Military strategy军事策略
Cry havoc! And let slip the maths of war
Warfare seems to obey mathematical rules. Whether soldiers can make use of that fact remains to be seen
Mar 31st 2011 | from the print edition
IN 1948 Lewis Fry Richardson, a British scientist, published what was probably the first rigorous analysis of the statistics of war. Richardson had spent seven years gathering data on the wars waged in the century or so prior to his study. There were almost 300 of them. The list runs from conflicts that claimed a thousand or so lives to the devastation of the two world wars. But when he plotted his results, he found that these diverse events fell into a regular pattern. It was as if the chaos of war seemed to comply with some hitherto unknown law of nature.
1948年,英国科学家刘易斯•弗赖伊•理查森(Lewis Fry Richardson)公布了当时也许是第一份精确分析战争数据的报道。理查森曾花费了七年时间研究了本世纪发生的以及在他做研究时间之前的战争数据。总共约有300组数据。数据所涉及的范围从伤亡一千人左右的战争到两次世界大战。但是,在他公布了结果后,他发现,这些不同的事件有一个规律。在这些看似繁杂无序的战争背后都体现了一个迄今都不清楚的自然规律。
At first glance the pattern seems obvious. Richardson found that wars with low death tolls far outnumber high-fatality conflicts. But that obvious observation conceals a precise mathematical description: the link between the severity and frequency of conflicts follows a smooth curve, known as a power law. One consequence is that extreme events such as the world wars do not appear to be anomalies. They are simply what should be expected to occur occasionally, given the frequency with which conflicts take place.
The results have fascinated mathematicians and military strategists ever since. They have also been replicated many times. But they have not had much impact on the conduct of actual wars. As a result, there is a certain "so what" quality to Richardson's results. It is one thing to show that a pattern exists, another to do something useful with it.
In a paper currently under review at Science, however, Neil Johnson of the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, and his colleagues hint at what that something useful might be. Dr Johnson's team is one of several groups who, in previous papers, have shown that Richardson's power law also applies to attacks by terrorists and insurgents. They and others have broadened Richardson's scope of inquiry to include the timing of attacks, as well as the severity. This prepared the ground for the new paper, which outlines a method for forecasting the evolution of conflicts.
不过,目前在《科学》的一个评论文章中,佛罗里达州迈阿密大学珊瑚岛校区的尼尔•约翰逊(Neil Johnson)和他的同事暗示那里面也许会有某些有用的东西。约翰逊博士的团队在以前的论文中已经表明,理查森的幂法则可以用于分析恐怖分子和叛乱分子的袭击。他们和其他的一些团队已经扩展了理查森看问题思路的广度,包括对付一些预谋好的严重袭击事件。这就为新的论文准备了思路:分析恐怖袭击的时间和规模大小。
Progress, of a sort
Dr Johnson's proposal rests on a pattern he and his team found in data on insurgent attacks against American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. After the initial attacks in any given province, subsequent fatal incidents become more and more frequent. The intriguing point is that it is possible, using a formula Dr Johnson has derived, to predict the details of this pattern from the interval between the first two attacks.
The formula in question (Tn = T1n-b) is one of a familiar type, known as a progress curve, that describes how productivity improves in a range of human activities from manufacturing to cancer surgery. Tn is the number of days between the nth attack and its successor. (T1 is therefore the number of days between the first and second attacks.) The other element of the equation, b, turns out to be directly related to T1. It is calculated from the relationship between the logarithms of the attack number, n, and the attack interval, Tn. The upshot is that knowing T1 should be enough to predict the future course of a local insurgency. Conversely, changing b would change both T1 and Tn, and thus change that future course.
这个还在讨论中的公式(Tn = T1n-b)是一种比较熟悉的公式类型,经常作为一个进度曲线,它主要用来描述人类在各种活动中生产力提高的现象,涉及范围从制造业到癌症手术。Tn表示在第N次与第N+1次袭击之间的天数(T1 因此就是第1次和第2次袭击的间隔天数)。这个公式的其他因子b是一个直接与T1有关的量。它是用来估计袭击次数n和袭击间隔时间Tn的一个对数。这样的话,知道T1的值就足以预测未来当地武装袭击事件了。相反,如果改变b的话,就会改变T1和Tn,这样就会改变未来的事情发展。
Though the fit between the data and the prediction is not perfect (an example is illustrated right), the match is close enough that Dr Johnson thinks he is onto something. Progress curves are a consequence of people adapting to circumstances and learning to do things better. And warfare is just as capable of productivity improvements as any other activity.
The twist in warfare is that two antagonistic groups of people are doing the adapting. Borrowing a term used by evolutionary biologists (who, in turn, stole it from Lewis Carroll's book, "Through the Looking-Glass"), Dr Johnson likens what is going on to the mad dash made by Alice and the Red Queen, after which they find themselves exactly where they started.
In biology, the Red Queen hypothesis is that predators and prey (or, more often, parasites and hosts) are in a constant competition that leads to stasis, as each adaptation by one is countered by an adaptation by the other. In the case Dr Johnson is examining the co-evolution[3] is between the insurgents and the occupiers, each constantly adjusting to each other's tactics. The data come from 23 different provinces, each of which is, in effect, a separate theatre of war. In each case, the gap between fatal attacks shrinks, more or less according to Dr Johnson's model. Eventually, an equilibrium is reached, and the intervals become fairly regular.
The mathematics do not reveal anything about what the adaptations made by each side actually are, beyond the obvious observation that practice makes perfect. Nor do they illuminate why the value of b varies so much from place to place. Dr Johnson has already ruled out geography, density of displaced people, the identity of local warlords and even poppy production. If he does find the crucial link, though, military strategists will be all over him. But then such knowledge might perhaps be countered by the other side, in yet another lap of the Red Queen race[4].
[1] 刘易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll),原名查尔斯•路德维希•道奇逊,与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。原名查尔斯•路德维希•道奇逊。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达30年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》于1865年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动,1871年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》,更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。