液的电解液里。金属铅充当一处电极,另一处电极是多孔二氧化铅。化学家认为,金属铅是电正性物质。这表明,当铅和酸发生反应时,它很可能失去一些电子。而另一方面,二氧化铅是电负性物质,在化学反应中更喜欢吸收电子。如果把一根导电金属丝放在金属铅和二氧化铅之间,铅释放的电子会经金属丝传递到二氧化铅,这个过程会产生电流。组成电池两级的物质的正负电荷差越大,他们发生化学反应时产生的电伏数越大。以铅和二氧化铅为例的电池,每节电池的电位差可产生2伏电压。 That much has been known since the lead-acid battery was invented. However, although the properties of these basic chemical reactions have been measured and understood to the nth degree, no one has been able to show from first principles exactly why lead and lead dioxide tend to be so electropositive and electronegative. This is a particular mystery because tin, which shares many of the features of lead, makes lousy batteries. Metallic tin is not electropositive enough compared with the electronegativity of its oxide to deliver a useful potential difference. 自铅酸电池发明以来,上述的理论就已为人熟知。然而,尽管很大程度上我们都掌握和了解这些基础化学反应,却没有人能够真正说明最根本的原理――为什么铅和二氧化铅带有这般的电正性和电负性呢?这一点显得颇为神秘,因为和铅特性差不大多的锡,无法用来做电池。比起铅来,金属锡的电正性没有二氧化锡的电负性强,所以无法产生可用的电位差。 This is partly explained because the bigger an atom is, the more weakly its outer electrons are bound to it (and hence the further those electrons are from the nucleus). In all groups of chemically similar elements the heaviest are the most electropositive. However, this is not enough to account for the difference between lead and tin. To put it bluntly, classical chemical theory predicts that cars should not start in the morning. 原子越大,其外层电子受原子束缚力越弱,这是解释铅和锡两者差别的一部分原因。在化学性质相似的同族元素中,质量越重带的正电越强。然而这依然不能充分说明铅和锡的差别。直截了当地说, 古典化学理论预言了早上(要离家上班)汽车是发不动的。 Which is where Einstein comes in. For, according to Dr Pyykko's calculations, relativity explains why tin batteries do not work, but lead ones do. 那爱因斯坦怎么被扯进来了,根据Pyykko博士的计算,相对论解释了为什么铅可以用来做电池,而锡不可以。 His chain of reasoning goes like this. Lead, being heavier than tin, has more protons in its nucleus (82, against tin's 50). That means its nucleus has a stronger positive charge and that, in turn, means the electrons orbiting the nucleus are more attracted to it and travel faster, at roughly 60% of the speed of light, compared with 35% for the electrons orbiting a tin atom. As the one Einsteinian equation everybody can quote, E=mc2, predicts, the kinetic energy of this extra velocity (ie, a higher E) makes lead's electrons more massive than tin's (increasing m)―and heavy electrons tend to fall in and circle the nucleus in more tightly bound orbitals. 他一连串的理由是这样解释的。铅比锡重,核子里的质子数更多(82比50)。这表明原子核的正电更强,同理表明更容易吸引绕着原子核的电子,电子传播的速度也更快,其速度是光速的60%,相比之下,绕着锡原子的电子速度只能达到光速的35%。人人都会引用的爱因斯坦相对论公式:E=mc2,公式表明这一额外速度(即更高的能量)产生的动能使得铅的电子比锡的更重(不断增加的质量)――而重的电子往往会下落,围着结合更紧密的原子核轨道绕行。 That has the effect of making metallic lead less electropositive (ie, more electronegative) than classical theory indicates it should be―which would tend to make the battery worse. But this tendency is more than counterbalanced by an increase in the electronegativity of lead dioxide. In this compound, the tightly bound orbitals act like wells into which free electrons can fall, allowing the material to capture them more easily. That makes lead dioxide much more electronegative than classical theory would predict. 产生的结果是,金属铅的电正性没有古典化学理论认为的那么强(或者说,更为电负性)――看起来似乎铅不适合用来做电池。但是, 二氧化铅电负性的增加不但全部抵消了这个趋势还有剩余。在这个混合物里,结合紧密的轨道就像一口井,自由电子落入其中,使得物质更容易捕获电子。二氧化铅的电负性其实比古典化学理论认为的要更强。 And so it turned out. Dr Pyykko and his colleagues made two versions of a computer model of how lead-acid batteries work. One incorporated their newly hypothesised relativistic effects while the other did not. The relativistic simulations predicted the voltages measured in real lead-acid batteries with great precision. When relativity was excluded, roughly 80% of that voltage disappeared. 然后他们得出了结论。Pyykko博士和他的同事们作了两个版本的电脑模型,来观察铅酸电池是怎么工作的。其中一个模型结合使用了相对论效应的新假设,另一个没有用。相对论模拟模型预测的铅酸电池产生的电压相当精确。而那个不用相对论的模型大约80%的电伏都没有计算到。 That is an extraordinary finding, and it prompts the question of whether previously unsuspected battery materials might be lurking at the heavier end of the periodic table. Ironically, today's most fashionable battery material, lithium, is the third-lightest element in that table―and therefore one for which no such relativistic effects can be expected. And lead is about as heavy as it gets before elements become routinely radioactive and thus inappropriate for all but specialised applications. Still, the search for better batteries is an endless one, and Dr Pyykko's discovery might prompt some new thinking about what is possible in this and other areas of heavy-element chemistry. 这是个非同凡响的发现,这个发现也提出了一个问题。是否还有以前没想到的,潜伏在元素周期表末端的电池材料?讽刺的是,现在最时髦的电池材料,锂,是周期表中第三轻的元素――如果用相对论效应是料不到它可以用来做电池。铅是周期表中放射性元素之前最重的元素,因此除了用于专门应用外不适用于他处。而有关更好的电池材料的研究是没有止境的,Pyykko博士的发现也许给我们提供了一些新的思考方向――化学重金属在电池和其他地方还有什么作为? from PRINT EDITION | Science and Technology |